Chapter 548 Bandits
Lu Fang was taken aback when he heard the village head's words.

Counting it, this is the second time the village head has fooled Lu Fang. The last time it was a misunderstanding, but this time, it was all because of the village head's request.

"You, do you mean that you want me to be your village head?" Lu Fang looked at the village head in front of him in disbelief and said.

The reason why I feel unbelievable is because the village chief said that he is also the head of a village, and the village chief in front of him actually said that he didn't want it, so he didn't want it?

But after thinking about it for a while, Lu Fang understood the reason.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that being the village head is really not beneficial at all. To put it bluntly, the whole village is actually a mess, not only the threat of zombies, but also the threat from bandits. There is no oil and water, and life is a problem. From this point of view, it seems that being the village head is really not of much use.

"My lord, I really can't hold on any longer. You are so powerful, I think you will be able to solve the problems in the village." The village chief said so, and his whole body wanted to kowtow to Lu Fang, and Lu Fang noticed this. After one o'clock, he quickly blocked it with his hands. After all, Village Chief Jiang pulled him up from the ground.

If it was normal, Lu Fang would definitely not accept such a request, but now is an extraordinary period, and there is no goal anyway, it is actually not impossible to stay as a village chief.

After all, the current level of the world is not enough. Almost everyone has been suppressed to the early stage of the first level. And there are no natural treasures or adventures in the world of "Minecraft". It is better to just look for it. Live in a place, patiently wait for the world level to improve, and then go back when you are almost ready.

Lu Fang does not intend to go back directly until he can activate the time scroll. His idea is to stay as long as possible, and it is best to advance himself to the level of the Supreme God. As for waiting for the world to be able to withstand the power of the Supreme God level When the time comes, Bo Xi will recover from this kind of thing. Lu Fang feels that it will take a long time anyway, and maybe by improving his favorability or something, this "small problem" should be solved.

As for things like killing Boxi, cough, it’s not like Lu Fang didn’t think about it, but the problem is that although the strength has been suppressed, the recovery speed of the body and the energy in the body still exist in the body, and That is to say, with Lu Fang's current strength, it is impossible to kill Bo Xi.

Since it can't be killed, it can only be flattering, and it is unrealistic to just throw it anywhere. If possible, Lu Fang still wants to keep the other party by his side all the time, and be able to pay attention at all times, so it is safer.

As for how to brush the favor.
Lu Fang's eyes flashed, and after thinking for 3 minutes,
Never mind, the time is so long, I will slowly think about it later, the boat must be straight when it reaches the bridge, so why worry.

While Lu Fang was thinking, the village chief looked nervously at Lu Fang who was thinking, and in Lu Fang's hands, the zombie was howling constantly, and because Lu Fang revealed The strength that came out made the village chief dare not interrupt Lu Fang at all, so he could only stand there restlessly, waiting for Lu Fang's answer.

"Okay, it's not impossible to be the village head, but I have one condition." Lu Fang looked at the village head and stretched out a finger.

When the village head heard Lu Fang's promise, the heart that had been hanging in his throat immediately returned to its original position. However, Lu Fang's last sentence made the village head's heart that had already been put down once again. He hung up, afraid that Lu Fang would say something that he could not accept.

"First, I want all the villagers to obey my command, which is not too much." Lu Fang stretched out a finger.

"Yeah." The village head nodded, motioning for Lu Fang to continue.

"Secondly, I want to build a brand new building in the village, but don't worry, you only need to provide an open space for this building, and you don't need to provide us with any materials."

The village chief nodded again and said nothing.


After waiting for a while, seeing Lu Fang who had been silent for a long time, the village head subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and asked cautiously, "And then?"

"Then? Then it's gone." Lu Fang said speechlessly when he heard the village chief's words.

"That's all?" the village chief asked in disbelief.

"Don't think so?" Lu Fang rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

"We are not robbers. Why are we making so many demands? We have nothing to do."

Lu Fang will live in this village in the future, how can he go against the people in the village? Besides, for this village, Lu Fang has nothing to ask or need. If so, then why put forward a large group of unreasonable demands?

The village chief's reaction was actually expected by Lu Fang. After all, for a village chief who was mentally and physically exhausted by the malice from bandits every day and the attacks of zombies at night, Lu Fang's request was much better than before. As far as the first two things are concerned, they are simply too small to be trivial. There is no hesitation at all, and he agreed to Lu Fang's request.

However, at this moment, Lu Fang suddenly found that the ground was shaking faintly. According to his past experience, there should be a very large number of people walking on the ground, and according to the vibration becoming more and more obvious, the other party The distance seems to be getting closer and closer to the distance between the villages.

In the distance, on the stone sentry tower, the lazy guard stood up hastily after seeing the scene in the distance, and shouted to the village chief below:
"The village head! Those robbers are here, and they brought a large number of people with them! Roughly estimated, there are more than 100 people!"

"What, 100 people?!" Hearing the guard's words, the village chief's feet softened and he sat down on the ground. His face was extremely pale, and his eyes revealed despair.

You know, those people are all from Yuma Village, and according to Yuma Village's consistent style, if the protection fee cannot be paid, then the village is basically doomed.

Unlike the main world, the bandits in the main world are basically just asking for money, basically unwilling to kill people to attract the attention of the country, but it is different in the world of "Minecraft", especially now this very period.

Green zombies begin to appear at night all over the world. In a remote mountain village, even if people are killed, few people will know about it. At worst, they can just blame the zombies that appear at night. up.

As for whether Tucun can get money, it is still very easy, let alone those things that can be sold in the village, in the eyes of the bandits, the most precious thing is actually those people in the village!

Slave trade!

Cube Empire has just been established less than 50 years ago, so I don’t have much idea about population registration. There are some, but there are many missing, including some villagers in the village, plus monsters that suddenly appear at night, As a result, the entire cube empire has fallen into a very chaotic state. Therefore, for these bandits and bandits, slave trading is a very profitable thing.

Although this is a bit like killing chickens and taking eggs, there is no way to collect "protection fees" from the village on a regular basis, but for villages like Xiang Lufang's at this time, which are basically disbanded and disappeared, the bandits are still very happy to do such things .

(End of this chapter)

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