Super template lottery system

Chapter 533 Why has it become such a big battle! ?

Chapter 533 Why has it become such a big battle! ?
Because of the death of the demon lord, the energy that maintains this space is rapidly dissipating. Originally, it was impossible for Lu Fang to feel the energy of the demon lord, but now it is different. He has reached the middle stage of the upper god and has the power of the god of death. For him, wanting to discover these energies is simply a simple matter that cannot be simpler.

But at this time, in a very far away place, so far away that I don't know how far away, a young man with a blond hair looked a little excitedly at the thick force of death in front of him.

"Although the quantity has not increased, the quality has improved a lot. As expected of a boss, he will pay back if he says he will, and by the way, he will also improve the quality!" The young man couldn't help reaching out and grabbing The power of death, and just after holding the power of death in his hand, he seemed to remember something, and the young man said with a headache:

"What if the big boss's apprentice wants to completely control the Death Godhead in the future? Should I give it, or should I give it, or will I be beaten to death by the big boss if I don't give it?" The young man thought with a headache, he didn't know. , Karsus is dead.

"Forget it, I just want to study the profound meaning of life. If you want to take away the death godhead at that time, then take it away, as long as you give me the permission to use it." The young man was in such a mood, and his mood was renewed. recovered.

"Now, let me see why the quality of this force of death is so high!" The young man excitedly put the force of death into a container, and then looked at him with a silly (harmonious) look. A crystal ball in the room.

I saw on the crystal ball, one by one wearing armor, the men were handsome, the women were as beautiful as flowers, and the figures with white wings on their backs were flying in the air. A figure in a gold two-tone robe and a man wearing a crown.

The crystal ball spun around, and then appeared a mechanical giant as tall as a meter high, and a man with electronic light in his eyes.

"Hehe, four thousand two-winged angels (holy ranks), two thousand four-winged angels (lower gods), one thousand seraphs (middle gods), four eight-winged angels (higher gods), and eh? "

The young man seemed to have seen something inconceivable, and hurried to the front of the crystal ball, looking at the figure sitting on the throne.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, six pairs of angel wings? Bo Xi, has he reached the legendary realm?"

The angel sitting on the throne frowned suddenly, as if he felt something, the young man was so frightened that he quickly closed the crystal ball, but the next moment, the crystal ball shattered instantly, and exploded into pieces, piece by piece It was like bullets rushing out in all directions, destroying the entire room riddled with holes.

Regardless of the condition of the crystal ball, the young man quickly stood up from the ground and hurriedly packed up his things.

"No, I have to leave quickly. That woman has broken through to the Supreme God. How could she? The demon lord has been killed. I don't know when the new generation of demon lords will appear. No, even if they do appear, they probably won't. I'm not that woman's opponent, I have to go, I have to go quickly!" The young man said so, he left this space quickly, destroyed the space, and then disappeared into this world.

At this time, in his heart, he had already concluded that even with the help of that big boss, Lu Fang would definitely die. The eight-winged angel is the upper god, and above the eight-winged angel, it is directly the twelve gods. Winged Angel, and because this time it may be because of four pairs of wings or something, in short, it is very difficult to ascend, and the closest thing in history is only eleven pairs of wings.

The young man was already terrified at this time, he couldn't imagine that if the other party cared about his peeping with the crystal ball, by the way, he had actually seen those eight-winged angels taking a bath a few times before by virtue of his extremely powerful secret skills As for the Angel King, ahem, I tried to see it, but I only saw a pair of legs so I didn't notice it.

But that was in the past, when he noticed the other party, he couldn't find who was watching it, but now, the young man suddenly regretted it, if he was given another chance, he swore that he would never be too idle to peep.
Boxi's movements were noticed by an angel guarding her side. The eight-winged angel looked at his queen with some doubts, and said:
"My Lady Queen, what happened?"

Bo Xi let go of her frown, shook her head and said with a smile, "It's not a big deal, it's just that I found a mouse."

The octopus naturally didn't think the mouse was a real mouse, although he cared more, but because Bo Xi said it wasn't a big deal, the octopus just kept his mouth shut and didn't ask any more questions.

"Queen, to be honest, I think the troops dispatched this time may be too much." At this moment, another eight-winged angel suddenly spoke.

"There are still many places that need reinforcements on the front line of our war with the demons."

Bo Xi looked at the eight-winged angel, but she was not angry, and said:
"Under normal circumstances, there are indeed too many, but this time, not only did the demon lord feel, but another force far surpassing the demon lord appeared, and it was full of a strong smell of death. Demon lords, you are not opponents, and such a situation has appeared, isn't it normal to bring more troops?"

The eight-winged angel wanted to say something, but suddenly felt something, quickly pulled out his weapon, and shifted his gaze to the bottom, and almost at the same time, all the angels pulled out their weapons, ready ready for battle.

At this time, the Pope on the ground, the king of the Holy Tan Empire, and the two middle gods of the Omnic Empire were standing together, and behind them was a total of [-] troops.

"Merlin, you said before that you were corrupted by demons, and then you privately mobilized military power to imprison a hero of our country in the prison of the Omnic Empire and spread false news that the hero was captured by the enemy, right? .” The king of the Shengtan Empire frowned.

Pope Merlin looked at his friend beside him sweating profusely, and said with some doubts: "Yes, I always feel that my memory seems to have been modified."

"I want to ask you, you told me on the way that you were corrupted by the devil, right? You were already sober at that time, right? Can you tell me why you suddenly became sober?" the king continued to ask road.

"I don't know too well, it seems that the demon died suddenly, and then I woke up, and according to my memory, it seems that the demon wanted to obtain the blood of the girl descended from Fort Snow Country or Something, always, let me find a way to send it to the vicinity of the Omnic Empire called the Great Demon Circle of Trassen, as long as it is nearby, he will solve the rest by himself."

"As for me who was eroded, in order to prevent any accidents, I sent the strongest knight in our church and borrowed the general of the Holy Tan Empire, but someone who didn't know where rescued the girl. After defeating all the strong middle gods, the demon was very angry and ordered me to come over. You know what happened after that. I used the power of the demon to confuse you to make stupid decisions. After the magic circle, let the demon erode you all, but on the way, the demon seemed to die suddenly, and we are talking here now."

After the pope finished speaking in one breath, he immediately felt a lot more comfortable. However, he was relieved, but the king was not. Looking at the scene in front of him, the king roared angrily:
"Then tell me, where did these angels come from?! Why did it become such a big battle?!"

(End of this chapter)

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