The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1369 Metaphysics

Chapter 1369 Metaphysics
Moreover, Old Man Li's pioneering appearance and occasional words he said made people feel that the other person was like an outsider. In addition, Old Man Wang was full of admiration for Old Man Li.

Therefore, if you dare not say it to others, you can only say it to the Great Elder, and you will be happy in your heart.

"Brother Li, this is just meeting you, what should I do if you help me plan this matter? Do you know why I care about the relocation of our Tangwang Village? In fact, where does this person live alive? It’s all right? But if it’s the place where you live after you die, then you really have to be particular about it. Let alone the ancestral tomb in our Tanwang Village, it’s a feng shui that can’t be found for thousands of years Treasure land, that place is good, only those who were buried in that place, among the descendants of later generations, there will be emperors."

The Great Elder acted like he was listening attentively, but in fact, he didn't care much about what Old Man Wang said in his heart.

As a master of metaphysics, she can even be called No. 1 in metaphysics today. Could it be that she can tell the treasure of Feng Shui at a glance?

If it is said that the place behind Tangwang Village where the ancestral graves are located can bring some glory and wealth to future generations, it is true, but it is absolutely impossible to say that that place can bring the appearance of an emperor.

But who could have imagined what Old Man Wang said next, it was impossible for the First Elder to ignore what he said.

"Brother Li, don't believe me when I say this. It was only at this time that I dared to say it. Let's put it aside. If I want to say a few more words, people may have to treat them as bad guys. Got caught. Anyway, this is going to be moved away, don’t say it in vain, don’t say it, a lot of things that are simmering in my heart, now I’ve said it, and I will listen to who I love in the future, anyway, it has nothing to do with me.”

The Great Elder smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will listen to what you said!"

"Speaking of things, it started more than 40 years ago. It was a special era 40 years ago. At that time, I was only in my early 20s, and there were many elders in my family..."

As soon as Old Man Wang opened his mouth, he mentioned his third uncle.

This person likes to drink a little wine, and tells others the legends and histories passed down from generation to generation in their Tangwang Village as stories.

Who knew that he would say what he said, but let others listen to him and deliberately deal with him.

In this way, Old Man Wang's third uncle, after telling the story casually, has never been seen again, probably taken away by the red team.

And Old Man Wang has never dared to tell anyone what he knew in his heart.

Today, there is none anyway, so what can I say?

"Brother, your brother, let me tell you the truth. The place where the ancestral grave behind Tangwang Village is located was buried before. The ancestor of your old Li family, Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, can actually be the emperor. It’s because he moved the ancestral grave to our place.”

After hearing this, the great elder completely lost the contented expression he had before.

Standing up suddenly, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the ancestral grave of Tangwang Village behind the village, but couldn't help laughing for a moment, shook his head and looked back.

"Brother, if you talk like this, then I'll just say a few words. Seriously, you're bragging too much. The emperor's ancestral graves for generations, no matter which dynasty or generation is arranged , that place has to be heavily guarded, and it has to be built into a heavily guarded place, and no one is allowed to approach. Just here, a small village with a history of thousands of years, can it be the ancestral grave of the emperor? Otherwise, this Tang Dynasty Wangcun can still exist."

"Brother, don't you believe me, do you know why we are called Tangwang Village? That's because the emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty in that tower, he started his family here."

"Don't talk about it, it has been said in history that the place where the Li family started is at least a few hundred kilometers away from Tangwang Village here."

"The history is history, so can the facts be the facts? Brother, you really didn't lie to you. It was because the emperor of the Tang Dynasty signed the ancestral grave here, and the influence of our Fengshui treasure land has later His prosperous dynasty."

Old man Wang continued to insist on what he said.

The great elder only felt helpless, but he still took two steps forward, and looked back towards the direction of the ancestral grave of Tangwang Village again, but this time he was no longer just observing with his eyes, but burst out with A special kind of power seems to be using some kind of spiritual power to observe everything around. If we have to give this state a definition, it may be called the opening of the sky.

In fact, the great elder may not be in the mood to talk to an old man in the village, so he has to use the mysterious power that he can't use often to make some meaningless observations.

The main reason is that he came here for a reason.

He only knew that this place had very close causal lines with Li Xiao and King Zhaoyang, but he had no idea where these causal lines came from. In fact, the reason why he walked around the village and chatted with these old men in the village was actually He wanted to get some news from these people, so as to determine where the causal line he observed came from.

Today I have made some breakthroughs. At first, I just observed the direction of the ancestral grave based on experience, and I didn't think there was anything special about it.

But the old man Wang insisted on saying so, he also decided to use his own special way to observe, and he could tell whether he had seen it or not.

I went to see it with hope, but after I saw it, I turned my head and looked at Old Man Wang again in disappointment.

"Brother Wang, I'm not talking about you. Your bragging is really big, and it made me spend so much energy in vain. Use the method passed down in my family to take a look. Anyway, I've read it all. I'll tell you the truth.

The land below the mountain west of the village is what we call flat land.

What is flat land?In fact, it is the kind of ordinary place that is said in Feng Shui.

If you want to say yes, he also has benefits, that is, the people buried here can bring some blessings to future generations.

As for these blessings, they can at best ensure that the children and grandchildren have enough food and clothing, and a little bit of affluence.

But it is impossible to protect from other aspects.

Not to mention the emperor, even if it is a high-ranking official, it is completely impossible. "

The words of the Great Elder were spoken from the bottom of his heart.

The main reason is that he already knows the specialness of this place, so he has to show his own specialness, so that the people here can feel respectful towards him, and then tell him more meaningful information.

It is said that he is here to refute old man Wang, but in fact, he has already believed everything that old man Wang said in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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