The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1249 Under Surveillance

Chapter 1249 Under Surveillance
It's like a ferocious animal using a low growl to warn other animals entering their territory to get out of here quickly, exactly the same.

He felt that the pretty-looking woman in front of him should be able to understand what he meant, after all, an expert would know if there was one as soon as she made a move.

The vigilant state of the woman in front of her just now is enough to prove that the other party is not a simple person.

But sometimes simple characters can be very intelligent and time-conscious.

And people with extraordinary strength can also be very stupid, and even like to join in the fun without taking it too seriously.

After a short period of nervousness, Gao Huiling sneered at the corner of her mouth. She didn't intend to back away at all, but stood still in place, bursting out with the same momentum all over her body.

Although it was a little softer, not as fierce as Li Xiao's explosive momentum, but it was enough to give Li Xiao a little response.At the same time as the response, he slightly raised his hand and pointed his finger at the monitor above.

The meaning of this series of actions is too obvious.

In fact, it is also a warning to Li Xiao, put away your tricks, otherwise, I will destroy that monitor right now, and make everything you do a fantasy.

Meeting such a woman who doesn't care about life and death, and also likes to cause trouble, Li Xiao couldn't control his furious mood.

In fact, he didn't know that Gao Huiling had a two-faced personality that was completely different from ordinary people.

During the day, she is a mature and stable female president of a successful company who can withstand any storm, knows how to maximize her own interests, and will never do things that are completely inconsistent with her own needs.

But at night, she is the kind of eccentric person who does everything according to her own preferences, regardless of the consequences, or even any serious disasters.

At this moment, she just doesn't care who is threatening her, and she doesn't care what those people want to do.

She just wanted to be a part of it herself and have a good time with him.

But did Li Xiao come here for fun?

He planned to carry out the safety of himself and Sima Rubing, as well as all actions against the Mengnejin family here.

If there are some accidents at this time, it will only make everything he wants to do again, or even re-plan, completely inconsistent with the perfection that was originally set.

It sounds complicated, but in fact, only two or three seconds passed.

When he confirmed that the strange woman opposite would not move away at all, or in other words, retreat, Li Xiao could no longer hold back and broke out directly, rushing out of the dark corner.

It was also the moment when Li Xiao rushed out, Gao Huiling made the fastest reaction in her life.

He scrambled up in place, reaching out to swing at the monitoring device.

This woman's idea is very simple, that is, no matter what the other party wants to do, as long as the monitoring equipment on it is destroyed, on the one hand, this person's actions can fail, and on the other hand, it can also arouse the anger of the original guards on the ship. vigilance.

Harm others and disadvantage yourself!
This term is quite comprehensive in Gao Huiling's body.

That is, when the two started their operations, in the monitoring room of the cruise ship, Lu Zhihao, who had been sitting in front of the monitor for a long time, separated part of his attention and focused on the monitor that had a problem before.

Although Blue Dolphin said that it is necessary to conduct some calibrations on those monitors that have problems.

But if there is only an extremely small deviation, Lu Zhihao, after a quick calculation in his heart, can re-judge whether there is a problem or not.

But he never expected that there was no need to calculate anything at all, just this casual glance made his eyes widen again.

The problem is too obvious, because the monitor itself should be in a state of internal circulation, and it is absolutely impossible for the picture to freeze.

At this time, the screen sent back from the monitoring has been frozen for more than half a second, which is abnormal!

Lu Zhihao stood up suddenly and was about to shout out to warn the people around him.

Just at this moment, a loud bang erupted on the ship, shocking everyone on board for a moment.

It was at this moment of astonishment that the situation on Li Xiao's side had already changed.

Poor Gao Huiling, still didn't realize what kind of terrifying person she was facing.She thought that her speed was fast enough to destroy the monitor when the other party rushed forward, giving a different ending and attracting the original guards on the ship.

But Li Xiao broke out with all his strength, how could he give her such a chance to wreak havoc.

Before her fingers actually touched the monitor, a kick directly hit Gao Huiling's chest, forcing her to fly backwards.

Li Xiao didn't even look at what kind of impact his kick caused. Before he landed, he twisted in mid-air, and lightly kicked the wall of the cabin next to him with one foot. After borrowing the strength, he flew up again, directly flying in the air At a speed that dazzles the eyes of normal people, the monitor was repaired extremely quickly.


In fact, it was an act of several operations, because the speed was so fast that the sounds were connected together and became one sound.

After the sound, the monitor that had been slightly deviated returned to normal, and all problems disappeared.

On the other side, when Gao Huiling was flying in mid-air, trying to adjust her body balance, she also saw such a jaw-dropping scene. It was also at this time that she finally realized that what she was facing was a kind of... scary characters.

Being able to vacate directly in such a short period of time and deal with some things is simply not something normal people can do!

She backed out, and finally stabilized her balance. When she raised her foot to touch the cabin wall behind her, her first reaction was no longer to fight back against Li Xiao, but to look for another monitor nearby. The device lunges forward again, attempting to cause damage.

Gao Huiling had no other intentions, just to cause trouble for Li Xiao, to make Li Xiao unable to do what he wanted to do as he wished.

It's a pity that this woman is still too naive, she never imagined that when the monitoring equipment completely returned to normal, in fact, everything set by Li Xiao has already started to go on track, even if someone comes over to completely dismantle the monitoring equipment. If you untie it, you won't find out what kind of hands and feet he has moved before.

Because he also uses a very high-tech equipment.

That is to make a small intrusion into some monitoring equipment, and it must be enabled by the hardware, so that another line can be extended without anyone noticing, so that he can also monitor the entire cruise ship.

(End of this chapter)

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