The toughest man in the city

Chapter 114 Take Good Care Of

Chapter 114 Take Good Care Of
Zhang Juling is indeed an old comrade who has worked for many years. He can realize some serious problems with just a few simple conversations.

For example, during the handover process, the staff made negligent omissions and forgot a suspect who was detained.

So, this person who was locked up for three days and three nights without a drop of water, can he still have it?
If it wasn't for Ning Xiaoxi clamoring to come here to ask for someone, even if that kid died in the detention room, he didn't know how long it would take before he was discovered.

A group of people hurried towards the detention room, and the sound of chaotic footsteps woke Li Xiao up.

Although he didn't have enough rest and hated the feeling of being disturbed in his sleep, he still managed to stand up, put on his clothes, and hurriedly grabbed the handcuffs hanging from the heating pipe, and handcuffed himself, honestly Return to the posture of facing the wall and thinking about the past.

Just by hearing those footsteps, you can tell that there are quite a few people here this time.

It must be a police officer from the Criminal Investigation Brigade, ready to interrogate him.

It doesn't matter who will interrogate him, what matters is what kind of questions the police will interrogate him.

It doesn't matter if Lin Huahua still somehow framed him for stealing business secrets.

But what if he forced Xue Ning here?

God knows that policeman Xue didn't strangle him this morning. Was it because he was intimidated by the country's legal principles, temporarily stopped, turned his head and went back to treat this matter as a criminal case?

If other women might be afraid of losing their reputation, they would swallow their anger.

But Xue Ning is a policeman, completely disregarding his own reputation, just asking for an evil person like Li Xiao to receive a justice trial, it is not impossible.

How to do?
Before being besieged, absconding in fear of crime, or completely resigning to fate and waiting for the tragic ending of being shot?

In a short period of time, countless thoughts circulated in Li Xiao's mind.

In the end, he still failed to withstand the control of his inner moral sense and waited for the police uncle to catch him.

Negligent crime is also a crime, and a man should face his mistakes head-on. If his attitude is good enough, he swears to marry Xue Ning as his wife, and devotes his whole life to that big policeman, maybe this matter will be resolved satisfactorily.

With such a little bit of luck, he closed his eyes and welcomed the storm.

Crash, the sound of the key opening the door was crystal clear.

When the police officer on duty who was in charge of guarding the detention room opened the door and found Li Xiao squatting in the corner, thinking about the past, he almost lost his breath on the spot.

"Brother, you are not dead. Come on, call the doctor to see how this guy is doing."

The police officer on duty rushed up and hurriedly opened Li Xiao's handcuffs. In the bottom of his heart, he had already scolded the colleague who was on duty before.

Who said there was no one in the detention room.

Such a big living person is about to die here, who can take responsibility.

As the handcuffs were released, the police officer on duty took advantage of the opportunity to lay Li Xiao flat on the ground, and then the medical staff who had called to rescue Xue Ning rushed in the door to conduct an emergency physical examination on the guy.

When the portable ECG device was connected to his body, Li Xiao was in a daze.

The rhythm isn't right.

Didn't they come to arrest me for interrogation? How can there be good treatment for medical staff to help with medical examinations?
Before he could figure it out, a hasty shout came from outside the crowd.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Li Xiao, are you alright?"

Ning Xiaoxi squeezed her way into the crowd and threw herself in front of Li Xiao, with tears streaming down her face, as if she was a widower who had lost her husband.

Li Xiao felt even more confused.

Why is Ning Xiaoxi here?
In other words, this girl is recovering pretty well. She almost died of high fever two days ago, and now she is alive and well again. Thank God for hearing my prayer and not turning her into a fool.

"Who, who made Li Xiao do this? If something happens to him, who will cook such delicious food for me in the future?"

Ning Xiaoxi turned around suddenly and asked angrily at the police officers.

Li Xiao almost rolled his eyes to death on the spot, thinking, Ning Xiaoxi might as well become a little fool, the more normal she is, the more he will be kidnapped by her.

"Ning, Ms. Ning, stay safe and don't be impatient. Li Xiao is still alive, but he hasn't had a drop of water for three days, and his body is relatively weak. It's better to send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

Director Zhang, who came to take charge of the work, stepped forward and said these words.

There is no way, the current situation is obviously at the fault of the police.

Even if the heinous murderer is locked in the detention room, he can't just leave him alone for three days.

He hastily called someone to come, and carried Li Xiao into the ambulance.

"Boss Zhang, I will give you a reasonable explanation for Li Xiao being mistaken for stealing business secrets. However, I hope you can give us a reasonable answer for what happened to him in the detention room these days."

Before Ning Guanming left the Criminal Investigation Brigade, he solemnly said these words to Bureau Leader Zhang.

In fact, Ning Guanming didn't care what happened to Li Xiao.But there must be a suitable reason to coax Ning Xiaoxi.

Jiangdong Group's convoy left with the ambulance.

After leaving the Criminal Investigation Brigade for a long time, Li Xiao, who was lying in the ambulance, finally understood what happened.

He was kept in the detention room for three whole days, and everyone seemed to have forgotten about him. Until today, when I think about it, they thought he had died of thirst and starvation, so they took care of him so nervously.

Damn, from this point of view, I have become a victim instead.

But the question is... Where is Xue Ning?

Doesn't anyone know about that?

The biggest doubt in Li Xiaoman's mind was why Xue Ning didn't expose his crimes.

As for Xue Dajinghua herself, at this moment, she was extremely aggrieved to bear the anger from the bureau leader.

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense!"

Zhang Juling slapped the table with his big hands and the sky shook: "I think it's because you have indulged you people for too long that you can do whatever you want, and you can forget a big living person for three days. If someone is killed, the responsibility Whose is it?"

The middle-level and above personnel of the entire Criminal Investigation Brigade all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. They secretly glanced at Xue Ning from the corner of their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Director Zhang was so angry that his eyes were dizzy again: "Don't try to shirk responsibility for me here, everyone in the team will each have a [-]-word inspection report, and hand it over to my office before work tonight , explain to me what happened in the past two days. And you, Xue Ning, from now on, suspend your duties and reflect on yourself, and go to the hospital to take care of that Li Xiao until Li Xiao recovers and is discharged from the hospital."

Upon hearing this, Xue Ning was furious.

"Why, why should I take care of that guy?"

"Just because you left your post without permission. The task I entrusted to you is to secretly protect Ning Xiaoxi. Who told you to investigate Huofeng privately. During the few days when you took care of Li Xiao, reflect on yourself clearly. What are you doing?" !"

Zhang Juling slammed the door angrily and left.

Xue Ning, who was infinitely wronged, clenched his fists, and the palms of his fingers turned white.

Okay, Li Xiao, I will take good care of you... well!

(End of this chapter)

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