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Chapter 538 Giant's Grip!

Chapter 538 Giant's Grip!

The hideous cross wound healed quickly, and countless scarlet blood was expelled from Bo Xi's body and dissipated in the air.

Lu Fang's complexion changed, and he turned around in a hurry, wanting to retreat quickly, but the next moment, Bo Xi appeared in front of Lu Fang, stretched out one of his fingers, and slowly pointed towards Lu Fang's forehead click to go.

A huge air pressure suddenly pressed on Lu Fang's body. Lu Fang was shocked to find that under the pressure of this terrifying air pressure, his body was unable to make any movements, even the fluid flowing in his body. The blood and mana stagnated suddenly at this moment.

No matter how hard Lu Fang tried, his body didn't seem to respond at all. He just watched Bo Xi put his fingers on his forehead.

Bo Xi pulled off the hood on Lu Fang's head, with a playful smile on his face.

"It's pretty cute." As Bo Xi said, she slowly put her hand on the top of Lu Fang's head, and stroked along Lu Fang's hair, and with one stroke, she took an ice blue like Nu Ling, who was like a sculpture of ice, was grasped in her hands.

"Why, I feel your soul is so familiar?" Bo Xi held Nu Ling in her hand and said.

At this time, Nu Ling obviously knew that there was no point in pretending, so she began to struggle violently in Bo Xi's hands. However, the next moment, Bo Xi grabbed Nu Ling's hand hard, and Nu Ling immediately He stuck out his tongue in pain.

Bo Xi let go of her hand again, but this time, Nu Ling dared not continue to run away anyway, she could only look expectantly at Lu Fang, and at the same time, in Lu Fang's mind, It also reminded me of Nuling's voice.

"Lu Fang, save me quickly, I was caught by this perverted old woman! Use whatever hole cards you have, or we will die today!"

Nu Ling said loudly in Lu Fang's mental space, you know, no matter what happened the first few times, no matter how desperate things were, Lu Fang always had his own trump card to defeat the enemy, although Nu Ling didn't think much of it. Lu Fang may have the trump card to defeat the Supreme God, but what if?
The strong desire to survive made Nu Ling subconsciously choose to believe in Lu Fang, but she may not have heard the saying, "The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Lu Fang shook his head, and said in the mental space: "I'm sorry, there is really no other way at this moment. Although a full burst can cause damage to the opponent's body, it is a pity that the recovery speed of the opponent's body It is also very powerful. If Lu Fang fights with the opponent, there is no hope at all.

Besides, even if Lu Fang wanted to move now, he couldn’t control his body’s movements at all. All the parts of his body seemed to be tightly pressed by a huge mountain. No matter how hard Lu Fang tried, he couldn’t move Break free from the opponent's control.

Lu felt relieved, while Bo Xi casually opened a space and threw Nu Ling into it. However, just after Nu Ling's body came into contact with the gate of that space, the gate was slammed shut. Nu Ling reflected back from the space, no, it was a reflection, but in fact it just couldn't fit in at all, as if it was blocked by some transparent invisible thing.

Bo Xi raised her eyebrows in surprise, and refocused her attention on Nu Ling.

"Ahh, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" Nu Ling struggled violently in Boxi's hands, Nu Ling had no doubt that once her soul was seen by the other party as the previous demon lord, I will definitely die!
Nu Ling thought so in her heart, her body could not escape from Bo Xi's grasp at all, and after staring at Nu Ling for a while, Bo Xi lost interest and threw Nu Ling aside.

"Is it a soul symbiosis? It's really rare." Bo Xi looked at Lu Fang and said.

"Because of the symbiosis of souls, it can't fit into my private space. Can you tell me, where did you get this little guy?" Bo Xi walked in front of Lu Fang, and the twelve pairs of lights behind him Wings incited, and countless light elements swept from all directions as if attracted by her.

Lu Fang felt the strong light elements around him, and felt a little uncomfortable all over for a while, but this feeling was not because of too many light elements, but because of the presence of platinum and other elements in these light elements. some mental strength.

And these spiritual powers of Boxi, parasitic in the light element, will stick to Lu Fang's body after the light element penetrates Lu Fang's body, and it is precisely because of this that Lu Fang feels uncomfortable all over his body. Comfortable.

Lu Fang didn't answer Bo Xi's words, of course, even if he wanted to answer, in his current state, he couldn't open his mouth at all, and Bo Xi obviously noticed this, and then with a wave, Lu Fang's mouth The pressure is gone in an instant.

Lu Fang smiled disdainfully, opened his mouth and let out a huge roar at Bo Xi, and what came out with the roar was a huge vortex formed by endless death and the power of ghosts and gods!
Lu Fang doesn't know how high the power of ghosts and gods is, but one thing is certain is that at the moment when the power of death poured into Lu Fang's body, when these powers of death entered the hands of ghosts, they were actually captured by ghosts. The power of ghosts and gods in his hand was forced back alive, that is to say, the power of ghosts and gods may be a force stronger than the power of death.

Of course, Lu Fang didn't know what the reason was. Maybe, maybe, ghosts and gods are not afraid of death?

In any case, Lu Fang's attack worked. Lu Fang felt the pressure on his body disappear, and without hesitation, he slapped his hands heavily on his feet!
A huge earth-yellow magic circle spread out with Boxi as the center, and the next moment, a pair of huge earth-stone arms suddenly drilled out from the ground, grabbing Boxi's body!
[The Giant's Grip! 】

Lu Fang's attainment in magic is very high now. At least, it is very easy to control the earth element to create such a huge rock back wall. Now, after clearly recognizing the gap in combat power between the two sides, Lu Fang decides
Find a way to escape!
Lu Fang clasped his hands together, mobilizing countless magic powers in his body, and the next moment, two huge ice-blue magic circles appeared above and below the rock's arms respectively.

[Water Demon Explodes! 】

Frost's blood was mobilized, and in the next moment, countless icy cold water rushed out from the huge magic circle, like a huge waterfall, covering the entire rock arm, countless cold air drilled out, and the lavender ice layer appeared instantly, just a moment later. In an instant, the huge cold water waterfall turned into a huge icicle.

However, this is not over yet, Lu Fang quickly entered the dead air mode, and the monstrous dead air gushed out of his body in an instant, surrounding the entire waterfall. The next moment, countless dead air solidified and turned into a harder dead air ice.

After doing all this, Lu Fang grabbed the Nu Ling on the ground without hesitation, and ran towards the location of the Jackdaw like flying.

(End of this chapter)

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