The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1371 Don't have any plans

Chapter 1371 Don't have any plans

No one even went to reclaim the land for farming. It was a truly primitive place.

These days, it is really difficult to find such a place in the city.

All cities are developing rapidly, expanding the scope of human activities to the surrounding area, causing more and more damage to the natural world, but human power is limited after all, it seems that we must go to the Amazon in South America In the primeval jungle, no matter how many people go there, there is no way to fully develop the entire Amazon jungle.

The same is true when switching to a place with a large land, abundant resources and a large population.

No matter how many people there are, there will always be some fixed gathering places, and there will always be some places that are inaccessible.

This large dense forest to the east of Tangwang Village is such a place. It is inaccessible and undeveloped. It can be said that the changes in the development of human society have not yet extended here.

But in the opinion of the great elder, some situations are completely different.

It's not that they don't want to develop this place, but that a special magnetic field has been formed here, making everyone consciously ignore it.

This is nature, a kind of protection for the self, a protection for the key position of the self.

In other words, it's not that no one doesn't want to develop this place, but that after everyone comes here, they will completely ignore this place for various reasons.

If it's a bit mysterious, it's the arrangement of God, but if it's a bit scientific, it's the natural magnetic force.

Anyway, in the eyes of the Great Elder, this place is the real geomantic treasure!
"Shuangfeng Chaoyang!"

The Great Elder muttered these four words to himself, and the whole person was beyond shocked.

It is said in Feng Shui.

Set any point in the world as the center to form all directions, and the power of four images can appear.

East Qinglong, South Suzaku, West White Tiger, North Xuanwu.

Qinglong enters the sea, the main wealth and auxiliary power.

Suzaku Yanhuo, main name, auxiliary life.

The white tiger breaks the army, has sovereignty, and assists wealth.

Xuanwu sets the trend, the main longevity, and the auxiliary name.

Wealth, power, fame, and longevity are four things that no one in the world can refuse.

And the so-called Shuangfeng Chaoyang is actually a way of saying that the place completely occupied two of the fortunes.

This requires an explanation. Taoism says that one life is two, two is three, and three is all things.

Qianlong is one in the sky, that is, there is only one kind of luck.

Shuangfeng Chaoyang is two, and there are two fortunes.

There are three kinds of fortunes when the three legs stand together.

Everything is back to the clan, that is, everything is there.

Generally, it is rare to see a place with only one fortune, not to mention two major fortunes here.

The Great Elder didn't even have time to carefully look at the two kinds of fortunes, and he didn't even bother to say anything more to Old Man Wang, so he turned around and left.

Old man Wang was dumbfounded.

He didn't even finish his sentence, why did he run away?
Old man Wang wanted to chase after him at that time, and said a few more words, but before he really ran a few steps forward, there were shouts from behind.

"Uncle Wang, stop running around, go and see your son, he's almost gone!"

Hearing this, the old man Wang was so frightened that he ran out of his wits. He didn't care about talking about geomantic omens, he just wanted to know what happened to his son.

A group of people led the old man Wang to run out of the village, and on the other side, the great elder ran towards the village.

In fact, old man Wang didn't know what kind of shock he had done to Mr. Zhang's heart, and what kind of unimaginable follow-up impact it would have on what might happen next.

The elder rushed all the way back to the residence, saw Shen Qingwu who was still cooking, and waved her hand to signal her to go out. It was also the moment Qingwu left the room, a figure flickered at the window, and he walked into the room alone.

The Great Elder bowed slightly and arched his hands in a bow.

"See Your Majesty."

After all, the king was still very worried about Li Xiao.

After all, it was she who knew that Li Xiao's life might be in danger the last time under the deduction of the great elder. At the critical moment, she felt that even if she was a second late, she might not be able to successfully rescue Li Xiao.

Later, it was the Great Elder who made some arrangements so that without Zhanhun's knowledge, he took Li Xiao and left the hospital early, so that everyone was safe.

Even though he knew that under such circumstances, it was impossible for Li Xiao to be in real danger of his life.

But this time, the danger to her life was completely out of the plan, and something really went wrong, which would ruin all her future plans and plans, and start all over again.

This is not the result the king wants to see.

And even after returning to Qinghe, it is relatively safe here, but the king is still worried, and stays around here all the time, just to ensure Li Xiao's safety.

At this moment, the king looked at the elder, and slowly asked: "Elder, I heard what you said to the old man just now, what did you find?"

"The Land of Two Phoenixes and Rising Sun is definitely here, but it's not convenient for me to say anything when I'm outside. The old man must have noticed my differences, so he said so many things to me. . On the surface, he was just chatting, but in fact he had ulterior motives. I just saw that he had done us a favor and allowed me to fully see where the causal line came from, so I didn’t really do anything to him. But his Such a wrong idea, if put into action, will harm others and himself sooner or later, and maybe he has already harmed himself."

The words spoken by the Great Elder make people feel cloudy and foggy.

However, the king didn't feel much about it, he just turned his head and looked out of the window silently. In the direction that the old man Wang pointed just now, he asked slowly: "If it is really sure that it is Shuangfeng Chaoyang, then is it The twin phoenixes produced by Li Xiao?"

"My lord, this may not be the case. Although Shuangfeng Zhaoyang is a rare geomantic treasure, there have been many places throughout history. Although the geomantic conditions here match Li Xiao's body, there are still The causal line keeps connecting you and Li Xiao, but it is not sure whether this is the place where Qingluan Huofeng is? If not, at most it is to strengthen the causal connection between you and Li Xiao, or to strengthen the causal relationship between you and Li Xiao. Take a look at the causal connection between him and Ning Xiaoxi, and change the current state of indifference. If it is really confirmed that he is the enemy of Qingluan Huofeng, then it is not suitable for the king to bring him in now, because Li Xiao I have not experienced nine life and death disasters, and now I have only reached the third time, and we still need to wait for a longer time."

As I said a long time ago, King Zhaoyang actually had other plans when facing Li Xiao, it was not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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