The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1211 A Different Ending

Chapter 1211 A Different Ending
Therefore, Li Xiao still decided to help the other party.

Of course, while helping the other party, he is also helping himself. His understanding of the Wind Demon Curse is still too shallow, he has only learned some formal things, and needs deeper things, which can only be solved with the help of the ground and incense. Understand, and then slowly let her improve herself.


When many things should have results, they will eventually have results.

It has been a whole month since Li Xiao came to Pearl University, and he has experienced too many things in this month, and he has waited too long, searched countless places, and searched for countless suspicious people.

Finally, today, with the help of Sima Rubing, she finally found a clue, and the person who was sure to hurt Sister Yi was firmly locked on the last two people.

Li Xiao didn't want to talk about the identity of the person the other party was hiding and disguised as.

What made him unsure was which of the two men and women was the real killer.

But what is certain is that two persimmons fell on the ground, and one foot stepped on them, and none of them were good cakes.

This morning, the air was filled with restlessness.

Dark clouds covered the entire sky, and it seemed that raindrops would fall at any moment. Bai Ru, a third-year student, got up with her roommates as usual, prepared to pack everything, left the dormitory to eat in the cafeteria, and then went to start a new day. course.

But when she was about to pick up her books and walk out of the dormitory door, a jingle bell rang.

The small mobile phone placed on the bed made a vibrating sound, which made her froze for a moment, and then turned to look at her classmates.

"I still have something to do, you go first."

The few roommates didn't think about anything else, nodded and left together.

Bai Ru took a deep breath, went back to the dormitory, closed the door with her hands back, walked to the window and looked around, but didn't find anyone watching, so she closed the window and the curtains.

In the end, he directly picked up the quilt, covered his whole body, and put the phone to his ear.


The simple voice, and she didn't know what the other person said, made Bai Ru's expression change several times, and finally took a deep breath and put down the phone.

What should come is always coming.

At the same time, in the newly built Xiaolong Fitness Club, in a lounge, five people, four men and one woman, were sitting in the room enjoying the comfortable feeling brought by the massage chair and relaxing.

I don't know how long it has passed, one of the burly men stood up suddenly, turned his head to look at the sky outside, and could not help cursing in a low voice: "How long will this damn life last, I've had enough! "

The woman in the lead chuckled, squinted at the other party, and said softly, "Crasher, when will you be able to act more prudently and stop being so impatient, okay? We've waited for so long, isn't it just a little bit closer?" You should know who we are going to face this time is Huofeng. Since it is confirmed that he is here, we also need to use it to improve our status, so we must be patient and think about it The people from the Wild Beasts Group are comparing our current situation. We all said that we want to completely become an existence beyond him. We can’t become what we are now because we can’t wait. This time we can’t fail, we must succeed, Because if there is any mistake, none of us may survive!"

"It seems to be very serious. The era of the fire and the phoenix has passed for several years. His current level must be low. Do you think it is still the same as before? Is it the situation where he is the king and the king? No It's the same, today's operation only needs me alone! You don't need to worry about it, I will take care of Huofeng, you just need to clean up all the little people around Huofeng."

The sturdy and strong man named Zhuang Ke said these words casually, causing everyone in the room to shake their heads helplessly.

In fact, these people are fans of the Wild Beast organization. They used to regard everyone in the Wild Beast group as the idols they pursued all their lives. After a certain level, the idols became the goals they chased and even wanted to defeat. Target.

Today, the combination of four men and one woman is completely in accordance with the combination of madness and resistance.

Everyone has identified a goal and wants to be that kind of person.

But sitting here now, everyone looks at this bumper, and always feels that the difference between him and the bull in the Wild Beast organization is too much.

Although Man Niu relied on all his strength, the opponent's IQ was definitely more than one level higher than this bumper.

At least, Man Niu has never shown any contempt for anyone, even if it is a person who is much lower than him, the other party will take it seriously.

This time they came here, the most direct plan was to kill Huofeng under the horse. If you have to say something realistic, it is that they are actually the same people as Tian Heshe who targeted Li Xiao at the beginning. The difference between the clubs is that they have an internal response, and the internal response is in Pearl University.

The Wuqing who takes the magic snake as his life goal is the woman who spoke just now, Wuqing.

Consciously, she is no worse than that woman of the Demon Snake, and even dyed her purple hair in order to compete with each other, just to oppose the fiery red hair of the Demon Snake.

Today is their famous battle, and the relationship is very important, and the bumper shouted there, which upset her.

Although what she said was to be calm and calm, in fact, no one was more upset than her.

She didn't even dare to imagine what kind of punishment she would suffer if she failed. Even if she could leave here alive, she might not be able to go to the place where they came alive.

The sky is big and the earth is big, maybe there is no place for them to stay anymore.

Thinking of these things, I felt depressed for a while for no reason. I looked around and found these people around me one by one. Although they were not as obvious as bumpers, they were still full of disdain in my heart.

To be honest, these people are also growing up in a new era, have more extraordinary abilities, and have enough qualifications to despise others.

Even going to be no worse than those who used to dominate the king.

But they didn't think that the reason why those people can prosper for a long time is also because they have their own unique abilities.

Could it be that Huofeng is really such an easy person to deal with?

Absolutely not!

"You guys rest here first, act in the early morning, I will go out for a walk, and then observe the situation."

Wuqing said this sentence casually, and walked out of the door quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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