The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1225 Is it normal?

Chapter 1225 Is it normal?

These words can be regarded as a reminder to Baldhead and Pigtail.

The old lady is right.

That's right, they have helped so much directly. The things in their hands can't fall into their hands anyway, and they fall into their own hands. Give it to Li Xiaona.

They hurriedly started to pack their things again, and the bald head went directly to the house and began to help the old lady sit in the wheelchair.

Just when everything was tidied up, there was another knock on the door, and then a group of well-trained people came in.

Without saying a word, he pointed back at the door.


Just this one sentence made Baldhead and Pigtail finally understand that Boss Li is not an ordinary person.

It's only been a few minutes, and they are all arranged immediately.

The bald head and the little pigtail followed the people organized by Huofeng and left the Antique Street honestly.

At the same time, Sima Rubing looked at Li Xiao in a car running a few roads away, full of doubts, and asked, "What kind of conflict do you have with the Jin family? become irrelevant?"

"I do not want to say."

Li Xiao's cold answer made Sima Rubing feel an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

Although she didn't know exactly what kind of relationship Li Xiao had with the Jin family, she could tell from Li Xiao's expression at this moment that when he mentioned the Jin family, he seemed to have a sworn enemy. It was definitely because of a certain woman that it became like this.

The car stopped when it reached Mingzhu University, and Li Xiao took the initiative to get out of the car.

He didn't go to act with Sima Rubing, but went to Xiaolong Fitness Club by himself.

He is in a very bad mood now.

Once he thought of the problems of the Jin family, he felt an indescribable feeling, as if something was pressing on his heart, making him unable to breathe.

He had to find something to vent out the anger in his heart completely.

Perhaps the stimulation of blood in the past was enough to make him forget all his troubles.

But now here, there is nothing at all that can allow him to take enough blood to wash away the pain in his heart.

Then there is only one choice, which is to exercise, to exercise with all your strength, and to use everything you can think of to consume your excess energy and achieve the goal of peace of mind.

Xiaolong Fitness Club, which has been renovated and opened again, is more lively than ever.

After all, the last incident not only did not cause any damage to the club's reputation, but indirectly gained a wave of free publicity.

Let more and more people know what kind of place this place is, and what kind of relaxation and entertainment everyone can find here.

The fitness card in Li Xiao's hand is enough for him to stay anywhere in the entire club.

But he did not choose to go to a quiet place, but in the most noisy place, in the real fitness training hall on the densest floor of the crowd, he just stood on the treadmill and kept running.

At first, no one noticed him, but as time went by, people gradually noticed that something was wrong.

The first person to realize that the situation was different was the chief security officer of the training hall on the first floor.

There is no other reason. All fitness equipment is connected to a warning line. The treadmill where Li Xiao is sitting has been flashing red lights half an hour ago, indicating that there may be health problems for the people exercising there. .

At the beginning, someone checked it out, and saw that Li Xiao was running fast there, without any discomfort at all.

Everyone suspects that the police will call the police. Is the warning light out of order?

It wasn't until later that everyone discovered in astonishment that it wasn't the warning lights that had malfunctioned, but Li Xiao's actions, which were too unbelievable.

In just two hours, the sum of all the exercises Li Xiao performed has exceeded the highest limit set by the smart fitness equipment, which is the limit that humans can bear. This is why the system issued a warning.

And the warning was actually issued an hour ago, that is to say, when the first hour passed, the amount of exercise Li Xiao had done was already the limit that normal humans could bear.

But at that time, everyone saw that he was very relaxed, and did not take that special situation into consideration at all. It was not until the warning lights kept lighting up that people were shocked, and everyone discovered that Li Xiao had done something. What a terrible thing.

The clubhouse is only such a big place, once some strange events happen, it is easy for people to pay attention immediately.

Gradually, more and more people discovered the abnormality here, and more and more people were shocked by Li Xiao's actions.

Everyone kept gathering around and just watched Li Xiao walking back and forth among various types of fitness equipment.

As the old saying goes, excellent people can never hide their brilliance.

No matter where he goes, he will attract the attention of ordinary people deeply, and these words cannot be more suitable for Li Xiao.

He just wanted to vent some of the unpleasant emotions in his heart through fitness, but he didn't expect that more and more people would notice him because of the completely unconscious release of power.

Originally, he gathered all his thoughts and put everything outside his mind behind him, ignoring it.

But as the voices of the discussions became louder and more numerous, he was inevitably affected. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the noisy scene around him from the corner of his eyes. Only then did he realize that he had attracted countless people.

But so what?

No matter how many people here are, it is impossible to give him a happy mood and produce any meaningful help.

A truly outstanding person can never be understood by the worldly people.

Li Xiao didn't want to talk to those guys, and continued to do what he wanted to do.

But his attention has returned to reality, so it is inevitable to hear some people's comments.

"Is this guy still human?"

"It's terrible. I just went to the club's fitness equipment master computer to check it. The amount of exercise he has done has exceeded the amount of exercise a normal person does in a week. Isn't this too scary?"

"Yeah, how could there be such a person in the world? Is there an error in the system? I clearly feel that he hasn't over-exercised at all, and his face is still very relaxed!"

"Hehe, what is this? I said that you newcomers are simply frogs in the bottom of a well. You have no idea how many people there are in this world, and we can't match them at all."

"Brother, what do you mean by that? Could it be that what this guy is doing is normal?"

(End of this chapter)

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