Super template lottery system

Chapter 448 Life and Death, Only Between One Thought

Chapter 448 Life and Death, Only in One Thought

After the president of the Death Society disappeared, the God of Destruction sat up from his bed.

I couldn't help stretching, and the bones all over my body crackled.

"Well, it seems that he has indeed slept for a long time." The God of Destruction couldn't help but mutter, and then let out a sigh of relief.

And at this moment, beside his bed, ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and afterward, a gorgeously dressed woman slowly walked out from the space door.

Destruction looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, with a helpless expression on his face, he looked at the sacred and inviolable face of the woman in front of him, and said:
"Creation, can you come to me without moving, I'm not going to do anything."

When the woman called Creation heard the words of destruction, there was a trace of fluctuation in her seemingly unripe eyes. She looked at the man in front of her and said slowly:
"My task is to keep an eye on you, whether you are going to do something or not."

When the God of Destruction heard the woman's words, the expression on his face became even more helpless. He sighed, as if accepting his fate;
"Well, it's up to you, I'm going to the lower realm, you won't stop me, right?"

After saying the words of destruction, he opened a huge space door in front of him, but unlike the space door made by the woman, the woman's space door looks like ripples in the water, and the door of destruction The portal, however, is filled with thick dark red lightning that is full of destructive aura, it looks as if the entire space is destroyed by the destructive energy.

"If you don't go to the lower realm to destroy, I won't stop you."

The woman looked at the destruction, without any expression on her face. At this moment, a subtle change finally appeared. It seemed that she finally became serious at this moment, but the degree of seriousness did not seem to be very high.

The God of Destruction snorted in displeasure, and then stepped into the space door.

The space door slowly disappeared, while the woman quietly looked at the place where the God of Destruction disappeared. She didn't know what she was facing. After a long time, she sighed softly, pointed to a point with her right hand, and faint ripples appeared on the in front of the woman.

Slowly walking into the ripples, after a while, the woman also disappeared into this world together.

At this time, in the huge arena created by the president of the Death Club, Lu Fang had already pinched the three wooden sticks in his hands.

Holding the wooden sticks in his hand, he saw that on the three wooden sticks, it was written respectively, Forged Steel, Nuohuo and Destroyed.

The box used to draw lots disappeared in an instant, and soon, a huge protective shield slowly covered the entire arena.

What made Lu Fang strange was that he felt that the protective cover did not seem to be raised by the leader of the Death Society, and he felt it carefully. It's just similar. According to Lu Fang's guess, the person who raised this protective shield is actually much stronger than the leader of the Death Society.

This thought surprised Lu Fang. After all, the strength of the leader of the Death Society is only about 100-level lower gods. If he is stronger than the leader of the Death Society, he can only be a middle god or even higher. exists.

Subconsciously, Lu Fang transferred the realization to the experience card of Sawada Tsunayoshi in the backpack column.

"System, to what extent can this experience card improve my strength?" Lu Fang looked at the experience card and asked the system in his mind.

[This experience card was automatically recorded and saved by the system when Tsunayoshi Sawada broke through to level 100, and his strength was just broken through to the level of a lower god. 】

Listening to the system's words, Lu Fang had some bad premonitions in his heart, and couldn't help asking:

"Then how is the strength of the president of the Death of All Things Association compared to this experience card? Which one is stronger."

[From a cultivation point of view, the leader of the Death Society who has already broken through to the lower gods is still more powerful. According to system monitoring, his strength should have reached the middle level of the lower gods. 】The system replied quickly.

The corners of Lu Fang's eyes couldn't help twitching twice, and said:

"So even if I use Sawada Tsunayoshi's experience card, I may not be able to defeat the opponent, right?"

[Yes, there is no way to do this. In order for the host to have the power to fight against the opponent, this system has overdrawn most of its original power, and it still owes a whole lot of debt. Host, you have more tasks to do now. The task rewards are collected by the system from the source of the world obtained there and given to the host, so you can be satisfied as the host. 】The system said as if I had tried my best.

Lu Fang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the system's words, and said:
"Aren't you a system made by all the worlds that are not controlled by the main god's space, and you still owe debts?"

[Host, the laws of all worlds are fair. If you gain something, you will have to pay for it. This is like the so-called cause and effect. The origin of the world cannot be obtained just by wanting to get it. It is a kind of thing that can only change the process of the world, or It is something that can only be obtained after making certain contributions to the world. It is precisely because of this that the system will always let the host perform various tasks. Otherwise, you think I don’t want to directly return a lot of combat experience. Is there a direct source forced into your body? 】

[The Lord God Space is also like this. It is precisely because of this that their reincarnators need to experience worlds one by one to obtain their so-called reincarnation points. Of course, although in most senses, they are working in the Lord God Space That’s it. 】

[It is precisely because of this that in order to obtain this experience card of Tsunayoshi Sawada, this system directly overdraws the host’s 40.00% rewards for all future missions completed, and the system’s own accumulated world source at home is exchanged for it. This experience card, let me say this, do you understand the host? 】

"Okay, I got it." Lu Fang said helplessly after listening to the system.

When the system heard this sentence, it comforted Lu Fang:
[Host rest assured, judging from your current task progress, you will be able to pay off all the debts in a short time, but before you pay off the debts, you can only get 60.00% of the rewards. 】

[By the way, host, I have to tell you one thing, that is, your mission has been triggered. 】

As soon as the system was finished, the task panel of the system popped up in front of Lu Fang.

Mission Name: Blood Moon!
Mission introduction: The time is approaching evening, in the huge arena, countless eyes are looking at you expectantly, hoping that you can defeat the evil forces that are famous throughout the continent.
You have already drawn lots at this time, preparing for the upcoming battle, but what you don't know is that one of the three lots you have drawn is an opponent that you cannot defeat no matter what, so , the Blood Moon will test you.

Quest Reward: Yasuo, Blood Moon!
Mission requirements: Kill forged steel and nuohuo without using any system props, and cause any form of damage to the corpse!
Failure penalty: death

Remarks: Life and death are only in one thought.

(End of this chapter)

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