The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1100 Excellent Person

Chapter 1100 Excellent Person
Excellent people, no matter where they are, they will leave a deep impression on others.

Li Xiao is really excellent, so good that he has a kind of magical power, which can make Anna feel infinitely safe by this person's side.

Standing in the elevator, she stared hard at Li Xiao, trying to recall whether this guy was the one she saw yesterday.

But Li Xiao looked over and smiled slightly: "Beauty, my name is Li Xiao."

Anna was stunned for a moment by her self-introduction, but soon, the smart girl came to her senses.

Such an opening statement is not enough to explain that the person I saw yesterday is the guy next to me.

"You, you sent me back yesterday?"

"That's right. It's just that Miss Anna, you are a bit dishonest, and it cost me an extra 20 yuan to wash the car."


Anna's face turned red all of a sudden.

"That, that's why you sent me into the room, then, then..."

"That's right, I think it's a bit embarrassing for a beautiful woman like you to sleep with the filth on her clothes, so I decided to help you find the most comfortable sleeping position. However, I still want to say, Giving you a bath, Anna beauty, is really not as easy as bathing a cat."

Li Xiao is simply a superb person.

There are some things he did, so it’s fine to remember them secretly, why do you have to say it directly in front of other young and beautiful girls.

Anna, who was originally grateful to him, was extremely embarrassed at this moment.

"You, what else have you done to me!"

"Haha, don't worry, beauty Anna. I, Li Xiao, am still a decent man and cannot take advantage of others' danger. Besides, I did something under the circumstances yesterday, so why do I have the nerve to come here to find you?"

Li Xiao smiled quite sincerely and spoke.

That really makes people want to get angry, and there is no way to get angry.

Anna stamped her feet in anger.

Just then, the elevator door opened with a ding.

Before the two could continue their conversation, there was a rattling sound outside the elevator door.

Before I saw anyone, I saw a large bouquet of roses, covering the entire elevator door tightly.

Li Xiao and Anna were both stunned.

Then there was a laugh.

"Beauty Anna returned to work, and I, Huang Da, came all the way to welcome her. Beauty, please give me a sweet kiss."

While talking, a young man with a fair appearance stepped into the door, completely ignoring Li Xiao in the elevator, and threw the big bouquet of roses aside, and rushed towards Anna when he saw it.

This is Huang Dabin.

The culprit who has harassed Anna for an unknown amount of time, and he doesn't know how to restrain his style at all, he just jumps up when he sees a beautiful woman.

Anna screamed at that time, dodged sideways, and squeezed out to the elevator.

But Huang Dabin turned around with a smile, and chased after him slowly.

"Beauty Anna, don't run away, come and give me a kiss. Don't worry, as long as you agree to be my girlfriend, I guarantee that you can host any program you want here. What is that Wang Meimei, I'll let him go and let you continue. No, I'll let you host all the programs on the TV station."

In the huge office area of ​​the TV station, Huang Da's wanton laughter echoed.

Many people frowned involuntarily, but no one dared to stop him.

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, and even if you scold him, the final result will be targeted by Huang Guangzong, who protects the calf, so don't even think about working here.

Everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

And Anna was like a helpless little white rabbit, running away in the corridor.

Huang Dahe, who was chasing behind, was a vicious snake. He seemed to be ready to pounce at any time and bite him hard.

But Huang Da didn't notice that there was another person following him.

Li Xiao, who picked up the large bouquet of roses, strolled out of the elevator and walked towards the direction where Huang Dabing and Anna left.

He was thinking about whether to do something or not.

In fact, when he came back this time, he simply wanted to see the familiar people in the past and briefly recall his past life. After all his emotions calmed down, he left directly and stayed with Munan. Never come back again.

Who would have imagined that within a few days of coming back, I would encounter a lot of things.

Especially now, he had already promised the security brother at the door that if he came to the building to have a look, nothing big would happen.

But he happened to meet the legendary Huang Dabin, and it was difficult for him to suppress certain thoughts in his heart.

If Huang Da was beaten together here to doubt his life, that Huang Guangzong would definitely not let it go, and would definitely make the whole thing a big deal.

Once the fuss gets bigger, wouldn't everyone have to know that Li Xiao is back?

Alas, it is true that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Li Xiao was full of emotion, he seemed to be walking very slowly, but in fact he didn't let the two running in front of him fall too far behind.

A corridor, no matter how long it is, has an end.

At the very end is a large office, but the two glass doors are locked with electronic locks.

This is the office area of ​​another production team. Anna definitely doesn't know the password to enter the door. She can only knock on the glass door every time, praying for the people inside to open the door and let her in to hide.

However, when someone really tried to open the door for Anna, Huang Da at the back suddenly reached out and pointed inside.

"I'll see who of you dares to open the door!"

The sharp shout transmitted into the room extremely penetratingly.

The people inside dared not move.

Huang Dabing came to the front with a rather comfortable feeling.

Anna was desperate at this time.

Even though she was in the office area where the crowd gathered, she seemed to be blocked by a villainous guy in the wilderness. She was huddled in the corner of the wall near the door, and there was no room for her to escape.

And Huang Da approached, directly stretched out his arms to prop up the wall, and put Anna firmly within his control range, with a tricky smile on his face.

"Come on, Miss Anna, come to welcome our first intimate contact since we met. Don't worry, I will be very gentle."

While speaking, Huang Da couldn't wait to stretch his head and moved towards Anna.

But I didn't wait until I actually touched something.

There was a sound of wind.

Afterwards, Huang Da felt that his head had received an unprecedented shock, he wobbled around on the spot several times, and then sat down and fell to the ground.

After being stunned for several minutes, there was a miserable scene.

It hurts so much.

He had just been whipped repeatedly by a large bouquet of roses, and the sharp thorns cut him, which had already covered half of his face with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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