The toughest man in the city

Chapter 132 Stop Trying to Run!

Chapter 132 Stop Trying to Run!

Li Xiao used to see some news reports saying that so and so won millions of lottery prizes and appeared to receive the prize wearing a Monkey King mask.

He always scoffed at this.

How many times in life can I have the opportunity to be on the news? After finally gaining both fame and fortune, I even wear a mask to receive the award.

If you win a few million, you will treat yourself as an important person and wrap yourself up tightly, fearing that others will covet the money.Then the big bosses who are worth billions or even tens of billions are afraid to go out, right?
The most important thing in being a human being is to have self-awareness, and you must not let a little money swell up and cover up the good face given by your parents.

Therefore, when Li Xiao drove to the door of the small building opposite Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, he definitely appeared in his true colors, and even prepared for countless news media to come over and interview him about his feelings about winning the big prize.

But the fact is that this place of accepting the award is far more deserted than imagined.

It was so empty that no one could be seen, but on the other side of the road, in front of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Company, the security captain Chen Defa stared at him with big confused eyes, wondering if Li Ban had gone to the wrong door look.

"Fuck, isn't it. Is that how Laoshizi Huazhong Pharmaceutical treats the big prize customers? Anyway, send someone out to welcome them."

Muttering dissatisfied words in his mouth, he took the initiative to step into the building.

The air was filled with the smell of newly renovated. Before I could take a good look at the decoration style, I saw a familiar figure walking down from the central staircase.

"Hey, you, you, I remember you, you're not the one..."

"My name is Yang Yang, and I'm President Su's driver. Come up with me, President Su is waiting for you upstairs."

Yang Yang, who looked like a tomboy, had a cold face, and his tone of voice was not the slightest bit hot.

When Yang Yang wanted to come face to face with Li Xiao, she must privately advise that kid not to be so ignorant of current affairs.

I really thought it was shit luck, and I could win a lottery for a building by just buying a medicine.It's not that Mr. Su is operating behind the scenes, beating around the bush and trying to give him a special gift.

If Li Xiao is self-aware, he should clearly realize that his poor life is not qualified to enjoy the care of President Su.Immediately turned around and left, and disappeared completely from now on, so as not to cause so much trouble to President Su.

It's a pity that Yang Yang prepared the belly draft all night, but when he actually saw Li Xiao, he couldn't say a word.

I don't know why, but when Yang Yang saw Li Xiao's harmless look on his face, she couldn't help but think that that day beside the reservoir, this guy flew several meters high like lightning to avoid being hit by a car. scene.

Invisible psychological pressure.

Only bodyguards, killers, mercenaries, people who have been licking blood on the tip of their knives all the year round, will realize what kind of people they should respect.

Yang Yang felt very strange.

In the past, she could only feel that special psychological pressure when she was in front of the military instructor who trained her.

Why did she have it when facing Li Xiao, and it was obviously many times greater than the pressure that the instructor put on her?
"No, it's impossible. At best, he's just a professional bodyguard with a relatively fast reaction speed. How can he be compared with a military instructor. It must be because I don't want to destroy President Su's plan, so I said no to Li Xiao. Say something."

Yang Yang found a reasonable explanation in his heart, and immediately felt relaxed all over, and couldn't help straightening his back again when leading the way.

The change of the little female bodyguard completely fell into Li Xiao's eyes.

Li Xiao didn't know what other people were thinking, and he didn't bother to guess.

He was just wondering, didn't he come here to receive the grand prize in the drug purchase lottery of Huazhong Pharmaceutical? Why was Su Manyu waiting upstairs to receive him?
That woman owed Lao Tzu thousands of dollars in accompanying tour fees last time, can she take this opportunity to get her back?
Li Xiao's mind was chaotic, mixed with various emotions, always feeling uneasy.

But when he reached the largest office on the top floor and looked up to see Su Manyu sitting behind the desk, his mind stopped spinning in an instant.

Thinking back to the past two encounters with Su Manyu, they were always met under various special circumstances, so he didn't have many opportunities to quietly watch that woman.

But this time is different.

Su Manyu, dressed in professional attire, sat there with her hair tucked behind her ears. When she smiled, she seemed to complement the sunlight shining in through the window. She had an extremely holy appearance, which made people involuntarily raise a thought in their hearts. The feeling of going to worship.


Li Xiao's lack of vocabulary can't even describe the supernatural and refined temperament.

If this was at some business negotiation table, as long as Su Manyu sat there, without saying anything, the negotiating party would probably immediately agree to all conditions, just to win the smile of this seven-star beauty.

Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

It was also his obsessive look that, after being seen by Yang Yang next to him, brought him infinite contempt.

Hehe, after all, he is still a peddler, a useless reckless man, just like any other man when he saw Mr. Su.

"Cough cough!"

Yang Yang coughed violently, just to remind Li Xiao to put away his demented eyes that blasphemed Mr. Su.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiao frowned.

"If your throat feels uncomfortable, just eat more Pangdahai. If you cough so loudly, you won't be afraid of coughing up your lungs. It really affects my mood when looking at beautiful women."

Li Xiao talked, and sat down on the sofa next to him.

Yang Yang was so angry that he wanted to rush up and beat up that rude guy.

But Su Manyu did raise his hand slightly, stopped all Yang Yang's movements, kept smiling, and looked at Li Xiao: "Hi, we meet again."

"Yeah, we met again. I've always wondered if the boss of Huazhong Pharmaceutical had lost his mind and came up with a lottery for drug purchases. The biggest prize was a building worth [-] million yuan. Only a fool would do that." This kind of thing will happen. But seeing that it's you, I think it's understandable."

As soon as Li Xiao spoke, he really showed his ruffian temperament.

Don't think that Su Manyu's good looks can make him forget what he is here for.

Reaching out for his pocket, the lottery ticket slapped off the net and fell onto the table.

"You ran away last time when you promised me thousands of dollars in travel expenses. This time it's a grand prize worth [-] million. Don't even think about running away again. Either give it to the building or give me money, otherwise I will find the TV station and report it. You are deceiving consumers with false activities.”

Li Xiao said this with great force.

Su Manyu and Yang Yangqi stared wide-eyed, unable to believe what they heard.

Su Manyu was waiting for him today to give him the building.

What are you running!
(End of this chapter)

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