The toughest man in the city

Chapter 119 Bloody Emily

Chapter 119 Bloody Emily
There is only one private matter that Qing Wu has to do.

Kill Li Xiao!
When she was in the detention room, she regretted so much why she didn't strangle that guy cruelly. If he was strangled to death, no one would know what happened to her.

But at that time, because of Li Xiao's words, she got lucky and withdrew.

No, to be precise, even without Li Xiao's words that misunderstood her as Xue Ning, Qing Wu would not have dared to strangle him to death.

Just because when she was about to take action, there seemed to be a pair of terrifying eyes staring at her. As long as she dared to use a little force, Li Xiao, who seemed to be paralyzed, would rise up again and launch a strong attack on her.

She was afraid.

Even after saying goodbye to Ning Guanming, he came to the ward again, trying to find another chance to kill Li Xiao.

The kind of fear that has always been lingering in her mind still made her dare not make a move.

Until just now, after seeing the scene where Xue Ning and Li Xiao were fighting, Qing Wu suddenly realized that she might not need to do it herself if she wanted to kill Li Xiao.

"Didn't you say that you are a fire phoenix? Very good, then I will make you a real fire phoenix! Just wait to be swallowed alive."

Qing Wu clenched her silver teeth, whispered viciously, and turned around to leave.

Li Xiao didn't know that he had offended a terrible woman invisibly, God knows what stormy revenge would be waiting for him, anyway, he was full of depression right now.

It is obvious that you have corrected your attitude, and you must have the courage to bear your mistakes.

But Xue Ning didn't accept any of his attitude at all, it felt like nothing happened.

Are you kidding me, how can such a thing never happen.

"Maybe, maybe women need time to relieve the hurt they have suffered. At least, she didn't confess me and let me accept a justice trial and get shot, which proves that she tried to accept me."

Li Xiao was talking to himself, as if he had finally found a reasonable explanation, and he was instantly in a good mood.

As he turned his gaze, he saw some objects scattered on the bed.

He always remembered that all the tragic encounters in the past few days came from a black cat that appeared for no reason, and who the owner of that black cat was became the biggest doubt in his heart.

Even in the face of fierce enemies, he has felt a huge threat, but that night he was forced to flee in embarrassment by a cat. Just ask how powerful a person who can cultivate such a vicious pet must be.

Li Xiao's expression turned serious. He picked up the special mobile phone and turned it on, just to see if Mole could find out who the other party was.

However, it has been three or four days since the last time I contacted Mole, and the phone has not received any message.

This only proved that the Mole hadn't found what he wanted at all.

"It wouldn't be possible to offend some ancient mysterious organization."

Li Xiao frowned, and gave up his plan to contact Mole again. He would naturally know when there was a result.If there is no result, even if it is forced to die, it will be in vain.

Thinking of this in his heart, he bent his fingers and wanted to turn off the phone again.

But before it really landed on the off button, the phone vibrated violently.

There's a call coming in.

It's not a mole, but a strange number that appeared inexplicably last time.

Who is this person, and why can he catch up with him every time he turns on the phone and make a call.You must know that this mobile phone is equipped with an anti-spy system, even the scary woman in the wild beast group cannot detect when he is turned on.

The unfamiliar number for overseas communication in front of him, unless he dials it every once in a while, can just catch up with him to turn on the phone.

Who is so persistent?

Li Xiao couldn't figure it out, but fortunately he switched hands and pressed the answer button.

After a moment of silence, I could hear a crisp female voice on the other end of the phone, as if with great excitement, shouting in English: "It's connected, it's really connected!"

Then he suppressed the trembling excitement and asked: "Hello, you, are you the red scarf of Huaxia?"

Li Xiao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

What the hell, I'm already past the age of wearing a red scarf, okay?

I have heard before that some young people who are bored abroad always like to make international long-distance calls, trying to learn about exotic customs and make special friends through telephone communication.

Li Xiaocai was not in the mood to play around with some foreign children.

Hang up, shut down.

Ignore that silly prank.

Open your arms, lie on your back on the bed, just want to think about life quietly.

The appearance of that black cat was like a barb in his heart. He had to think clearly about how to deal with the next time he encountered a similar situation, or even a powerful opponent behind that black cat.

He is quiet here.

On the other side of the earth across the vast ocean, in the headquarters of the Emishima Johnson & Johnson Group, there was a lot of turmoil in the top-level president's office.

Emily, the executive director of Johnson & Johnson headquarters, rushed into a special office like the wind.

"Did you get through? Quick, give me the phone!"

But the young employee holding the microphone in front of him had a look of panic.

"President Emily, that, that red scarf hung up the phone without saying a word."

With just this sentence, Emily's excited mood was replaced by great anger in an instant. Standing by the door, she glanced over coldly, and the temperature in the whole room seemed to drop below freezing point.

Not only the person who answered, but all the operators in the room stood up together, lowering their heads and not daring to look at Emily, trembling uncontrollably all over.

For more than a year, Emily specially arranged for five operators to work in shifts around the clock to dial that special number every 5 minutes.

Just want to find someone and take it for their own use.

Finally got connected today, but lost contact again without even saying a word.

Who can understand that kind of anger?

The clicking sound of high heels stepping on the ground is like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart.

When Emily walked in front of the operator, she shot suddenly, grabbed the girl's hair, and slammed it down hard.

There was a bang, and the thin girl's head was hit, and she fainted instantly, but the cold-blooded Emily still refused to let the poor man go, grabbed the landline phone on the table, and smashed it again.

I don't know how long it has passed. After venting her anger, Emily finally stopped, threw away the discarded telephone, patted the blood stains on her hands, turned to look at the other people in the room whose faces were pale with fright, and smiled coldly. : "Keep calling."

After the words fell, Emily stepped away.

Only then did someone enter the door and drag the unconscious operator away.

Li Xiao probably never dreamed that there would be such a bloody and terrifying woman behind that strange number.

At this moment, he just wanted to hold someone down and beat him up, to punish that guy for disturbing his rare quiet time of rest.

In the ward, the old beggar Zhou Zhenhua smiled, grabbed an apple, rubbed it on his dirty clothes twice, and bit it down. The sweet juice was still flowing between his teeth. He couldn't wait to ask: "Little apple!" Brother, how did you think about the cooperation project I told you about last time?"

(End of this chapter)

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