Chapter 229

When Hu Buxi and others kept chasing along the secret path, Xing Shan had already been dragged out of the secret path by the wolf girl, and was walking towards the dense forest step by step.

Although her actions were very rude, Xing Shan still saw through her intentions, "You want to take me away from here, lest I run away with Dabao, right?"

The wolf girl couldn't understand what he said, so she just dragged him away.

Xing Shan sighed, with a helpless expression on his face, "If you don't want to part with me, you can leave here with me to see the outside world, instead of trying to tie me with you and hide in this Mengyin Mountain .”

It's a pity that the wolf girl didn't understand what he said, she just felt that she had found a similar kind, and she was afraid that others would snatch it away, so she could only use the most brutal way to take Xing Shan away from the dangerous place.

Xing Shan was so weak at the moment, and the wolf girl tied canes around his body, so he was dragged away by the wolf girl all the way, and he had no chance to resist.

The wolf girl seemed to be well versed in the way of survival in the jungle. Not only did she drag Xing Shan all the way away, but she also didn't forget to clear the traces of the two of them. In this way, even if someone wanted to track them, it might not be so easy.

Seeing her doing these things so carefully, Xing Shan felt more and more that she was very suitable to be a policeman. Apart from not being able to speak, she was strong in combat, and cautious. She was a perfect jungle hunter.

If she can be brought under his command, he will definitely be even more powerful.

Thinking about it this way, Xing Shan suddenly felt that it didn't matter if he was taken captive, he just had enough time to develop a relationship with the wolf girl, and then abducted her and brought her back to Shuntian Mansion, it would kill two birds with one stone.

It's just that Hu Buxi and others may be very worried because of this. He has to find a way to leave some information so that they don't worry about her.

While thinking, Xing Shan looked at the wolf girl with heavy eyes. The other party was cleaning up the traces of their passing. He could take this opportunity to leave some information for Hu Buxi and others.

When the wolf girl was not paying attention, Xing Shan quickly crushed a few branches with his feet, and then pieced together a crooked "An" character on the ground, implying that he is safe, so that Hu Buxi and others don't have to worry.

By the time he pieced together the word "An", the wolf girl had already cleaned up the traces and dragged him to another place.

This wolf girl of Mengyin Mountain has already searched almost everywhere, she knows where to hide and will not be found by humans.

Xing Shan followed her through the dense forest, and was soon taken to a hidden cave by her to hide.

Seeing that this cave was bigger than the previous cave with a deep water pool, Xing Shan couldn't help being a little amused. I really don't know how this wolf girl found so many caves.

If she joined his team in the future, wouldn't they have to worry about having no place to spend the night when they ran away?
When Xing Shan was thinking wildly, the wolf girl looked at him a few times, maybe she felt that it would be uncomfortable to tie him like this, so she took the initiative to untie the rattan on him, and then felt a little uneasy, so she He tied one of his legs with a cane and wrapped it around his wrist.

In this way, Xing Shan's actions are much more convenient, but there is no way to escape.

Seeing the behavior of this wolf girl, Xing Shan felt a little heart-warming for no reason. This also proved that the other party was not a cold-blooded person. It may be because of her experience growing up in the mountains and forests that she could not trust humans.

Xing Shan quietly followed her, and he was not in a hurry to start a conversation with the wolf girl, because no matter what he said, the wolf girl couldn't understand, so it's better to let the wolf girl approach him to see what she needs.

Sure enough, the wolf girl looked at him for a long time, then suddenly put her head in front of him, motioning him to continue scratching her itch.

Xing Shan was stunned for a moment, and somehow remembered that the stray cats he had fed before were also innocent and harmless, but they were always vigilant.

After scratching for a while, Xing Shan felt a little tired, so he lowered his hands.

The wolf girl seemed very dissatisfied with this, and growled at him a few times, signaling him to continue.

Xing Shan thought for a while, then raised his hand and patted his stomach, showing an aggrieved look, "I'm hungry and have no energy."

The wolf girl turned her head and looked at him for a while. Although she didn't understand what he said, she understood his movements.

She turned around in the cave a few times, and soon found a stone pillar, then she untied the cane from Xing Shan's feet, tied him to the stone pillar again, and left the cave by herself. Foraging went.

Xing Shan looked at the environment of the cave, although he had the urge to run away, he endured it.

Firstly, given his current condition, he may not be able to untie the cane;

Secondly, he really wanted to bring the wolf girl under his command, not only because of her ability, but also because she looked very pitiful living alone in this wilderness.

Although it is dangerous to be a catcher, at least he can live like a person, instead of hiding in the mountains and forests all day, with wild beasts.

When the wolf girl came back, Xing Shan was so tired that she fell asleep. She took a few glances at Xing Shan with the food in her mouth, and her cloudy eyes showed a complicated expression.

Xing Shan was awakened by the aroma of the food. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the wolf girl had lit a fire and was roasting the food. His expression was a little surprised by her skillful technique.

Only at this time did he realize that there were some things that he and Zhan Dabao seemed to have overlooked, such as how could a person who was raised by wild beasts build a small courtyard in the forest and light a fire to cook the food before eating?
And the most incredible thing is that the reason why he and Zhan Dabao lost to this wolf girl was because her teeth were poisonous.

How can a person who doesn't understand anything know how to use poison?

Thinking of this, Xing Shan looked into the eyes of the wolf girl, full of consideration and suspicion.

At this time, the wolf girl had almost roasted the food, she used her nails to cut two pieces of meat from the meat of the unknown beast, and fed them to Xing Shan's mouth.

Looking at her jet-black nails, Xing Shan's expression became more tangled than ever. Although he has never been obsessed with cleanliness, the wolf girl's nails are still dirtier than he imagined.

Seeing that Xing Shan refused to eat the food she made, the wolf girl's eyes showed some doubts. After struggling for a long time, she suddenly withdrew her hand and stuffed the piece of meat into her mouth.

Xu felt that the food was good after eating the sliced ​​meat, so the wolf girl cut two pieces of meat again and fed them to Xing Shan's mouth.

Xing Shan swallowed, but seeing the wolf girl's nails, he still had no appetite.

The wolf girl saw that he really didn't want to eat, so she didn't insist on feeding him anymore, but gorged herself, and swallowed all the meat of the unknown beast into her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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