The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1015 Who will save me

Chapter 1015 Who will save me

Don't look at Tang Xiaomei living in Gaul, which is very romantic, but because of the relationship between the top and bottom of the Tang family, he has the kind of conservative thinking that transmits oriental women, otherwise she would not be concerned about what Tang Wanwan and Mu Nan did. Don't you hate it so much?

But today, for her beloved Hank, into this situation.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you should be able to know how "precious" things these people are going to take from her.

"Miss Tang, just wait patiently here. You are our employer, and there are also other people who have delivered the most precious things in exchange for our help. It just so happened that a gentleman revealed his family heirloom, just to get a little bit of delicious food You are the delicacy he wants. Rest assured that after the transaction is completed, we will also bring Mr. Hank and the best results you and Hank want.”

While talking, the two of them took a step forward, they didn't know what they were holding, and forcefully poured it into Tang Xiaomei's mouth.

Then the two turned around and went out.

Tang Xiaomei has gained the space to move freely, but at this moment she has no ability to move freely at all.

Since those people no longer took care of her, they were obviously sure that it was impossible for Tang Xiaomei to leave here by her own ability.

"Help, who can save me. Hank, Hank, come and save me."

Tang Xiaomei was limp on the ground, crawling forward vigorously, trying to get out of here, and shouting loudly for Hank to save her.

But even if someone like Hank is awake at other times, he might not risk his life to save her.

Hank is an extremely selfish guy, how could he care about other people's lives.

Suddenly, the closed door burst open.

Tang Xiaomei suddenly raised her head, and for a moment, she saw Hank, whom she cared about most, appearing in front of her.

But in the next second, the weird laughter from the person who came in finally made Tang Xiaomei wake up, and she clearly recognized who was walking in at this moment.

"Tang Mulu? Why are you, why are you here?"

Tang Mulu can definitely be regarded as a well-known person in Gaul City. This guy is the best second-hand dealer in Gaul City. But anyone who has a little money in his hand, there is no one who does not know him.

It's just that this person's whereabouts have always been erratic, because the security teams in the entire Gaul City are trying to find ways to arrest him everywhere.

The high reward offered by the Public Security Department is enough to make anyone extremely tempted, so that after this guy's special appearance is deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in Gaul City, no matter where he appears, he will be reported and exposed, and he will live like a cross street Rats can't find any place to hide at all.

No one has heard of this guy's whereabouts for a long time, and everyone thought he had left the city of Gaul.

But I never expected that this guy was still here, and under the protection of Jin Can, he was fine and unaffected.

Tang Xiaomei backed away in horror.

The Tang Mulu on the opposite side was also obviously stunned for a moment, and looked this way with disbelief.

"Little sister Tang? You are a woman from the Tang family!"

As a good second-hand dealer, it is natural to know all the people who can become potential customers.

It's nothing that Tang Mulu recognized Tang Xiaomei at a glance. The key is that seeing this woman here made him feel an unimaginable sense of surprise bursting from the bottom of his heart.

For the past half a year or so, Tang Mulu has been surviving under the protection of Jin Can, and there is no opportunity for entertainment at all.

Jin Can is also ruthless enough, if you tell him clearly that you don't want to die, then just stay there.

Tang Mulu was really fed up with the kind of life that was no different from going to jail except to eat and sleep, so in the end he could only grit his teeth and traded the "family heirloom" that he swore he would never take out to Jin Can, Do not ask for anything but to die peacefully in a joyous process.

It's just that Jin Can has never been a person who casually kills people.

This kind of cold-blooded guy who always claims to be very principled, after seeing what Tang Mulu handed over, he happily told him that just that thing is enough to exchange for Tang Mulu's life without worrying about being caught. Opportunity.

Tang Mulu couldn't believe that such a good thing happened.

He simply felt that all he needed was for a woman to let him enjoy the kind of happiness that a man should have before he died.

But now, he began to find that there is still hope in life.

What's more, he knew that Mr. Jin Canjin didn't cheat him at all.

If Tang Xiaomei can be obtained, the Tang family in the entire Gaul City will have to bear a burden they have never imagined for this matter.He didn't want to shame the entire Tang family, and didn't want Tang Xiaomei to become the heroine of a small movie that everyone in Gaul city could see on the computer network.

Then, the Tang family should think about how to protect Zhutangmulu.

"Hahaha, Mr. Jin Can, thank you, thank you very much!"

Tang Mulu knelt on the ground and shouted loudly to unknown places around him.

Although he and Tang Xiaomei were the only two people in this room, he knew very well that Mr. Jin Can had already prepared everything for him. He only needed to thank him and enjoy the beginning of a good life.

After Tang Mulu thanked him, he couldn't hold back the emotions that had been pent up in his heart for too long, so he flew up and rushed towards Tang Xiaomei.

At this time, Tang Xiaomei didn't have the strength to move at all. Tears of regret flowed from her eyes, crying for mercy and help.

But the only person who knew she was here was Hank, how could Hank come to save her.

Seeing Tang Mulu's disgusting face getting closer, Tang Xiaomei seemed to have foreseen what she was about to encounter, and she clearly had infinite resistance in her heart.But at a certain moment, under the influence of the drug, she still wanted to actively respond to the past.

At such a delicate moment, Tang Mulu, who was in a forward pounce, suddenly stopped.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

I don't know how long it has passed, there was a light click, Tang Mulu, a very famous second-hand dealer in Gaul City, tilted his head and said goodbye to the whole world.

Then Li Xiao's slightly frowning face appeared in front of Tang Xiaomei.

Tang Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, she couldn't believe that the person who appeared in front of her at this time was actually Mu Nan's good-for-nothing fiancé.

But soon, that strange thought disappeared, that is, there was a beautiful change of appearance in front of her eyes, which made her stand up involuntarily, and hugged Li Xiao as hard as an octopus. .

Li Xiao's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and he dodged several times. When he saw Tang Xiaomei jumping into the bathtub filled with water in the room, she didn't get out for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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