The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1247 There are always surprises

Chapter 1247 There are always surprises
No one knew what was going on in that dark corner where no surveillance could see.

However, everyone's long-term non-response to the white dolphin has created quite bad psychological expectations.

Tension permeated everyone's hearts, and the one with the most ups and downs was the nearest blue dolphin.

He grabbed the weapon he was carrying and rushed towards the dark corner as fast as he could. He pressed his back against the wall and took two deep breaths, turned around quickly, and suddenly stretched out his arms to point forward.

The next moment, a soft cough echoed on the intercom and in the ears of the blue dolphin.

A person came out of the darkness, which made the blue dolphin feel extremely nervous.

"White dolphin, what are you doing? You didn't respond to calling you just now!"

"There is something wrong with my communicator. In addition, there are some special circumstances, you can take a look."

Words with no discernible emotional color were transmitted to the ears of the blue dolphin, and were also transmitted intermittently to the ears of other people through the blue dolphin's communicator.

At the beginning, when we knew that the white dolphins were normal, everyone let go of their nervousness, but now they suddenly heard that there was something unexpected, and they couldn't help getting nervous again.

The blue dolphin did not doubt that he was there and followed the white dolphin into the dark corner.

It was also at this time that the two of them finally completely disappeared within the scope of the monitor.

Others can't see what's going on here, they can only hear the voice from the communicator, and it doesn't feel anything special. Since the white dolphin can tell that there are accidents there, it proves that these accidents are still within the controllable range.

But Lu Zhihao, who was monitoring everything, definitely didn't feel this way.

Just ask two of his teammates, all of them disappeared within the range of his monitoring, is this a normal situation?

Realizing something was wrong at that time, Lu Zhihao opened his mouth and wanted to call the people nearby to help.

But before he could speak, a familiar figure appeared on the monitor again.

The three walked out side by side.

There was a blue dolphin on one side and a white dolphin on the other. They both put their shoulders together to support each other and walked forward slowly.

"I said White Dolphin, a drunkard, what do we care about him? But you are right. If we really let such a drunkard stay here, it may affect our judgment of emergencies at any time. Find a rest room and put him there. Let him put it in."

The voice of the blue dolphin talking to himself echoed in the communicator, and even the people including Lu Zhihao and Duan Chenggong relaxed their vigilance.

It was nothing more than a drunk and unconscious person, and there was no possibility of any other unexpected situation.

As the three of them drifted away, they went to an empty lounge. In the room, the voice of the blue dolphin echoed in everyone's communicators again.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look at his ID card, and I'll contact the relevant personnel to deal with it. White dolphin, keep watch, I'll be right back."

As he spoke, Blue Dolphin walked out of the rest room without surveillance.

Walking in the corridor, he even raised his head towards a certain monitor, waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Give me a few minutes to calibrate that monitor."

Everything returned to normal, and everyone's attention was turned to other places again.

But in the lounge where the door was closed, weren't the two unconscious people the blue dolphin and the white dolphin themselves?

I'm afraid no one can imagine how accurately Li Xiao made judgments and changed disguises at an extremely fast speed in that short period of time.

In fact, when the white dolphin came to the shadow, Li Xiao had already shot the white dolphin quickly, knocking the opponent unconscious.

Then it was a simple disguise in a way that ordinary people couldn't understand. The only pity was that he had been hiding there for so long, and he had never heard the white dolphin's voice from the beginning to the end, so there was no way to disguise the other party's voice.

Otherwise, he could have done it even more perfectly.

You can only use the problem of the communicator as an excuse to temporarily muddle through.

Immediately after leading the blue dolphin to follow him to avoid the monitoring of the monitor, he was a little nervous. This way of temporarily turning off the communicator for Kong could not dispel the suspicion of the guards here.

Fortunately, everything that happened later proved that there was no problem.

After entering the small dark corner, waiting for the blue dolphin to leave the monitoring range, control the opponent as quickly as possible, stun him, and then transform into a blue dolphin again.

All he could do was to disguise himself again, and then there was the scene that just happened.

It is easy to carry one person out, but it is quite difficult to carry two people out together.

But what can be done.

If he wants to do what he wants to do safely, he still has to pay a certain price.

Fortunately, after this wave of operations, all goals were achieved.

The other people's attention was diverted, and the white dolphin and the blue dolphin were also locked in the lounge.

The only thing that is difficult to solve is that there are only 10 minutes left to solve the problem and do what you want to do. If it is done within 10 minutes, then it is okay.If there is a little accident, someone will soon find out that the pair of blue dolphins and white dolphins have lost contact.

Walking in the long corridor of the cabin, Li Xiao appeared to be more cautious, appearing in the monitoring range in a weird way, and after turning around, he went back covertly in another way at an extremely fast speed. In the place he chose to move his hands and feet.

The second action is completely gone, the tension before.

Just because this monitor has problems, even if there is a slight deviation, it will not cause too much attention.

What's more, how could it be possible for Li Xiao to fall into the same pit twice while doing things.

Appeared at the previous position like a civet cat, rushed up to adjust the screen that the monitor might transmit, and then quickly disassembled the connecting device board on the monitor to reveal the black hole in the cabin roof behind, and went from Take out something from your waist.

When he was about to put it inside, the long-term vigilance made his hairs stand on end.

Don't look at it. He just hesitated for a few tenths of a second, but he had already wasted a lot of time. The only thing he could do at the moment was to put the things away, simply connect the monitoring probe, and get out as quickly as possible, and again Go to that dark corner.

He just wanted to put one thing, and the time it took to actually say it was only a dozen seconds.

Why did it take so many twists and turns to go through so many special circumstances in such a short period of ten seconds?

(End of this chapter)

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