The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1036 Unscientific

Chapter 1036 Unscientific

Now that Hu Guangzong encountered such a thing inexplicably, everyone is not afraid.

Especially Hu Guangzong and his wife turned their heads to look around in horror, afraid that something strange would appear.

The more scary this is, the weirder it becomes.

There was another loud slap, and Mrs. Hu spun around twice like a ball, leading Boss Hu to sit on the ground.

Now, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

At that moment, everyone was paying attention to their surroundings and did not look here at all. When the sound came over, when they looked back, Mrs. Hu was already sitting there, her eyes were dull, and half of her face was red and swollen.

And what about Li Xiao.

It seems to be just a few steps away, and there is no action.

Is there really no action?

If Li Xiao beat Hu Guangzong without leaving any traces before, it is very difficult not to leave some clues when beating Mrs. Hu this time.

At the very least, Tang Muzhao and Mu Nan felt a difference, just a very weak one. Li Xiao must have done something anyway.

But they didn't see clearly.

Of course, everyone's attention was once again attracted by Hu Guangzhong and his wife, and they didn't notice Li Xiao's hanging right hand. He clenched his fist and twisted it, twisting off a layer of white powder.

What a mistake. I didn't expect that Mrs. Hu had such a thick layer of powder on her face.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and just slapped the other person's face with his palm, otherwise it wouldn't be fun if he left fingerprints on the woman's face.

No one can imagine how fast Li Xiao's ultimate explosion speed is. Even Li Xiao himself didn't realize that he could surpass the speed of normal people's naked eye reaction before, but wandered around the outside world during the past period When he was young, an accident made him discover the change in himself.

He could also do things beyond human limits before.

But that is the result of countless life and death trials and the existence of that special existence in the body.

But it was different now. As time went by, he could clearly feel that besides the special existence that he had had since birth, there were two other things in his body.

One of them is an unknown piece of metal, and the other is a certain green bead that he saw when he got into the stomach of Yeyoushen when he was in Sanjiangyuan, but he swallowed it into his own stomach.

These three things have nothing to do with each other. They each occupy a small area in his body, but they merge with his own body in some way that cannot be explained by science.

The end result is that at certain special moments, he can use these things to use some power beyond his own ability.

For example, the speed of action that surpassed ordinary people's comprehension shown by hitting Hu Guangzong and his wife on a whim just now was achieved with the help of that piece of metal.

Of course, using these powers is not without loss.

It's just a direct manifestation of wear and tear, and it's just a small piece of metal that fuses and controls the space in his body, which is so big that it can't be detected.

It's so tiny that Li Xiao wouldn't be able to notice it if he didn't feel it seriously.

Once, he was also afraid of it.

I'm really worried that one day, these unknown things will suddenly magnify infinitely, envelop him and kill him directly from the inside.

God knows at that time, whether he turned into a pile of scum, or a walking dead without thinking.

But later, he slowly discovered that this worry was completely unnecessary.

Just because, among the three objects in the body, when one of them tries to expand the area, the other two will be activated together to force the single one to suppress it.

Three special objects that do not belong to the same level at all, mutually exclusive, but formed a delicate balance in his body.

Li Xiao didn't know if this kind of thing had happened to anyone else.

But he absolutely dare not tell anyone.

There are too many digressions, just look at the present.

Li Xiao imposed a small punishment on Hu Guangzong and his wife, and what he did was flawless, which made everyone feel terrified, with cold sweat running down their backs.

It's terrible. If it was said that when Hu Guangzong was beaten before, it could be said that Li Xiao could reach him by stretching out his hand. Now they are several meters away. If it was really Li Xiao who took action, it would be impossible for everyone to not see it.

Besides, everyone was looking around even just now, but after all, there were too many people here, and some of them happened to be looking in the direction where Li Xiao was.

They didn't realize that Li Xiao was half a step away from the two beauties beside him.

At this moment, everyone retreated at the same time, hiding as far as possible from Hu Guangzong and his wife.

The chaos here also attracted a lot of Li family nursing homes to gather around, listening to the surrounding guests whispering about the appearance of the heavenly goalkeeper of the Li family.

Numerous Li family nursing homes really don't know what to say.

It sounds like they are praising the Li family for being blessed by heaven, but if you think about it carefully, isn't it obvious that their house is haunted?

The scene became more and more confusing, especially for Hu Guangzong, who was at the center of the incident, and his mother-in-law helped each other to stand up with great difficulty, his face turned blue and red, and he felt that everyone around him was about to regard him as a heinous big man Bad guys, the kind that deserve to go to hell.

Is it bearable, what is unbearable?

If he doesn't think of a way to change the situation in front of him, who will get in touch with him in the future, and how can he keep his face.

"Oh, it was he who hit me. It was him!"

Hu Guangzong was full of resentment and couldn't take it anymore, pointing at Li Xiao and yelling loudly.

"I, Hu Guangzong, have behaved well in my life. I have never done anything bad. I am also a well-known public welfare supporter in Jiangnan. How could I encounter such a strange thing. Someone must have made a mess, and it was this guy."

After saying these words, everyone's eyes were turned to Li Xiao in an instant.

In fact, everyone knows about Hu Guangzong. He is a successful businessman who started from scratch. He has a large business and is very famous throughout Jiangnan. Otherwise, he would not be qualified to receive the invitation from the Li family.

As for how this person is.

In other words, as someone once said, a person is still a good person, but he just made a mistake that a man will make after he has money.

His moral character is a little bit worse, but it is still far from the level of harming nature and reason.

They were all beaten in front of the Li family's gate. Doesn't that mean that half of the people here couldn't enter the Li family's gate.

It's not scientific.

Everyone had different thoughts, but they couldn't help but think that the whole thing must be caused by that yellow-haired kid.

Just because he didn't move, doesn't mean he can't do some incredible things.

(End of this chapter)

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