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Chapter 501 The Cosmic Contract!

Chapter 501 The Cosmic Contract!
The brood's answer was very straightforward, and Lu Fang could tell that there was no sign of lying in the brood's words. Obviously, the other party really, really wanted to eat him.

According to Lu Fang's speculation, there are two main reasons. The first point is that the genes in Lu Fang's body still have memory, and the genes are only secondary. The most important thing is the memory in Lu Fang's brain!
The Brood is a creature with command. In other words, the Brood can use various magics and even laws. However, if you want to use these, you need the corresponding technology and memory, and the Brood does not have these. Technology and memory need to devour a mid-level god like Lu Fang. How many things can a mid-level god like Xiang Lu Fang know?
To be honest, Lu Fang didn't even know how many things he knew, but he could only remember them when he needed them.

As for why the brood devoured so many living planets, why there is no such thing, it is actually very simple.

First of all, there are very few powerhouses like Xiang Lufang, and secondly, before the brood was only at the level of a mid-god, that is to say, after meeting a strong man who is also a mid-god, it (because the brood is genderless) Yes, so I'd better use it) then there will be the possibility of defeat.

As for the lower gods, it is impossible to choose to fight the brood, and they will definitely run as far as they can. Anyway, for the powerhouses of the lower god level, leaving their own planet to survive in the universe is a basic skill, amazing Some of them can even open portals to run in the universe directly, and the low-level strong brood has no effect if it is devoured, and the skills obtained do not meet the needs of the brood's own combat power.

But now, the brood has evolved into an existence of the upper god level, while Lu Fang is an existence of the middle god level, but he has no intention of running away, no, maybe there is, but the brood thinks that the other party is because of human beings The so-called "family affection" and "affection" were temporarily bound here, but once the source of his "family affection" and "affection" was eliminated, the brood could be 100% sure that the other party would definitely escape.

The previously planned killing plan of the three median god giant worms has failed because Lu Fang's combat power exceeded the evaluation of the brood, so next, the brood is not allowed to fail again!
In order to eliminate 100% of the lost roads, the brood consumes a large amount of energy at all costs to gather all the continents of the world together and compress them, placing all land creatures on the earth under its own eyes.

The so-called game is also Brood's plan. As long as the plan goes well, Brood will be able to kill Lu Fang in a duel with Lu Fang. At the same time, because of the power of the contract rules signed by the universe, Lu Fang has absolutely no way to escape.

The contract will only be terminated if one of the two parties dies. What a wonderful setting this is.

At this time, the brood had already thought of killing Lu Fang and devouring him. The huge piece of meat on its body began to squirm continuously, which seemed crazy and disgusting, which made some humans on the ground feel a burst of pain. Nausea.

At this point, everything is within the calculations of the brood.

There are relatives and friends of the human beings in front of us on the land. As long as the relationship between them is deep, the brood believes that these races that sometimes abandon reason when their brains get hot will definitely agree to fight with themselves, no, maybe they will not agree , but tried every means to protect their loved ones.

It's a pity that the mother's nest has planted ferocious and sharp spikes in the middle of the ground early on. As long as the human beings in front of them make such movements, the spikes will come out instantly, ending the relatives of the human beings in front of them. To prevent the human beings in front of them from having such thoughts, the brood purposely amplifies the breath of these spikes so that Lu Fang can easily feel the spikes in the ground.

Of course, the brood has also thought about the situation that if the human beings in front of them are heartless and abandon their loved ones and run away, if that is the case, the brood can only forcibly expand an enchantment by itself, but it may be because of Expanding the enchantment consumes most of the energy and leads to the failure of the battle.

But regardless of whether it will fail or not, the brood intends to do this, because this is a huge opportunity, a chance to greatly sublimate its own race's combat capabilities. Yes, Zerg who can use all kinds of magic, as long as the energy cost is controlled, Brood believes that he will definitely become one of the best Zerg in the starry sky.

Everything is planned so perfectly. If there is any accident, Brood believes that it is definitely a mistake in the assessment of Lu Fang's combat power, but this possibility is very low, at least in the eyes of Brood, it looks like this , because Lu Fang's battle just now has clearly demonstrated Lu Fang's combat effectiveness in the eyes of the brood.

According to the calculations of the Brood's brain, which is more terrifying than a quantum computer, Lu Fang has absolutely no possibility of winning, unless there is some secret hidden in the opponent's body that even the Brood cannot calculate.

Watching Lu Fang quietly, the brood slowly pushed the spikes in the ground upwards, and finally, just when it was about to touch the soles of Lu Yuean's shoes, Lu Fang opened his mouth.

"I promise."

When the mother nest heard Lu Fang's words, it was overjoyed, and it couldn't wait to release a powerful energy, forming a huge beam of light.

The beam of light shot up into the sky, and then bombarded into the void violently, and at this moment, a majestic voice came from Lu Fang's mind.

Void Zerg Hive No. 13052 signed a contract with Terran B9856115462468, whether the two parties entered into the contract formulation process.



Lu Fang chose yes without hesitation. After all, this is what Lu Fang wanted to see. The Zerg brood was confident that he could defeat Lu Fang, so why not Lu Fang?
So what if there is a big difference between the two sides?At this stop, Lu Fang must win!
Whether it's for his family, for the earth, or for the huge energy in the brood that can lift Lu Fang to the peak of the midgod, Lu Fang is going to give it a try.

As for what this cosmic consciousness is, although Lu Fang doesn't know, he can guess it. It must be something similar to the world consciousness, but it is just the world consciousness of the real world. Maybe it will be more high-end?
Lu Fang doesn't know. The only thing he knows so far is that it seems that a lot of energy is needed to sign a contract with the consciousness of the universe. The energy contained in the beam of light emitted by the mother nest into the air before is already the entire body of a lower god peak. The energy is high, which is enough to explain the high threshold for signing a contract with cosmic consciousness.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the contract, Lu Fang left his mark on the contract with his spiritual power. The next moment, the world in front of him was broken, and Lu Fang returned to the real world of the earth.

And in the minds of Lu Fang and the brood, that majestic voice sounded again.

"The contract is signed and executed immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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