The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1253: Dead or Alive

Chapter 1253: Dead or Alive
If you compare the current Sima Rubing with the Ning Xiaoxi he knew before.

Li Xiao chooses as a normal person, he will definitely choose Sima Rubing, as the person who will spend his life together.

Because Ning Xiaoxi's temper is too weird.

But now?
Ning Xiaoxi became the kind of person that many people yearned for, and this resulted in the fact that countless people in this world were full of envy for Jin Ze.

Indeed, Jinze and Ning Xiaoxi became a couple, and all male compatriots should envy and hate Jinze, lamenting that such a good woman finally became the person next to Jinze.

But thinking of these, Li Xiao felt a kind of anger in his heart.

Boundless rage burned, filling his mind with a destructive emotion, making him wish to silence the entire ship on the bottom of the sea and bury the entire Monnekin family.

Even if it didn't ruin the entire Jin family, it would make him feel better if he crushed Jin Ze to ashes.

But these things can only exist in the mind.

He has no way to put his ideas into practical actions, even now, he has decided to save Ning Xiaoxi and change the wedding between Jin Ze and Ning Xiaoxi, but he still has to do it at this critical moment. Continue to endure it, even like a thief, sneakily doing something that he thinks should be done.

This is not what he thought before, let alone what he would like to see.

Originally in a good mood, it was because of Sima Rubing's sudden change that Li Xiao was extremely depressed at the moment.

"Go to bed early, I'll go out for a while."

After saying this, Li Xiao opened the door of the rest cabin, turned around and walked outside.

He didn't want to stay here any longer, and he didn't want to see Sima Rubing in such pain, and he didn't even want to show his painful appearance in front of that girl.

If there is any legitimate reason, he would rather use blood to suppress the restlessness in his heart at this time.

Li Xiao just wandered aimlessly in every corner of the cabin. He didn't know where he was. In short, when someone passed by, he subconsciously looked up to see what the other person was like. Is it possible for the person in question to have a little conflict with him, giving him enough reasons to start a life-and-death contest with the other party, so as to calm down his inner irritability.

It's a pity, how could the people on this boat allow him to use his anger casually.

To be honest, Li Xiao now has no idea what kind of state he is in.

This was not the first time, and he didn't know when he faced any problem, the first thing he would think of was to use a special and very violent way to calm his heart.

This situation is very dangerous, he is not sure if it will be the day when he is really angry, he will completely ignore the consequences, and directly attack the people around him, even anyone he can see.

In that case, he might become a monster, an executioner, a man who has completely lost his mind.

As he was walking, a glass door next to him suddenly opened, and it dangerously brushed against his shoulder and opened completely, forcing him to stop abruptly.

Turning around to see a young doctor in a white coat coming out, looking up and seeing Li Xiao in front of him, he couldn't help but take a step back, slightly nodded at him, and said, "Sorry, I didn't know there were people outside."

After saying this, the young doctor left in a hurry.

It should be where someone needs first aid.

Li Xiao just stared blankly at the back of the young doctor going away, and it took him a long time to suppress the urge to chase after him and beat him up.

Trying to divert his attention, his eyes involuntarily fell on the opened glass door.

This is the emergency treatment infirmary for the entire cruise ship.

There are some medicines for seasickness here, and there are also some doctors here for emergencies.

It is also enough to show that the arrangement of the Monnekin's family is very appropriate. Even in such a place, it is necessary to ensure sufficient medical resources first, because no matter at any time, there may be changes in people's physical conditions, especially those who can come up to this place. The people on the boat are all of high status, and there are even some old people who are very old and want to come to send blessings for the wedding in Jinze.

Their health conditions must be taken care of by someone.

Looking inside, two or three people in white coats who were in charge of taking care of the medicine shelves were busy and busy, not caring who was outside the door at all.

There are a few other people, who should be guests on the ship, who come here at this time to pick up some medicines they need.

Very very normal situation.

But when Li Xiao's eyes fell on one of them, a woman in a long skirt and a cloak hat, his eyes couldn't help but froze for a moment.

There are so many people in the world, it is impossible for Li Xiao to know everyone.

He didn't know the woman in front of him either, but he could feel that this woman was unusual.

There is a special aura about this woman.

It was not the breath of the living, but the breath of the dead.

How could Li Xiao, who has been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round, not be able to tell the difference between the living and the dead?
When he saw the woman's fully covered back, he actually had the feeling that the other person was actually a dead person.

Is it normal to feel this way?
He tried his best to take a few deep breaths, shielding himself from external influences, gradually calming down his heart, avoiding the sudden change of mood just now, letting him have such weird thoughts, and avoiding any wrong judgments.

When everything returned to calm and he looked at the past in the most normal way.

The woman turned around, and when she turned around, the other party's still young face appeared in his eyes.

In the eyes of any ordinary person, this is a normal woman, an oriental woman who looks a little graceful and full of special charm.

Perhaps the place where this woman was born may not be the same as where Li Xiao was born.

But the other party's personal characteristics are completely revealed.

But why even after seeing her ruddy face, Li Xiao still had the idea that the other party was a dead person?

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he suddenly noticed a problem.

That is, there is a problem with this woman's breathing rate.

The breathing rate of a normal person can reach about ten to thirty times per minute. People who exercise regularly, or those who have received special training like Li Xiao, may also have a breathing rate of ten to twenty times per minute. between.

(End of this chapter)

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