Super template lottery system

Chapter 514 No need for any reason

Chapter 514 No need for any reason

"What?" Lu Fang asked a little confused just after returning from the real world.

"Eh" Ross stared at Lu Fang's reaction for a moment, then said anxiously:

"Teacher, I found Ming Meng! It's just that Ming Meng's condition is not very good at this time."

"Mingmeng? Oh, by the way, I'm back!" Lu Fang muttered Mingmeng's name in confusion at first, and then suddenly realized.

He has already returned to the world of "Stellar" at this time, and according to his current timeline, Ming Meng has disappeared after the last incident where all members of the Jackdaw died.

"Slow down, where did you find Ming Meng?" Lu Fang looked at Rose and asked.

"No, I didn't find Ming Meng." Rose said.

"Huh? Didn't you just say that you found Mingmeng?" Lu Fang was completely confused at this time, and even wondered if part of his memory was lost due to some accident during time travel.

And Rose obviously realized that there was something wrong with what he said. After taking two deep breaths to calm himself down, he took out a piece of parchment from his waist, and on top of the parchment was a portrait .

Looking at the portrait, Lu Fang couldn't help feeling angry. In the portrait, in an alloy cage, Mingmeng was wearing old linen clothes, with metal bandages on his hands and feet. shackles, and the reason why Lu Fang did not run away immediately after seeing such a scene is because there is no scar on Ming Meng's body. Of course, it is only on the surface. Not very clear.

Patience, Lu Fang looked at the text under the parchment.

【The Bulletin of the Omnic Empire】

[The descendants of the Frost Bloodline of the Fort Snow Country have been captured. According to No.40 of the Peace Treaty with the Holy Tan Empire, the study of the ancient imperial bloodline project of the Saint Tan Continent is prohibited, so the research on the Frost Bloodline Project was abandoned, and they will be beheaded five days later! 】


The parchment was crushed by Lu Fang. Lu Fang looked at Rose with a terrifying light in his eyes, and said:

"How is this going?"

Ross was obviously not intimidated by Lu Fang. He knew that Lu Fang was only angry at the encounter with Ming Meng, so he quickly replied:
"This is the headline news on the Omnic Empire news released three days ago. Because the Holy Tan Empire and the Omnic Empire stopped the war, this news also spread to the Holy Tan Empire, but because the two sides are too far away Why, I didn’t come here until today.” Rose gestured with his hand, pointed to the date on the parchment fragments that fell on the table, and continued:
"The sheepskin did not mention the specific incident, the time and place of the execution, but about this news, members of the Brotherhood are already investigating, and I believe there will be a result soon."

As soon as Ross finished speaking, a figure pushed open the door of the captain's cabin and walked in. Lu Fang and Ross looked at the door together, and saw Nuonora standing at the door wearing a light blue assassin suit. On the top of Nuonora's head, there was an unknown green liquid. Well, Lu Fang knew what it was. Of course, Lu Fang admitted that it was because he saw the green liquid wearing a shortened and fattened version. The Assassins only saw it

"Nonora, Lime, why are you two here?" Rose asked with some confusion.

"That. We..." Nuonora stammered, but before she finished speaking, Lime replied directly:
"We have found the place and time of the execution. It is in Haipu City of the Omnic Empire. It is said that the scientific research level of that city is very developed, and there are a large number of magicians and a large number of mage towers. It can be said that it is the first place in the Omnic Empire. It is the second safest city, and the reason why it is not the first is only because Haipu City does not have the most powerful expert from the Omnic Empire. However, it is a pity that in the next two days, until Mingmeng dies , the security level of that city will reach No.1, and"

When Lime said this, there was a puzzled expression on Slime's face, and he said: "I heard that apart from preventing anything from happening during the execution, the Holy Tan Empire and the Church of Light will send some people to surround the execution." Order during the period."

"Why?" Ross asked suspiciously, "They don't do any good at all."

"I don't know, that's what makes me weird. However, this is all the information I have found out. At least, it is something that ordinary people in the Omnic Empire know. As for the higher-level people, because We have neither high-level officials of the Omnic Empire nor high-ranking officials of Sheng Tan involved in this incident, so it is impossible to find out the details of the matter in a short period of time."

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing anymore. There are still two days left, Lime. Let me ask you, with the speed of the Jackdaw, can you reach Haipu City within two days?"

"If there are no accidents, we will probably be able to reach Haipu City the night before the execution." Lime replied after thinking for a while.

"Well, that's it, let everyone who wants to go get ready and go." Lu Fang nodded and said.

"Isn't everyone going?" Lime asked after hearing Lu Fang's words.

Lu Fang smiled when he heard what Lime said, and asked, "Lime, let me ask you, what is our goal for going to Haipu City this time?"

"Save people?" Lime asked, not understanding what Lu Fang meant.

"Then let me ask you, is it a dangerous thing to go to Haipu City to save people?" Lu Fang asked again.

"Um, yes." Lime seemed to understand what Lu Fang meant at this moment.

"Teacher, are you worried about the safety of other members of the Brotherhood? No, it doesn't seem to be the case." Lime thought for a while, but still couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Lu Fang, hoping that Lu Fang could tell him the answer.

"Mingmeng is only one person, and the entire Jackdaw can carry as many as 2000 people! Although it does not mean that [-] people will die, at least hundreds of people will die. Although I can take these people Transformation into the resurrection of the undead, but for those who died, it is definitely a huge loss, so this time, I will go to Mingmeng. I hope that the rescuers will not be those who go because of the order of the Brotherhood. Instead, as a friend of Mingmeng, no, as a member of the brotherhood family, go to the rescue."

"Do family members need any reason to help each other?" Lu Fang looked at Lime and said with a smile.

Looking at Lu Fang's face, Lime also smiled.

"Yes, there is no need for any reason."

(End of this chapter)

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