Chapter 1150
Seeing Li Xiao falling asleep at this moment, how could Sima Rubing be unhappy.

"I've grown up so much, and no one has ever made me so ashamed. I can't spare you!"

While talking, Sima Rubing pushed Li Xiao hard, causing him to slide down and fall to the ground.

Cheng Min next to him panicked, stretched out his hand subconsciously, but withdrew his arm resentfully, and asked uncomfortably: "Ru Bing, how are you going to deal with him? It's not thinking, thinking about killing him, right? "

"Sister Min, what are you thinking? How can I kill him? I just want to study what kind of physique this guy is, and how he can master the secrets of so many elements. In addition, I also want to let him He is ashamed, I want him to be tied up at the school gate naked, and let everyone laugh at him."

Women's hatred is pretty scary.

Especially this kind of lady who does things completely regardless of the consequences and only thinks about doing things according to her own preferences is even more terrifying.

Li Xiao's mistake was that he shouldn't care about what such a little girl thinks, and he shouldn't care about how debilitating things such a little girl can do.

"Sister Min, come here and do me a favor, turn him around, I'll study it carefully first."

When Ru Bing said research, it was really research, that is to study Li Xiao's physique.

In fact, Cheng Min was very much in agreement with Ru Bing's approach at the beginning, but what happened at the school gate just now made her somehow unable to bear to see this guy in front of her get hurt.

But now, there is no chance of repenting.

The only thing she can do is to help Ru Bing carry Li Xiao from the dining room to me, and don't forget to keep admonishing her.

"Ru Bing, although this guy is annoying, he is a human being after all, so you should not hurt him. It's okay to embarrass him, but don't let it get out of hand."

"Okay, okay, I get it. Sister Min, you are really nagging. This guy is amazing. If we hadn't used tricks to make him what he is now, I wouldn't dare to touch him. Besides, I guess my level It's hard to hurt him."

While speaking, Li Xiao had already been thrown into my room.

At this moment, Sima Rubing turned into a serious researcher, even put on white gloves, walked around Li Xiao, and raised his finger.

"Sister Min, help me take off his clothes."


Cheng Min felt devastated at the time. In this weather, Li Xiao had only one layer of clothes on his body. If he lost it...

"Ah, sister Min, you can't let me do it. Besides, we haven't seen this guy before. He doesn't care about it in the gym today. Hurry up, I'm not sure the medicine will work on him How long will it last. If he wakes up soon, we will be in trouble."

Following Sima Rubing's urging, Cheng Min, no matter how reluctant she was, reached over and started to remove the things on Li Xiao.

Originally a very simple thing, it was quite difficult to do, but in the end it was a very good result.

The only difference is that the two women, Ru Bing and Cheng Min, both blushed a little.

The girl Ru Bing seemed a little impatient, seeing Cheng Min's reaction, she couldn't help but chuckled and said, "No, Sister Min, I haven't seen it much before, that's because I don't have a boyfriend. You are going to get married soon Yes, can you still?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I have already agreed with Mao Qingduo, we will wait until after we get married."

"Ah? Sister Min, are you still so conservative? As for Mao Qingduo, it's no wonder that many people say that that guy is entangled with other women."

When these words came out, Ru Bing suddenly realized that something was wrong, and quickly covered her mouth.

Cheng Min was a little annoyed, and just wanted to say something.

Suddenly a muffled groan came out of Li Xiao's mouth, and they both took a step back in surprise.

Li Xiao seemed to be in some pain, and raised his hand to cover his head.

Sima Rubing panicked and shouted loudly: "Quick, sister Min, hold him down quickly, I'll let him sleep for a while."

Cheng Min was also afraid that Li Xiao would wake up and treat her like before when he got angry, so he ran over and put his hand on Li Xiao's shoulder.
But what would happen if she rushed over like this.

It was Li Xiao who suddenly opened his eyes at a close distance, which seemed to be filled with endless anger.

Cheng Min was so frightened that he froze for a long time before thinking about getting up and running away.

But if you want to run again at this time, how can you make it in time?

The special existence in Li Xiao's body that never disappoints, relying on the innate familiarity and fit with Li Xiao, instantly took control of Li Xiao's whole person, and directly reached out and grabbed Cheng Min. .

A horrified scream broke out.

Sima Rubing, who was looking for some medicine next to her, turned around in panic. She was so frightened that she rushed to rescue Cheng Min, but was caught by Li Xiao's other hand.

Suddenly, it was as if an invisible flame erupted, enveloping the three of them tightly.

A fiery special existence, at this moment, will only use the most violent way to punish those who dare to hurt Li Xiao.


Another night fell, Li Xiao returned to the dormitory, he looked like a walking corpse, and lay down on the bed straight up, causing Liu Qiang and the others in the dormitory to be shocked.

"Third, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xiao didn't want to talk, he just wanted to calm down the irritability in his heart silently.

He couldn't tell what the situation was like today, but when he was at Ru Bing's house, the warm feeling he had never felt before was absolutely real. He had never felt like he had truly lived for once like today. Even when he was in a state of confusion at that time, he thought about taking over his master and his wife, and the family could live peacefully and peacefully.

As a result, the happy time is always so short, especially the contrast of reality gave him an unimaginably heavy blow to his heart.

Ru Bing deceived him.

No, being deceived didn't matter at all, and Li Xiao didn't care at all about being deceived by an unrelated woman.

The point is that the fantasy is so real, he is completely immersed in it, which means that he wants to have an extremely wonderful life state, even if it is just a simple dinner.

Why didn't God even give him this hope.

It is conceivable that after waking up and discovering that everything was false, how much pain he felt in his heart, and how much he wanted those who deceived him to pay an extremely painful price.

But it was Sima Rubing and Cheng Min who both paid the price.

But even if those who cheated him were punished, would the ordinary life he hoped for be fully realized?


It seemed like that kind of life would never happen to him.

(End of this chapter)

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