The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1092 Eavesdropping

Chapter 1092 Eavesdropping
Jinze and Jintang, or the entire Jin family are planning a huge conspiracy against Li Xiao.

In fact, this matter started a long time ago. It was because of the time when Li Xiao was not in Qinghe, and wanted to completely destroy Xiaolong Company.

It's a pity that just when they were about to close the net and take full action, Li Xiao came back.

What happened at the Li family's birthday banquet forced the five sons of the Jin family to reconsider when their arrangement was inappropriate.

And Li Xiao himself was completely at his own discretion, he went to Qunan wherever he wanted, and without knowing it, he returned to his place just when the crisis was about to break out.

Of course, the current Li Xiao doesn't know these things yet.

He just stayed in the hotel owned by Xiaolong Company under the arrangement of Lao Chen, and continued to enjoy a peaceful life.

A few days passed, Li Xiao slept during the day and went out to wander around at night.

And the place he went to the most was actually the villa where he lived with Ning Xiaoxi back then.

After such a long time, the entire villa was empty, and everything inside was covered with dust.

Li Xiao looked at everything that was so familiar to him, and wished that time could go back. He only needed to prepare the meals in the kitchen, put them on the table, and fight to eat with Ning Xiaoxi.

He didn't know what he was going to do either.In short, since he left before, in fact, he has completely lost his energy.

Always living in this world like a walking dead, aimless and aimless.

Accompanied by a trace of white belly in the east, Li Xiao swayed back to the hotel, lowered his head and walked into the hotel lobby like an ordinary guest.

It was when he entered the elevator that the conversation between the two attracted his attention.

"Anna, I'll leave this matter to you. Qinghe Bank has lost too many customers because of this case. Now we have found out and the culprit has been caught. You just need you to broadcast it on the news program. It’s good to have some kind of exclusive interview and help us shoot a new promotional video, which will definitely attract back the lost customers.”

The voice of the woman who spoke was very low.

But the elevator only has such a large space, even Li Xiao, who has no extraordinary hearing ability, can hear clearly.

He couldn't help but looked up, there was no doubt at all, the person who appeared in front of him was Chang Lingyu, the branch manager of Qinghe Bank, and beside Chang Lingyu, a face looked very haggard, and he still tried to show his strength. The mature, female who smiled, nodded silently.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry. We have such a good relationship, I will definitely help you. Besides, this is an event news, and it must be broadcast. Needless to say, many people have already paid attention to it. However, that publicity Take a look at how to make the film, at most I can help you find the film crew in the station."

"Okay, that's good. Thank you Anna."

Chang Lingyu's face was extremely joyful, and Anna was also happy for her friend from the bottom of her heart, but the smile on her face seemed rather forced.

With a ding, the elevator doors opened.

Li Xiao walked down first, but all his attention was on the two women behind.

What he didn't expect was that Anna got off the elevator on the same floor.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, you can send me here. I'm going back to rest. If there's anything else, I'll call you when I go to the TV station tomorrow."

"Okay, then Anna, you should pay attention to rest, and don't take that matter too seriously."

The one named Anna didn't say anything more.

Li Xiao also came to the door of his room at this time, took out his room card and opened the door very slowly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Anna walking past him. down.

Li Xiao pushed the door open and walked into his room. The moment he entered, he saw that Anna also took out the room card.

With a click, the door closed to block the eyes from the outside.

Li Xiao put his ear on the door and listened carefully.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and entering, he walked to the place separated from the next room by a wall, and put his ears directly on the wall.

Who could not be a little curious about this person.

Just based on the conversation between Anna and Chang Lingyu that he heard in the elevator just now, Li Xiao can easily guess that this is the case that the previous bank card theft case has been investigated almost, and the president Chang is looking around. Find a relationship and find a way to re-brand Qinghe Bank.

These are all normal things.

But what was abnormal was the behavior of Anna that Li Xiao observed in the elevator.

Obediently speaking, this Anna should be the host of the city's TV station or some small middle class.Being able to have her own career in the city TV station at such an age shows that this woman is not simple, and she has been working for a long time.

But how could such a single girl who has worked locally for a long time live in a hotel.

One must know that this is a star hotel under Xiao Long's banner, the room fee for one day is not a small amount, even if Anna is the director of the TV station, it is impossible to live here every day.

Boss Li, who is as rich as us, wanted to get a small two-bedroom apartment as a residence when he started his company.

Therefore, he felt that this Anna must have encountered some kind of problem.

I remembered what Chen Defa said before, a friend of a friend is a friend.

Then Chang Lingyu and Xue Ning are friends, they are his friends of Li Xiao's.

Anna is Chang Lingyu's friend, so she is also Li Xiao's friend.

Since it is a friend, shouldn't the friend lend a helping hand when he encounters some unsolvable troubles and problems?

So, Li Xiao really had nothing to do, so he would lie on the wall and listen to the corner, eavesdropping on other people's privacy.

First there was a bang, the sound of someone falling on the bed.

Then there was a faint sobbing sound. I don't know how long the girl had been crying, and the phone rang again.

Probably Anna's colleague, the girl talked about some work matters in a calm tone as much as possible, and then focused on the report and promotional video of Qinghe Bank.

When the phone was hung up, the room next door was completely quiet.

After listening for a long time, Li Xiao didn't hear any information he wanted, and he shook his head helplessly, thinking that he must be full of leisure to pay attention to these irrelevant things.

Shaking his head helplessly, he wanted to go back and do something for him.

Unexpectedly, before he could remove his ears, another burst of mobile phone ringing made him subconsciously press his ears against the wall again.

This time the bell rang for a long time, many times.

(End of this chapter)

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