Chapter 1144

Their goddess pursued a man in public, which already made these people feel broken from the bottom of their hearts just thinking about it.

The key is that the man, that is, the guy named Li Xiao who appeared in front of him, actually rejected the goddess' pursuit with disdain, which is simply an unforgivable behavior.

Just now at the entrance of the dormitory building, Li Xiao saw so many people blocking him, they were actually blocking him.

The place he turned to actually didn't avoid the storm, but directly entered the center of the storm.

You must know that these people here are Ru Bing's hardcore suitors, and no matter where Ru Bing goes, they will follow.

Any little trouble the goddess encounters, they will collectively rush forward to seek justice for the goddess.

What Li Xiao looks like has already spread to everyone's mobile phones. How could this guy not be recognized when he appeared.

The scene of the crowd's anger made Li Xiao speechless.

When he saw Cheng Min, he knew that the other party was not Ling Jie's person at all, and he could even be said to be an ordinary college counselor who could not be in an ordinary school.

In other words, you can't get what you want here.

Knowing his own situation, he naturally wouldn't have any good attitude towards Cheng Min.

"My time is precious, if you have anything to say, please speak quickly."

Standing in front of Cheng Min, he opened his mouth to say just that.

That Cheng Min has been working for several years, and has taught several freshmen. I wonder which student does not admire her, especially when the boys face her, the shy and timid appearance of the boys makes Cheng Min even more In the past few years, I have always been in a psychologically superior position.

This was the first time meeting Li Xiao like this, and she was not impressed by her beauty at all, and she didn't even look like a student should when facing a teacher.

Cheng Min's strong psychological gap made her finally understand why Ru Bing hated this guy named Li Xiao so much.

The woman frowned, then put on a disdainful smile, and pointed to the basketball court.

"Look over there."

Li Xiao didn't know why, but he still looked in the direction of Cheng Min's finger.

As far as the eye can see, a beautiful figure is galloping on the basketball court.

It was also at this time that he discovered to his astonishment that there was actually a girl among those playing basketball.

And that girl...

"Sima Rubing?"

Hehe, Li Xiao finally understood the reason why Cheng Min called him here, and he finally understood why countless fierce eyes gathered on him as soon as he entered the door.

His face became much colder, and he turned to look at Cheng Min with a kind of disdain and arrogance.

"Did she arrange it? It's unreasonable and boring!"

On the training ground today, it was because of Ru Bing that he couldn't find the person he wanted to find.

At night, I thought there was a clue here, but I never expected that it was the trick of that woman.

Do you really think that Boss Li has so much free time to play house-like things with you, a little girl?

He reprimanded Cheng Min unceremoniously, causing the beautiful woman Cheng to be stunned for a moment.

Li Xiao was too lazy to continue wasting time here, so he turned around and was about to leave.

But what happened in front of him really made his heart burn with anger.

The basketball game ended, and the people on the field stopped playing basketball. At this time, countless spectators in the stands came down collectively and blocked the door directly. This was clearly trying to block him here.

Li Xiao frowned and looked at Cheng Min.

Cheng Min looked at it with an angry look, sneered, shrugged his shoulders in disdain, and pointed to the basketball court.

That's so obvious.

You have already arrived, the next thing has nothing to do with her, that is how to resolve the conflict between Li Xiao and Sima Rubing.

Of course, Cheng Min was very happy to see this guy Li Xiao deflated.

After all, in so many years of work experience, no student has ever dared to speak to her with the tone and attitude just now.

Li Xiao finally understood that this Cheng Min was just a contact person in the middle, if he wanted to leave here peacefully today, he had to make a breakthrough from that Ru Bing body.

Slowly turned around, walked a few steps forward with a sneer, and stood on the edge of the basketball court.

Sima Rubing threw the basketball to the people around him and walked over.

"You are very good and quite courageous. You are the first person I have ever seen face so many people without changing your face."

What Sima Rubing said was a sincere appreciation to Li Xiao.

After all, there are a lot of people here, and anyone who does it will probably feel a little nervous.

However, Li Xiao didn't care about these at all.

"You should know that these people can't stop me. I want to leave, but they can't stop me. If I stay, these people really dare to do something, and they will be the ones who get down in the end."

Who is Li Xiao, he is the king!
Facing such a group of ordinary students, if he was a little scared, he would have died outside.

Besides, his identity does not allow him to do anything to these ordinary students, he really has no face to do it, just like an adult going to kindergarten to dominate, is it ashamed?

For Li Xiao's statement, Ru Bing very much agrees.

Just relying on the invisible pressure that Li Xiao put on her on the training ground today, not to mention these people here, even if the whole school adds it, it can't stop Li Xiao from coming and going freely.

However, the people around him didn't understand this. They just felt that this guy was too arrogant and wished they could beat this hateful guy down right now under the attention of the goddess.

Fortunately, Ru Bing waved her hand in time to avoid a bigger conflict.

"Li Xiao, no matter what you say, I will believe it. But look at the people here, do you think it would be embarrassing if you make a move?"

This woman is simply hateful, and she has calculated it.

Attracting so many ordinary students here is actually to create an embarrassment for Li Xiao, making him unable to use all his abilities here.

Again, it is impossible for any normal adult to go to kindergarten and dominate.

It is even more impossible for Li Xiao to attack so many ordinary students who don't know the truth around him just to leave this ghost place.

He could only take a deep breath, suppress the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Okay, then tell me, what do you want."

"Haha, my request is very simple. You lead a team and I lead a team. Let's play a game of basketball. If I beat you, you will kneel here!"

To be honest, Sima Rubing still has the competitive mentality of a little girl, and still likes to play tricks like children.

(End of this chapter)

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