Super template lottery system

Chapter 553 Welcome to the Dimension of the Lord God!

Chapter 553 Welcome to the Dimension of the Lord God!

Lu Fang took out one material after another from the backpack, and then quickly built it on the ground.

And the aborigines of Minecraft around looked at Lu Fang's behavior and couldn't understand it very much. After all, they didn't know any spells at all, and they didn't know spells at the same time.

Although the level of the world has increased, these people are completely unaware that most of the people currently facing the monsters in the outside world rely on iron armor and iron swords plus shields to fight. Don't understand.

However, these have nothing to do with the road release, because the magic circle is a teleportation circle, so it is necessary to set up a spatial coordinate for the teleportation magic circle when teleporting. However, this is because the road release can fluctuate along the remaining space. The reason for sensing the space where the Brotherhood is currently located has been solved.

However, the coordinates are required for teleportation, and the coordinates here are naturally required when returning. Therefore, before teleportation, Lu Fang needs to record the coordinates of this location at this time, which is quite troublesome.

That is to say, the current strength is suppressed. If the strength is not suppressed, Lu Fang can directly shatter the space violently, and follow the traces left by the space fluctuations to directly catch up with the Brotherhood's teleportation location.

The last stroke of the teleportation circle was finally finished. Lu Fang thought about it and asked all the members of the nearby Brotherhood to stand on top of the circle. Because of the disappearance, Lu Fang kept Connor and let Connor take charge of dealing with those fraternity members who came to the fraternity and found that the fraternity had disappeared.

After dealing with everything, the magic power in Lu Fang's body surged and poured into the magic circle under his feet. The next moment, the magic circle lit up with a burst of intense light, and Lu Fang and others disappeared in place in an instant.

When the surrounding residents saw the scene in front of them, they were shocked and speechless, but what Lu Fang didn't know was that this matter spread quickly throughout the Cube Empire, and then, some people tried to study it. With the power Lu Fang showed, some people succeeded, while some people didn't succeed, so in my world, there is a magical existence of magic.

Of course, all this will happen in the future, and Lu Fang will never know that it is precisely because of what he did that the world's first witch was born 200 years later. He has super magical talent and is good at alchemy and medicine, and has grown rapidly. However, because the ignorant people are too afraid of this power, they regard it as an evil existence.

What will happen in the future has nothing to do with Lu Fang now. When the magic circle is activated, Lu Fang and others enter the space channel. When Lu Fang comes out of the space channel, he finds that he has arrived at Brother The interior of the meeting.

The appearance of Lu Fang and others naturally attracted the attention of the members of the Brotherhood Branch, but after discovering that it was Lu Fang, everyone became excited, and at the same time, after coming to this space, Lu Fang also discovered that the strength originally restricted by the world level has recovered!
But if his strength recovered, then naturally, Bo Xi's strength must also recover.

Lu Fang looked around and saw Bo Xi, who had bright golden wings growing out of his back. He had obviously recovered his angelic bloodline.

Of course, Lu Fang wasn't too nervous, he just nodded his head as a greeting.

When Bo Xi saw Lu Fang's reaction, she retracted her wings out of interest. She showed her wings to Lu Fang on purpose. She originally wanted to make a joke with Lu Fang, but Lu Fang looked at her indifferently. After reacting, Bo Xi felt that she might be a little bored or naive, so she retracted her wings.

"Is there no big problem with the Brotherhood?" Lu Fang looked around and asked.

"No, mentor, although I have come to a completely unknown space, but as far as I can see, there is no danger for the time being." Ivy suddenly walked out of the crowd and answered Lu Fang's question.

Lu Fang nodded, and then asked as if he suddenly remembered something:

"The stranger before, the one who gave you the lucky cube, is he still there?"

"That person didn't know where he went, and he couldn't find him in this space." Ivy shook her head, and didn't ask how Lu Fang knew about the stranger and the Lucky Cube.

Has it disappeared? This matter is definitely related to that stranger.

All the people who disappeared came here, except that guy, and it was the lucky cube that guy brought. If he said that this matter had nothing to do with that guy, even Da Lufang wouldn't believe it.

Thinking of this, Lu Fang walked towards the door of the fraternity association. After all came, Lu Fang was still going to take a look around.

But after Lu Fang pushed open the door, the scene in front of him stunned Lu Fang.

In the pure white space, the whole area is discolored, without any edges and corners, it shows that everything is flat and white, extending infinitely towards the outside world.

What made Lu Fang stunned was not the weird space, but a floating, glowing, big ball of light in the very center of this space! ! !

Such a familiar scene, although this is the first time Lu Fang has seen it, but Lu Fang who has read "Infinite Fear" and most of the infinite stream novels in his previous life is very clear, such a layout, and the big light ball suspended in the center , if nothing else, there is no doubt that here is the .
Lord God space! ! !

The pupils shrank suddenly. Although he didn't feel any danger, Lu Fang quickly prepared for the battle and looked around vigilantly.

After seeing Lu Fang's reaction, the Brotherhood members at the rear reacted quickly, drew their weapons one by one, and looked around vigilantly.

Although it is unclear why Lu Fang had such a big reaction when he came to the outside world, all the members unconditionally chose to believe in Lu Fang.

"System! System, come out to me, what's going on with this big ball of light in front of you!?" Lu Fang anxiously called the system, and as expected, the system responded quickly.

[I don’t know, and to be honest, I didn’t feel any dangerous atmosphere at this time, but it was like beeping]

The system only spoke halfway, and it was cut off in an instant. Just when Lu Fang wanted to ask what happened to the system, a strong sense of oppression emanated from the big ball of light in front of Lu Fang. In an instant, the members of the Brotherhood behind Lu Fang were overwhelmed, and Lu Fang was also unable to move under this pressure. Even Bo Xi fell from the air to the ground in an instant at this time, and was so crushed that he could not move.

"This breath, at least surpasses the Supreme God!" Bo Xi felt the pressure on his body struggling.

And at this time, above the big ball of light, these eight characters slowly appeared.

【Welcome to the Lord God Space! 】

(End of this chapter)

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