The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1068 Tang Muzhao's Shot

Chapter 1068 Tang Muzhao's Shot
How could Long Zaicheng not be shocked when he heard the voice of kissing his eldest brother here.You must know that there are two invitations from the Li family to the Long family, one of which is in his hand, and the other is sent to the Dana of the Long family. He kept saying a few words of congratulations on his longevity, but he never had a chance to come over.

Therefore, on this birthday banquet, in this inner hall, he can only be the representative of the Pearl Dragon family.

He never expected that Long Zicheng would also come.

Long Zicheng's appearance this time obviously has nothing to do with Pearl Dragon's family, he just mixed in with Lu Caiyi from Jiangdong Lu's family, and Lu Caiyi naturally mixed in with her sister Lu Caixiu.

It doesn't matter who Long Zicheng mixed in with, the main thing is that he took the initiative to speak here, whether he represents the Long family or the Lu family.

On behalf of the Long family, have you ever considered the feelings of his biological brother Long Jaicheng?

On behalf of the Lu family, the young master of the Long family stepped in and went to the Lu family in Jiangdong. Isn't this obviously going to cause face loss to the Long family?

Long Zicheng shouldn't be ignorant of these principles.

In any case, he shouldn't appear in the crowd of the Lu family, and even if he did, he shouldn't say hello to his own brother at all, and it's so obvious that he lost a young master of a family. The haughty attitude that should have been reduced to that of a servant trying to help Jiangdong Lu's family.

Everyone looked up at the transparent banquet hall, and at an open box on the second floor.

They all looked at Long Zicheng and fell into deep thought.

Li Xiao was the only one whose gaze did not fall on Long Zicheng, but on Lu Caixiu who was sitting on the seat next to the open window overlooking the audience.

He was even more unfamiliar with Lu Caixiu, and he hadn't even met Lu Caixiu much.

But there is one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, Lu Caixiu is one of the eight envoys of the Raging Fire Royal Court. If Lu Caixiu is here, then will the king also appear here?

King Zhaoyang!
The fear that Li Xiao felt from the bottom of his heart, even thinking about it, made the hairs of his body explode, and he showed a more vigilant posture completely subconsciously.

Don't forget that for a long time, the king pretended to be a harmless little girl who completely deceived Li Xiao. I don't know if the king will do something that is contrary to common sense and hurt sister Yi and the others.

Li Xiao's feelings towards that king were quite contradictory and speechless.

It's a pity that after looking here for a long time, I didn't see the terrifying King Zhaoyang among the people around Lu Caixiu.

It has been more than a year, maybe even the Zhaoyang King has lost interest in him, and he doesn't care where he is or what he is doing.

It's hard to imagine that at this moment, Li Xiao still felt a little lost when he didn't see the figure of King Zhaoyang.

However, this little disappointment was quickly attracted by the atmosphere of the scene.

"Young Master Long, I'm sorry, the woman next to me has taken a fancy to the purple one, and the orange one. I'll pay 3000 million for the two together!"

The person who spoke was Duan Jiu.

No matter what Duan Jiu's purpose is, it seems to be obviously aimed at Long Zicheng, deliberately fighting with the other party, in short, following Duan Jiu's words, people began to shout out how much to buy clothes money words.

As the number in the traditional sense continued to increase with a terrifying multiple, Li Xiao's heart also rose higher and higher along with it.

Is it so profitable to sell clothes?
For a few things that cost up to a hundred thousand, what you can earn back in the end is thousands of times the benefits.

If there is such a good thing, then I will also start a fashion company.

Just by selling clothes, you can live comfortably for a few lifetimes.

"In fact, the clothes themselves may not be very valuable. The main reason is that under the current situation, the Li family has specially auctioned these clothes, which is actually an opportunity for cooperation. In the end, no matter who owns these clothes, How much money was spent. The money was actually invested in as a share of the original shares of the fashion department of the Li Group. "

At this time, even Tang Muzhao and Mu Nan have no chance to explain anything to Li Xiao.

On the contrary, it was Liu Zixin who spoke suddenly, completely dispelling the doubts in Li Xiao's heart.

As Liu Zixin said, clothes are just an introduction. In fact, while Li Group's operation is building a reputation, it is also conducting a round of financing.

No matter how rich you are, it's not as real as spending other people's money.

I believe that after the sale of these seven suits, that manager Li will definitely announce on the spot, who will own how many shares of this Li's fashion company.

If the company loses money, it has nothing to do with anyone else.

But if it really makes money, even those who spent money here today can make a lot of money.

May I ask if the Li family has such a powerful force, will it easily bring down their company?

Let me just ask, as far as the power of the Li family is concerned, its subsidiaries can earn a little money a year.

It looks like they are buying clothes, but they are actually spending money to buy shares, an opportunity to be firmly tied to the Li family.

When Li Xiao was thinking about this matter, suddenly a cry erupted from a place near him, which really surprised him.

"The green one, 5000 million."

The people in this circle turned their heads in astonishment, and they saw Tang Muzhao blushing a little. He sat down after shouting the price, and murmured in a low voice, "I'm just trying, maybe I can buy clothes and get a chance to cooperate with Li's Group." .”

Although Tang Muzhao came here once last year, she only knew that the things sold on this occasion would definitely fetch sky-high prices that she couldn't even imagine, and it was impossible for her to compete with others based on her status.

But what she didn't expect was that the money spent would not be wasted in vain, but could instead be turned into some original shares of the newly established department of the Li Group.

This is a good opportunity to make a lot of money, how can you not give it a try?
As a businessman, when he sees enough benefits, he will definitely do very risky things.

Tang Muzhao was taking a risk, just because the 5000 million was really taken out all at once, which made her feel a little bit hurt.

If someone else bids higher than her, she will breathe a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the reality is that after Tang Muzhao's bidding, there was a long period of strange silence in the audience, and everyone's eyes...all fell on Li Xiao, full of contempt and disdain.

Li Xiao collapsed.

Tang Muzhao shouted, why do you despise me?
(End of this chapter)

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