The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1329 Too Arrogant

Chapter 1329 Too Arrogant

You must know that the starting speed of the bus, no matter how fast it is, cannot exceed the understanding of normal people.

For any ordinary person, even an elderly person with limited mobility, it is impossible for him to step on the door of the bus and change his position on the bus to allow him to board another bus.

But the fact is that this is indeed the case. He perfectly missed Wang Ruixian's car and stepped into another car. He didn't know when he appeared in this car.

The whole bus has an extremely weird feeling, just because except for the driver, everyone on the bus is young.

All of them are in their prime, all carrying various kinds of suitcases. They seem to be young people who are just about to go to university. This kind of car can only go to the train station or bus station, and pick up all the universities that are going to report to school. Freshman year and then put those guys down.

How could it be possible to rely on an ordinary bus stop sign?
More importantly, Li Xiao was completely unable to realize the feeling of space-time difference that he felt when he boarded the car just now.

But no matter what, he got on the wrong bus, and then the driver on the bus that was already starting looked over with cold eyes, and his eyes kept going back and forth between him and the credit card machine.

Li Xiao sighed slightly, walked forward a few steps silently, swiped the QR code to pay the fare, and walked along the aisle in the middle of the carriage.

What is surprising is that this bus has the same grab bars and handrails as ordinary buses, but it completely carries all the seats that can sit, and no one is allowed to stand at all.

Buses are strictly prohibited from overloading. When did buses have such regulations?
He moved forward all the way until he reached the end of the carriage, and finally saw an empty seat at the far corner by the window.

It was as if they were waiting for him to get in the car and arranged a seat for him.

And on the only way to the empty seat, there is a beautiful woman full of classical style, that is, she is less than 20 years old, with exquisite facial features, willow-leaf curved eyebrows, and crystal clear long black hair flowing down her shoulders. In this scorching summer, I only wore a thin T-shirt with a cute cat pattern printed on the T-shirt. The two big bright eyes flickered and blinked with the breath of the beauty, full of unforgettable beauty Feel.

I have to say that this girl, from top to bottom, exudes a youthful and seductive feeling, which attracts the eyes of many boys around, who swipe to this side from time to time.

Especially when Li Xiao walked over and was about to sit next to the beautiful woman, many people's eyes were filled with envy.

Li Xiao couldn't figure it out, since these people are very envious of the opportunity to sit next to a beautiful woman, then there is obviously a vacant seat here, why don't they go there?
There are too many unbelievable situations in this car, Li Xiao smiled calmly, didn't even say much, just gestured with his eyes, and the beauty sitting on the seat took the initiative to get out of the way There is a small aisle that people can squeeze through.

Li Xiao stepped forward and sat on the seat.

Also as he sat down, in front of the classical beauty who was about to change back, a handsome boy seemed to have finally found an opportunity, and turned his head to look this way.

"Beauty, let's add a WeChat."

Li Xiao really doesn't know what to say. Looking at the situation, this bus has been driving for a long time. This guy doesn't want the beauty's WeChat, and he doesn't want the beauty's WeChat. Was it for him to see on purpose, or what?
What's more important is that next to that handsome boy, there is another guy who is not very good-looking. He also turned his head, showing a wretched smile that even Li Xiao felt disgusted by looking at him. interface.

All of a sudden, many young boys in front of him were also holding mobile phones.

So much so that the eyes of the other young girls in the car, and their feelings towards the classic beauty next to Li Xiao, were all filled with envy and hatred.

The situation became a little unpredictable, and the beauty just nodded and smiled quietly towards the front: "No need."

After the simple two words, the beauty slowly lowered her head, picked up a book, and read it seriously.

That's true, sitting in the car and reading.

It seems to be completely immersed in the world in the book, and doesn't care about everything around it.

The handsome guy in the front seat was still a little impatient, and he still insisted on asking: "Which school did you go to report on, did you go to Pearl University/Maybe we can go together."

This guy seems to be full of confidence in his appearance, and he always has a smile that he thinks is very sunny when he speaks.

The beauty who was reading a book with her head down lightly brushed her forehead hair behind her ears, and replied without raising her head: "Yes."

That look of rejecting people thousands of miles away is completely used to the situation in front of her, as if she has encountered the same experience countless times, and she already knows how to deal with it.

The beauty Xie Wanqing was very cold.

This coldness is enough to make everyone feel frustrated.

The boy who was hit hard appeared and shut his mouth, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Xiao, who was sitting next to the beautiful woman, dressed a little poorly, and didn't even carry any luggage in his hand, looking ordinary Li Xiao.

There was an inexplicable gleam in his eyes, and he pretended to be enthusiastic and waved to Li Xiao and said, "Brother, you also go to school, right? Which school do you go to?"

After asking this sentence, he sneered in his heart, no matter what school this guy went to, even if he went to Pearl University, it was because he dressed in ordinary clothes and looked ordinary, so he could always find some sense of superiority from this guy After all, there are so many people in this car, everyone has longed for the seat next to the beautiful woman for a long time.

But always when I get close to this beauty, I feel a little bit of pressure lingering in my body, and I dare not really get close to it.

However, when Li Xiao came here, he sat down next to the beautiful woman without any barriers, and also showed a look of indifference to everyone, making everyone look very uncomfortable.

Li Xiao curled his lips, he really didn't want to talk to this person.

He still wants to ask himself now, what is the reason for coming to this bus, and he responds casually without looking back: "I am going to Fudan University."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the car widened their eyes in astonishment.

No one thought that that little-known guy would actually be able to get into the top three prestigious schools in the country.

The whole car is all sandwiched together, I am afraid there is no one who can be more arrogant than Li Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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