Chapter 1309
That was the irritability hidden in his heart, which finally broke out at this moment.

Whether it was affected by the special existence in his body, he didn't know.

He doesn't remember either, but he knows that this violent mood will always follow him.

He was once a killer, a fire phoenix who made the whole world fearful. He was someone who no one could do anything to, or in other words, someone who hated him and worshiped him. He was once very proud of his career and what he had. Extremely proud of the achievement.

Until one day later, just like today, he was disturbed by countless hideous faces in his sleep, and finally opened his eyes and saw a result he wanted.

That is tranquility!
An ordinary life is his ultimate destination, and he feels that he can already have it.

But he never expected that in the end, what he had was not just those ordinary lives, but a kind of irritability hidden deep in his heart that finally broke out again.

He doesn't know which one is his real self, but...

"Now I am Li Xiao, that's enough."

He shook his head, throwing those completely incomprehensible memory fragments behind him.

Turning around to look, there was actually a schoolbag in his hand.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of person he was now, why would he be walking on this street with a weird schoolbag?

But there is also a faint memory lingering in his mind, that is guiding him to go to school.

Mingzhu No.[-] Middle School, this is the most common school in the city.

But Li Xiao really couldn't figure out what kind of connection a person like him, who had never paid attention to the school before, could have with the school.

He was walking on the street, looking at everything around him so familiar.

I'm sure this place is still a bright pearl, but the clear sky, fresh air, unfamiliar high-rise buildings, vehicles and pedestrians that he has never seen before, all things, although they did not make him feel repulsed, on the contrary, they made him devote himself wholeheartedly Once inside, there is always a wonderful feeling of relaxation and joy.

Perhaps this is the normal feeling of being an ordinary person. Perhaps from this moment on, his identity has completely changed. He is an ordinary young man, an ordinary person who carries his schoolbag and goes to school.

No longer being a person with bloody hands, no need to have those nightmares, waking up in the wake of countless hideous faces, going to and from school every day, maybe returning home and seeing familiar relatives, this kind of life is actually very good .

Of course, it would be even better if there is no special existence in the body that occasionally makes weird sounds.

Li Xiao talked to himself and attracted a lot of weird eyes from around, but he didn't care what others thought of him at all?

As long as he knew that the tranquility here and the tranquility he wanted had finally appeared by his side, he couldn't help showing a sincere smile to feel all this.

But this flat, genuine smile didn't last too long.

When he walked into a small alley by the side of the road that he didn't know why he felt so familiar, and took a shortcut to the school he was going to, three young men in a hurry stood in front of him.

"Boy, stop for me. Brothers are a little tight these days. They are short of money and spent money. Come and be filial!"

Li Xiao frowned deeply, looking at the faces of the three young people opposite, a familiar memory appeared in his mind for some reason.

He felt that he should have some impression of these three people, perhaps in his fragmented memory, these three people had appeared in front of him countless times.

That is, in the past period of time, every time I went to school, I was always blocked by these three people in front of me, asking him to borrow money.

I still remember the first time, he considered not to borrow it, but in the end he was beaten up and the money was gone.

The second time he saw these three people, he turned around and ran away, but he didn't run very far, and was dragged back again, followed by another severe beating, and the food money he was carrying was gone again.

Third time, fourth time...

Anyway, I can't remember how many times in total, each time I had to be beaten, and I had to be snatched away by them all the food money I was carrying in the midst of the ridicule of the other three.

At this moment, he behaved like an idiot with a blank brain, looking up from the memory fragments with his head held high, changing various scenes that were unfamiliar to him but felt slightly familiar.

Especially when thinking about whether he had any money, he subconsciously reached into his trouser pocket, and actually found a banknote.

When the finger touched the banknote, a short memory instantly came into mind.

It seemed to be a gentle person who reached out and gently stroked her cheek, handed the banknote into her hand, and said to him with a smile, don't feel bad about money, eat something good, and take care of your body.

In his short memory, there was no complete face of that gentle woman, but his heart was filled with a warm feeling.

He knew that woman should be the most gracious person to him now.

He really didn't expect that after returning to sobriety from a special state, he would still have such a familiar and warm living environment.

With this special feeling, his mood became more and more clear. He looked up at the three young men opposite him, took out the banknote, threw it at the other party's feet, turned around, walked around the three men and continued walking forward. Walk.

Three fluent youths, they looked at the banknote at their feet, and then looked back. Li Xiao, who had already walked out, couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

You know, this is not the first time they have come here to deal with Li Xiao.

So many times in the past, this guy was dishonest, and he always had to do a lot of things to get what they wanted.

Why does this feeling feel completely different today?
But no matter how different the feeling was, it would not change the fact that Li Xiao's action of throwing down the money just now was completely humiliating them.

The reaction of these guys is quite slow.

After Li Xiao had gone far away, he finally realized what the situation just now meant.

The leader among them shouted: "You boy, stop!"

Before the words were finished, the three of them had already rushed over in unison, directly blocking Li Xiao's face and surrounding him in the middle.

To be honest, with these three small characters, Li Xiao can handle them with just one finger with his eyes closed.

But even if these three little minions are dealt with, so what?

This feeling has no meaning at all for Xiao Xi that he needs now.

He just wanted to stay away from these things, or he didn't want to do anything to anyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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