Chapter 1338

The crashing sound attracted the attention of countless people around, and then the alarm of an unknown store went off.

The sharp and ear-piercing sound resounded through the silent night, and people began to gather here, and they saw the dozen or so guys lying on the ground, completely incapacitated.

But there was no one else to be seen but these wounded men.

Li Xiao was like a ghost in the dark night, coming and going without a trace, erratic.


In fact, a peaceful life is very rare for anyone.

It was another night as silent as water, in the Sunshine Bar, Li Xiao sat alone in the booth, drinking in silence.

In fact, he couldn't remember how long he had been here, and he hadn't really had contact with anyone he knew.

It sounds like he is used to the life here, but in fact he always feels that he is incompatible with everything around him. Whether it is the people he meets every day or the people who occasionally appear in his life, they all seem to have their own original life trajectory. , there was a small deviation only after knowing his appearance.

But others tried their best to repair these small deviations and tried their best not to be affected by Li Xiao.

And how many times when Li Xiao seriously wanted to poke in, he could always feel a kind of hindrance in it. He didn't know whether it was caused by the incomplete memory fragments, or whether he had never thought about blending in. caused here.

This also caused a special thought in his heart, that is, to try his best to escape from this world.

He didn't belong here. Although he couldn't remember it clearly, he knew clearly that he had a completely different life and that there were countless most important people in his life waiting for him.

Youdao sees the world most clearly when he is half drunk and half awake.

Chat never thought about getting drunk, he was actually not drunk at all, he just wanted to use alcohol to find a special kind of sustenance for himself, that kind of sustenance was actually to temporarily separate him from the world, to find his own Everything in his own world.

However, sometimes, the idea is good, but the reality is always very cruel. You must know that a person who is impossible to get drunk is like a person pretending to be asleep who can never be woken up. No one can do anything to him. Very good idea.

The current Li Xiao is actually not drunk, but has completely fallen into a state of drunkenness produced by self-hypnosis.

You must know that this state is actually more terrifying than real drunkenness. Real drunkenness means that you can wake up after a night of sleep.But self-hypnosis is different. Once you enter a deep hypnosis state, you can't control your own thinking, and you don't even have any real control over everything you encounter.

The current Li Xiao is like this, shaking his head drowsily, suddenly at a certain moment, he feels someone shaking him vigorously.

"Li Xiao, wake up, wake up!"

A burst of anxious yelling woke Li Xiao up from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him. He was in a daze for a full minute before opening his mouth to say a name with difficulty.

"Xue Rong?"

As the name was spoken, the girl opposite seemed to relax completely. She waved her hands slightly and said softly: "You have finally woken up. What happened to you just now? I kept calling you, but you couldn't wake up." .Have you forgotten that we are still on a mission?"

"Doing a mission?"

Li Xiao turned around and looked around. He really couldn't tell what kind of mission this was.

The location is just a high-end hotel, and an unknown communication activity is starting in the banquet hall. Everyone is walking and talking slowly with red wine glasses, like a banquet and dance scene.

He really couldn't figure out why he was here.

All memories have been restored, but many memory fragments have been added.

That was from the time he opened his eyes to go to school until recently, he didn't understand at all why he had such a special life experience.

I don't even understand that I was shopping with Xu Meimei in the mall just a second ago, and then encountered a special explosion?
Why did it appear here later?

Li Xiao shook his head, really couldn't figure out all kinds of situations.

Xue Rong, who was next to him, gently hugged his arm, lowered his voice and said quickly: "Don't forget, we are now a successful businessman couple."

"Wait, normally, shouldn't I be in the hospital right now?"


Xue Rong looked at Li Xiao in astonishment, completely unable to believe what this guy said.

"When did you mention the hospital?"

"It was that time about the Tianzheng family."

"Don't be kidding, how long has it been since the Tianzheng family's incident? That time the war spirit team arrived in time, we evacuated from the hospital and were not affected by any explosion at all. On the contrary, the Mengnejin family and the Tianzheng family were all targeted. Now The trees have collapsed and the hozens have dispersed. This time we are here to carry out the mission, isn’t it what you personally said, to complete the final blow against them?”

Li Xiao could understand every word Xue Rong said.

However, these words were combined to form a complete discourse, but he didn't know how to understand the meaning anyway.

Have these things ever happened?

Why he doesn't know at all.

Li Xiao scratched his head, looking completely lost.

Xue Rong next to her couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Look at you, we said it before we came out, that time because of the Tianzheng family, you experienced the impact of two violent explosions, and even the doctor said that your thinking consciousness was confused, and you even lost it at any time There is a memory problem. We don’t want you to participate in this operation, you insist on coming along, it’s all right now, you can’t remember anything.”

Xue Rong looked like she hated iron.

Li Xiao couldn't help but curse at that time.

Did the bully lose his memory? Could it be that everything that happened before was all a dream?

Or is this all a real dream?
It is not clear where the problem exists at all, but there are many good things to do in front of me.For example, right now, Xue Rong raised her hand and pointed forward.

"Ning Xiaoxi will appear later. This time he comes back to Qinghe to develop the Ning Group's interests in Qinghe. Didn't you promise before that you would start from scratch? Go ahead. See how far you can go."

Following Xue Rong's words, Li Xiao raised his head in astonishment, and saw Ning Xiaoxi who walked into the gate of the banquet hall in full dress!

(End of this chapter)

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