Chapter 78 copy? ? ?

Item name: Kano's Rubik's Cube
Item Level: Legend (King)
Item special effect [-]: indestructible, cannot be destroyed, cannot be marked, cannot be cursed.

Item Special Effect 1: Within [-] minute after being injected with huge soul power, the only copy "Kano's Legacy" will be opened. Those who complete the copy will obtain Kano's Heritage.

Remarks: Young man, you seem to have found something extraordinary.

Looking at the Rubik's Cube in his hand, Lu Fang couldn't help being a little confused.

What the hell is a copy? Is this something caused by the system?
But these things don't seem to be very important right now, because if Lu Fang's guess is right.
The Rubik's Cube suddenly emitted a huge bright light, Lu Fang's eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness.

"Sure enough, it was activated by me." Lu Fang thought truthfully before losing consciousness.

But what Lu Fang didn't know was that the Rubik's Cube turned into a vortex later, washing all the people in Shanshi City into it, and besides the people in Shanshi City, there were also those members of the Death Society who survived by chance. . .

When Lu Fang opened his eyes and saw what was in front of him, he couldn't help but swear.

"Fog grass!"

Lu Fang was lying on a piece of grass at this time, and in front of Lu Fang was a man with a scar on his nose. The man was wearing a green vest and an iron forehead protector on his head, with the words A strange pattern.

At this time, the man was crying, looked at Lu Fang, and said:
"Naruto, you must be very lonely and in pain. I'm sorry, Naruto. If I were reliable enough, I wouldn't let you have this kind of pain."

Lu Fang was stunned for a moment, Watt?Naruto?Are you sure you're not kidding me, this shit is Naruto?And what the hell, this guy is really Iruka! !
And at this moment, a man with gray hair standing on the tree and wearing the same clothes as Iruka sneered twice, and then shouted:
"It's so ridiculous! Iruka has always hated you for killing his parents. What he said was just trying to trick you into taking the scroll in your hand!"

Wucao, this time it must be that Naruto has no time to run away, this is another scroll and Naruto's, wait, my fucking Naruto?

Lu Fang looked at his clothes and found that at some point, his clothes had turned into a set of orange-red clothes that were extremely tacky.

I touched the back, and sure enough, there was something like a scroll behind my back.

"This is the second time for me to time travel. It's still an illusion. No, I don't study it." Lu Fang thought for a while, then ran away as in the original book.

And Iruka shouted after seeing Lu Fang run away: "Naruto!"

Lu Fang ignored Iruka, but ran behind a tree, opened the scroll, and saw that the beginning of the scroll clearly stated the technique of multiple shadow clones, and at the bottom, there were a bunch of tadpole characters.

"This doesn't have any detailed content at all, it's just a bunch of tadpole texts, which means that this world quota is likely to be fake." Lu Fang closed the seal scroll, and said silently in his heart: "Super template lottery system."

The familiar panel appeared in front of Lu Fang, and the moment the system panel appeared, the world suddenly shattered, Lu Fang came back to his senses, and looked around.

Lu Fang was in a huge square at this time, and there were many people in the square. After looking carefully, Lu Fang found that these people were those from Shanshi City, as well as Wang Xiaoxing, Lan Yuxuan, Yunshuang, there is no one missing, huh?Wait, what happened to the member of the Death Society in the distance?

And these people were standing still at the same place at this time, Lu Fang estimated that these people must have been under the illusion.

Just when Lu Fang was thinking, Wang Xiaoxing woke up. He first looked around at the situation, and after noticing Lu Fang, he ran towards Lu Fang.

"Lu Fang, do you know what's going on here? All of us have been teleported to this place, including those from the Death Society."

Lu Fang nodded and said:

"I don't know what happened. I only know that it seems that the Rubik's Cube brought us here."

"Then what shall we do?" Wang Xiaoxing asked.

Lu Fang looked at Wang Xiaoxing and said, "Cold salad!"

"Huh?" Wang Xiaoxing looked confused.

Lu Fang ignored Wang Xiaoxing, he looked around and fell silent.

And Wang Xiaoxing tried to wake up the others, but he was bounced away the moment he touched Yunshuang, and then he didn't say anything, just stood quietly with Lu Fang.

Time passed quickly, and it was three hours in a blink of an eye. Many people had already woken up, and these people also stood in the same place as Lu Fang after they knew the situation from Wang Xiaoxing's side, or Sany Help the two guys chat.

As for the members of the Death Society, they gathered together, not knowing what they were talking about, but they couldn't do anything here, and Lu Fang had nothing to do with them.

At this moment, a majestic middle-aged voice suddenly appeared.

"The time is up, the number of people who pass is 2135, and the number of people who fail is 9751. Those who pass will enter the next level, and those who fail will automatically leave the inheritance place."

As soon as the voice disappeared, those who were still in the illusion were teleported out, and the remaining 2000 people were still staying in the square here.

The majestic voice sounded again: "Those who pass will enter the next level."

Accompanied by a sense of space change, when Lu Fang felt that he was down-to-earth again, in front of Lu Fang and the others was a towering mountain, which was also endless.

Before Lu Fang could take a good look, the majestic voice sounded again.

"Everyone's strength is automatically reduced to the initial low level. Those who climb to the top of the mountain can enter the next level. The reward for this level is an excellent (gold) quality combat skill, and the mage is an excellent (gold) level spell. One copy. Note: In this level, you will not be injured, you cannot attack each other, you will not be hungry, you will not be thirsty, you will not suffer from dizziness, illness and hypoxia."

"Those who fail will temporarily stay at this level, and will be sent to the outside world when the copy ends."

The voice disappeared after saying this, but everyone understood the general idea by then, which was to let them climb to the top of the mountain with low-level strength, and then they would receive rewards before entering the next level.

Many residents of Shanshi City gave up after hearing this. Anyway, the voice also said that nothing would happen if they failed.

After hearing the voice, Lu Fang was actually happy.

"It's simple. I think I climbed a lot of mountains in the Assassin's Creed template."

Thinking of the hard days in the Assassin's Creed template, Lu Fang couldn't help but want to cry. He looked at Wang Xiaoxing. At this time, Wang Xiaoxing and Yunshuang had already started to crawl online. I have to say, these two people are really It's a show of affection.

As an assassin, Yunshuang would of course be able to climb this kind of place, but Wang Xiaoxing was different, he could not climb, but Yunshuang actually taught Wang Xiaoxing how to climb, which is very powerful. After watching for a while, Lu Fang I couldn't take it anymore, so I had to look away.

"Can't be offended, can't be offended."

(End of this chapter)

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