Super template lottery system

Chapter 96 Procrastination

Chapter 96 Procrastination
Lu Fang took a deep breath, looked at the two people around him, and whispered:

"Robert is standing in front of us at this time. I know that exposing our position is not good for us, because we have fewer people than them, and our equipment is far inferior to them, but!"

"We have to get that item."

Malik took a closer look at the Templar below and said:

"Their locations are very scattered, and it is really difficult to find that item without being discovered by them."

He paused, looked at Lu Fang and said:

"Altaïr, do you have any plans?"

Lu Fang looked at the Templars below, and felt a bit of a headache. These were not members of the Death Society who were scattered in formation before, but a group of Templars who had undergone rigorous training and were well equipped. If Lu Fang still wanted to If you want to challenge N with one like last time, you will definitely die miserably.

He looked at the stone box and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, he said to Malik:
"I'll go down and delay them later and attract their attention. The two of you quietly bypassed all of their sights and got the item."

Malik immediately objected after hearing this: "No, this is too dangerous. You cannot be the opponent of the Templars, and it will also endanger the brotherly alliance. (This is the case in translation and novels. If it is wrong, it will be wrong." Don't come to me.)"

"The problem is that we don't have a better solution, do we?" Lu Fang retorted.

As soon as Malik opened his mouth to speak, Lu Fang interrupted him: "Don't worry, I will explain to the mentor after this matter is resolved."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Malik's answer, he jumped directly from above to the steps below, and then fell to the ground, exposing himself to the Templar Gate.

Robert and the other Templars obviously heard the sound of Lu Fang falling to the ground. They turned their heads, fixed their eyes on Lu Fang, and at the same time held their hands on the long sword at their waists, and slowly Lu Fang was surrounded by them.

Robert looked at Lu Fang, and said with a smile on his face:
"Aha, this can also explain why many of my people disappeared for no reason. I should have thought it was yours. So, what do you want?"

Lu Fang didn't speak, but pulled out the long sword from his waist. In the training space before, Lu Fang had already learned how to use the long sword, just like what his master cold weapon proficiency said.

It's not surprising that Lu Bute didn't hear Lu Fang's answer. He was looking at Lu Fang with confidence and said:
"My life? To investigate the news? Or..."

"Holy Artifact?!"

When it came to the holy artifact, a surging aura emerged from Robert's body, and together with the aura, there was also a strong murderous aura that appeared on Lu Fang's body.

Lu Fang's mental strength is not low, and he is very sensitive to this kind of breath. Of course, if the opponent's skills can easily crush Lu Fang, then Lu Fang will not feel it. Of course, here Skills are not combat experience.

"Take him down!" Robert pointed to the road and shouted to his soldiers.

He wouldn't be careless to step forward. When he has an absolute advantage in numbers, Robert doesn't need him to take this risk. Even though he has great confidence in his skills, he should be cautious. Not less at all.

This is also why he can achieve the position of fighting in team battles. There are many people who can fight better than him and have better skills than him, but most of those people are dead. Even those who are not dead, their military industry is still Not as rich as Robert at all. (The above is just a blurb by the author. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me)
After hearing Robert's words, those soldiers slowly approached Lu Fang. They walked very slowly and carefully, because they needed to maintain a good formation and make sure Lu Fang attacked any one of them. Every now and then, he would be attacked by the other three people, namely the sides and the back.

Of course, Lu Fang couldn't let them arrange the formation completely. He confirmed the strength of these templar knights, and then rushed towards a thinner templar knight.

The templar was obviously a little nervous when he saw Lu Fang rushing over. His eyes were wide open, and he watched Lu Fang's every move closely. He put on a parrying posture and waited for Lu Fang's arrival. The two knights beside the Templar Knight also quickly adjusted their status and carefully observed Lu Fang's every move.

And because the formation hadn't been fully set up yet, the templar who was in charge of attacking Lu Fang's back didn't join the formation.

When Lu Fang rushed in front of the three of them, the three of them waved their long swords almost at the same time, and slashed towards Lu Fang. The positions they cut were very interesting, one was the neck, the other was the waist, and the other It's Lu Fang's knee. It's okay for Lu Fang to retreat at this time, but if he doesn't retreat, he said that he will be attacked from three positions at the same time, and it is impossible to avoid the left and right sides. When attacked from the left or right, Lu Fang can only jump up, but if he jumps up, he will be attacked by the second round of soldiers. At that time, it is impossible for him in the deep air to escape. (It is not a problem to jump as high as one person with the modified version of the system.)
This is also the reason why the formation is not fully formed. If it is formed, there will be another Templar attacking him behind Lu Fang. At that time, ordinary people can only choose to jump into the air to avoid the attack, or their physical fitness Not enough to jump into the air and get hacked to death.

But is Lu Fang an ordinary person?Obviously not, he squatted down, and at the same time put his left hand on the left blade.

With a bang, the little finger activated the mechanism of the Hidden Blade, causing the Hidden Blade to pop out from the palm of Altaïr's body, and pass through where the ring finger used to be (before Altaïr improved the Hidden Blade, Hidden Blade users It is necessary to cut off the ring finger, which is why everyone used one-handed Hidden Blade at that time, because you can’t cut off the ring finger with both hands.)
As for how to deal with the last knife, it is easy to say that Lu Fang's feet quickly crossed the ground and relied on the advantage of his long legs to successfully kick the Templar's feet and knock him to the ground.

The Hidden Blade in his left hand also successfully blocked the long sword on the left, and after a sound of piercing through the air above his head, he successfully avoided it.

But no one noticed that Lu Fang's right hand had already touched the hilt of the long sword at his waist at some point.

【Iai Slash! 】

This skill is obviously not a supernatural power, it is just a skill of drawing a sword and attacking. Although the long sword in Lu Fang's hand is not very fast because of the weak body in this world, it is still in the hands of this Templar knight. His neck was drawn in a shocked expression, oh, no, to be precise, it should be the necks of three people.

The sound of "plop" came one after another, and the three templars fell to the ground one by one, while the long sword in Lu Fang's hand slowly dripped down the blood.

He didn't take back his long sword, but took advantage of the fact that the Templars behind the three Templars hadn't reacted, and quickly rushed out of the crack in their formation.

As for those templars who tried to stop Lu Fang, they have already paid the price with their lives.
(End of this chapter)

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