The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1020 Strange Toilet

Chapter 1020 Strange Toilet

Who can imagine Li Xiao's mood at that time.

He wanted to see if he had crossed over.

It's just a matter of peeing, the old man turned into a robber, how can you make sense of this matter.

For a full few seconds, he stared blankly at the person across from him carefully, wanting to see what was so special about this guy, that he could hide it from his feelings, disassembled it in such a short period of time and reinstalled it. Assemble the wheelchair.

There is also this kind of operation of carrying tools and weapons on the plane, which is also extremely clever.

It was also when Li Xiao and the "grandfather" were facing each other in a daze. In the entire cabin of the plane outside, some tiny moments were brewing into a rather terrifying event.

In the first-class cabin, a middle-aged man with a big belly raised his arms and unfastened the extended seat belt that the flight attendant had lent him.

Grab the two ends of the word with both hands, and pull it a few times, feeling that the elasticity is very good, and a bright smile bursts out on his face, and walks swayingly to the opposite of the toilet at the connection between the first class and the economy class, the flight attendant lounge, Looking at the beautiful stewardess who was checking the lunch box with her back turned to this side, the smile on her face became even stronger, she took a fierce step forward, and directly strangled the stewardess' neck tightly with her seat belt.

Also during this time, at the front and back ends of the economy class, two crooked nuts stood up at the same time, and slowly pulled out the belts at their waists.

The belt was originally very soft, and I don't know what the two of them took and then smeared on it.

The belt suddenly turned into something like a steel plate. The two of them looked at each other from a distance, and then slapped the ordinary passenger beside them fiercely.


It's messed up, the whole plane is completely messed up.

No one expected that an ordinary trip would allow them to meet vicious robbers earlier.

These people also obviously came prepared. In a short time, they used the blood of a few ordinary people to frighten all the passengers, and after holding hostages, they forced everyone to sit in their seats honestly and dare not move.

The person who first entered the crew lounge really showed the versatility of the robbers these days. He even used a soft female voice to call for the cab to open quickly and the co-pilot to come out and take a look.

The co-pilot, who had no idea what was going on outside, opened the cockpit door.

It was also the moment the door opened, and someone nearby who had been ready to go rushed in directly.

So far, the entire plane has completely fallen into the hands of these villains.

In fact, when this kind of person appears on the plane, there are nothing more than two demands.

First, for faith, and second, for money.

Generally, smarter people will not be blinded by their beliefs. With so many strict inspection methods today, these villains can still come up with various strange ways to bring weapons on the plane, which is enough to prove their Relatively smart.

Then these people must be doing it for money.

Starting from the first class cabin, someone forced open the door and viciously threatened everyone present. If anyone did not transfer money to a certain account as required, they would be sent off the plane early.

Such a threat is very lethal.

After all, even those who love money the most know that their life is almost gone, and it is useless to ask for money, so they can only obediently follow the requirements of these villains.

Although it is not appropriate to say some descriptive words, I have to say that the plane is relatively orderly at the moment.

Everyone lined up to pay money and work hard, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

But keeping it away, the two gangsters felt that something was wrong.

Things are going well, the only thing is that their boss has disappeared.

It stands to reason that everything is arranged by the boss, and the boss should stand up and enjoy the pleasure of success.

"Hey, have you seen the master?"

"I see, I went to the toilet just now. Didn't we start to act when the head of the family went to the toilet?"

"Yeah, why hasn't the boss come out yet?"

Several people treated all the passengers on the plane as air, and continued their internal communication.

But so many people here must not be nothing. They can hear what these robbers are saying, and they also understand that something is wrong with this group of people.

The one who took the lead went to the toilet and hasn't come out yet.

The young female bodyguard who was sitting in Li Xiao's place turned her eyes cold and turned to look at the beauty protecting the lord beside her.

The two of them made eye contact for a moment, and neither of them spoke, but they were obviously wondering if the guy sitting here just now might be the boss of these people.

At such a strange moment, there was a click, which broke the silence of the front and rear cabins, and everyone subconsciously looked at the source of the sound.

Li Xiao came out of the bathroom whistling and made a gesture of closing the door casually.

Unexpectedly, before the door was completely closed, he frowned deeply.

Opposite him, in the crew rest area, a big fat man is pressing down on a beautiful stewardess who is in a coma. Looking further into the distance, a person in the luxury cabin is guarding the door of the cabin and controlling a poor rich man. On the other side of the economy cabin There are also two vicious guys, blocking the front and rear ends respectively.

This posture is obviously difficult to handle.

With a thought, he smiled and waved his hand, then backed away and went back to the bathroom.

The villains in the cabin were dumbfounded at the time.

What is the situation, why is it not their boss who came out of the bathroom, but a strange guy.

"You, go and have a look."

The person at the back end of the economy class should be the deputy of this small team, and immediately ordered the versatile man with a big belly in the flight attendant lounge to take a look.

The guy walked over with his seat belt on, without thinking about any accidents or problems. He walked forward, pushed open the door of the bathroom, and walked in.

With a click, the bathroom door automatically closed.

After a long time, even those passengers forgot their fear, and all looked in the direction of the bathroom in astonishment, completely unaware of what happened inside, there was no movement at all, and even after people entered, they couldn't get out.

Just when everyone couldn't suppress their curiosity, there was a soft click and the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Everyone's eyes widened and they saw the cynical young man poking his head out, smiling and waving at everyone, before retreating again.

Everyone in the cabin was dumbfounded at this moment.

Who is that guy? Is he the boss of this gang of robbers? He has been in and out several times. What does it mean?
Others are wondering, but those real villains will not have any doubts.

The boss and the fat guy who just went in must be in trouble, and the problem lies with that kid.

"Third son, come here, let's go in and have a look together. Lao He, take care of this place. If anyone dares to move around, show him some color."

The deputy in the team made arrangements, and then carefully moved towards the bathroom with the person in the luxury cabin.

He was already at the door.

With a crash, the bathroom door opened, and a pair of hands stretched out and grabbed the two people, pulling them directly inside.

Then, the whole plane fell into an eerie silence again.

(End of this chapter)

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