Chapter 520 Rain

"Phew, I finally put on this suit."

Ming Meng patted the leather armor on her body, twisted her neck uncomfortably, glanced at the guard who had been stripped off except for the underpants, smiled embarrassedly, and then put the last helmet on worn on the head.

[What a classic plot, should someone ask next: "Hey, you brought it!" Then Xiao Mengmeng replied solemnly: "Report, I'm new here!"]

[Upstairs, you have read too many novels. Generally, soldiers will not care about another soldier when they are walking around each other, unless they are too idle, and of course, unless the other party has done something illegal Actions. 】

[I think the upstairs is Shi Lezhi, this is a game, okay, and even if the other party doesn't care about it, if they want to enter the warden's room, they must be checked. 】

Mingmeng looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, smiled and said, "I'm not doing this to hide my identity~ I'm going to rush over there later."

"What my friend Danmaku said just now is correct. There is only one exit leading to the outside world in this prison, so no matter what, you have to accept the interrogation of the soldiers at the door. If this is the case, you can only rush directly out."

While talking, Ming Meng slowly walked out from the corner.

"When the other party sees someone dressed as one of them, they will subconsciously relax their vigilance. And what I want is this time!"

Unsurprisingly, the guard guarding the gate relaxed a lot when he saw that the person who came out was his own. In addition, he hadn't encountered a prison escape for almost several years in the prison. The vigilance is relatively weak, and it is natural, that is, relatively lax.

And Mingmeng was waiting for this moment, the muscles all over his body were mobilized in an instant, Mingmeng's whole body turned into a howling wind, and it just passed between the two guards in an instant.

The violent wind almost knocked down the body of the guard, and the thick smoke and gravel floating in the air made the guard subconsciously close his eyes, but after realizing that the other party was a fugitive, his closed eyes opened again Instantly opened.

The guard held his weapon tightly and turned around quickly, only to find that the lock of the closed door behind him had been violently dismantled, and the empty door was slowly dangling in the air.

After Ming Meng rushed into the warden's room, she saw the warden taking a lunch break in the room. She felt very lucky and reached out to grab the key from the warden's waist.

However, the moment the key chain was taken off by Ming Meng, bright green runes lit up on the surface of the key, and a violent tornado flew out of the key, which swept Ming Meng in the tornado. middle.


At the moment when the green rune just lit up, Mingmeng felt a lump in her heart, but before she could react, the violent tornado dragged her into it.

Regardless of the tornado's attack on her, Mingmeng endured the pain in her body, stared at her head and ran out of the tornado, without looking back, she ran towards the exit.

The key was smashed into pieces the moment the tornado appeared, Ming Meng kicked open the gate of the prison, and jumped forward.

And it wasn't until he jumped out from the prison's exit that Mingmeng knew that the prison was actually built in a huge mountain, not a cave dug in the hills, and even the gate of the prison In addition, it is also a huge Grand Canyon!
But fortunately, although Mingmeng has been blocked all the energy in her body, her physical strength is a real holy rank. Even though, as a holy rank wizard, her body is very fragile, but it is equivalent to a peak eighth rank. Soldiers, for this kind of canyon, even if they land on their heads, there will be no problem.

But how to get up after jumping is a very profound question, so if it is not necessary, Mingmeng will not jump directly.

Taking a deep breath, Mingmeng stepped hard under his feet, and the terrifying power instantly stepped on the ground under Mingmeng's feet into a huge pothole, and jumped to the other side of the Grand Canyon in an instant.

A man's angry roar was faintly heard from behind, Ming Meng glanced behind her, and saw countless retreating figures looking at the Grand Canyon.

Some pursuers gradually appeared behind him, Ming Meng avoided them by all means, and at the same time cautiously groped towards the direction in memory.

For Mingmeng, the only thing she knows now is that this is the Omnic Empire, but she is not very clear about the location of the Omnic Empire. She just knows that the prison she just escaped from is the territory of Haipu City. It was built within the range, and where Haipu City is, and where it is in the Omnic Empire, Mingmeng is not clear at all.

And Goddess of Luck obviously didn't smile at Mingmeng. After driving forward for half a day and didn't see the city until dusk, Mingmeng already knew that she was definitely walking in the opposite direction to Haipu City, or , passing by the edge of Haipu City, and she was not very clear about the direction of the nearest city other than Haipu City. To put it bluntly, she got lost.

The reason for getting lost is not because you can't tell the difference between east, west and north, but because you don't know where you are at all, and if you don't know where you are and what's nearby, the chance of encountering a city is simply not too small.

And if you go back the same way, although it is possible to find the location of Haipu City, but more, it is more likely to encounter soldiers who followed the clues along the way.

There are many ways to eliminate traces, but the premise of all of them is time. If there is not enough time, it is very difficult to eliminate the traces of oneself, and even if the traces can be eliminated, the smell cannot be eliminated in a short time. Dissipated, so escaping is a very difficult and tiring thing, but Mingmeng can't stop, because Mingmeng can be sure that among the pursuers behind him, there is definitely a middle god level or above strong.

And she herself is just a little hot chick of the holy rank who doesn't even have a lower god, and what's more, the mana in her body has been blocked. If she is caught up, she basically doesn't have to think about running away. In the face of all forces, any conspiracy The trajectories are pale and weak.

Mingmeng knows this very well, so she has to run, keep running, and gradually increase the distance. When the distance is enough for Mingmeng to erase her own traces, it is time for her to run away!
Finally, at noon on the second day after escaping from the prison, the sky began to rain!
(End of this chapter)

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