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Chapter 445 The characteristic of Dakong Huoyan is harmony!

Chapter 445 The characteristic of Dakong Huoyan is harmony!

At this moment, a bright orange flame was slowly burning on the top of Lu Fang's head, which made the pupil of Lu Fang's left eye, driven by the flame of his own dead energy, slowly turn into a bright orange.

As for the left eye, no one has changed at all because of the eye of the six realms.

The number in my eyes is the number five, the way of the world!

It can greatly improve Lu Fang's combat effectiveness. Although it has relatively powerful side effects, for Lu Fang who has already filled up all kinds of buffs with side effects, the little side effects brought by the human world are already considered. Not on what.

After all, whether it is blood burning or Bamen Dunjia, each has the ability to cause huge damage to oneself, and Lu Fang uses these abilities now, it feels like Kai in Naruto using Hokage Bamen Dunjia, um , Get used to it after using it, don’t you see that Kai often opens seven doors, and he looks like a normal person after opening.
The Northen Longbow was slowly pulled open by Lu Fang. Then, an arrow composed of the fire of death with the attributes of the sky appeared on the bowstring of the Northen Longbow. Lu Fang slowly pulled it open. open.

Looking at the shadow monk who was inside the giant's shadow in the distance, Lu Fang slowly pointed the Northen Longbow at it. However, the shadow monk who saw Lu Fang's actions sneered twice.

"The phantom of the giant is completely condensed by the laws of boxing. There is no bow and arrow attached to the laws. How could it be possible to penetrate my laws?"

In the eyes of Shadow Monk, this action of Lu Fang can be said to be meaningless. After all, law energy and non-law energy are completely two concepts, and there is no comparison at all. Shadow Monk will not believe it , the longbow in the opponent's hand can pierce through the phantom of one's own fists composed of lawful energy.

No!Not even a crack could be created.

However, what the shadow monk didn't know was that Lu Fang didn't use the energy in the main world, but the energy that belonged to another world. At the same time, that world was also a world that didn't use the power of law to fight. Human beings are completely hidden in the human body!

Nuo Sen's longbow was completely pulled away. At this moment, countless gusts of wind that were visible to the naked eye slowly surrounded the arrows of the long bow. At the same time, the life force in Lu Fang's body also continuously flowed to Nuo Sen Among the Mori Longbows, looking at the tense bowstring and the bright orange arrow in front of him, Lu let go, and with the sound of "collapse", the bright orange arrow completely composed of the attributes of the big sky was from the blood. The demon flew out of the body, and flew towards the shadow monk!

"It's useless. An arrow without additional law energy is absolutely impossible to penetrate my boxing giant."

The Shadow Monk looked at the arrows that were flying towards him quickly, without any panic, and still calmly controlled his giant phantom, punching and punching at the Gorefiend created by Lu Fang.

And at this moment, the bright orange arrow also flew in front of the phantom of the giant.

boom! ! !
The violent collision sounded, which frightened the shadow monk a bit. He looked at the arrows without a single inch of gold in front of him, and smiled a little smugly.

Looking at Lu Fang, the Shadow Monk slowly stretched out his hand in the phantom of the giant and said:
"You can't be my opponent. Possessing the law and using the law are completely two concepts, do you understand? Now, if you change your mind, I promise that I will not kill you. At the same time, we will give you the last Good treatment."

Shadow Monk is really eager for a strong subordinate. After all, there are very few people who can become the peak of the eighth order, and two of them were directly killed by Lu Fang. Now, if you don't add some standing, not only His power has become weak, and at the same time, even the leader of the Death Society will probably punish himself for this incident.

After all, the eighth-order peak is an important stand in the final death meeting.

Lu Fang didn't reply, but the shadow monk who looked at Lu Fang's calm face was completely angry.

"Okay! Even if you don't know how to flatter, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Just as the shadow monk finished speaking, he heard Lu Fang's voice:

"Do you know, what are the characteristics of the flame of death energy of the big air attribute?"

When the shadow monk heard Lu Fang's words, subconsciously, a bad feeling rose in his heart, and subconsciously looked at the arrow that Lu Fang had shot before, only to see that the bright orange arrow had not disappeared at this time , Instead, it was firmly attached to the body of the giant phantom, and the giant phantom was actually shattering quickly!

boom! ! !
In just an instant, the phantom of the giant was pierced with a big hole, and then, after a bright orange light flashed in Lu Fang's hand, a brand new arrow, like a streamer, was shot from the phantom of the giant. It got in through the hole that came out, and with just one stroke, it stabbed fiercely into the chest of the shadow monk.

"The attribute of Dakong is harmony."

As Lu Fang said this, he controlled the gust of wind around his body and flew towards the shadow monk who was blown away by the arrow. In just a split second, the shadow monk was locked in mid-air by countless gusts of wind, and his huge At this time, the phantom completely dissipated.

After hearing Lu Fang's words, the shadow monk couldn't help but move his gaze to the position where his giant phantom was pierced, and there was a large black-gray boulder at that position , It's just the same, the shadow monk can see that those huge stones are just the phantom of the giant that he condensed, because in those stones, there is his own unique power of law.

Lu Fang's figure suddenly appeared in front of Shadow Monk, looking at Wushuang tightly held in Lu Fang's hand, Shadow Monk smiled wryly twice and asked;
"How did you do it? You obviously don't have any power of law."

Lu Fang didn't answer Shadow Monk's question immediately, but his body turned into gusts of wind, waving Wushuang in his hand, leaving huge wounds on Shadow Monk's body continuously.

"Because of reconciliation."

Hearing Lu Fang's words, the shadow monk recalled the stones that fell from the phantom of the giant he was pierced through, but he understood Lu Fang's meaning in an instant. He smiled wryly and said:
"You won, but it's a pity that the Death Club is very interested in this mission, so after I die, the headquarters will definitely send the rest of the heavenly kings over, and they will use space to teleport , you can be here in an instant.”

"It's hard to say specifically, but I don't believe that after you defeat me, you can still kill the Heavenly King who will support you next."

Wushuang's sword was surrounded by a bright blue gust of wind, and in just an instant, Lu Fang came to the top of Shadow Monk's head.

Looking at the Shadow Monk who closed his eyes as if ordered, Lu Fang chopped down the long knife and said:

"Don't you think you talk too much nonsense?"

Wushuang falls, and one of the nine heavenly kings, Shadow Monk, will die!

(End of this chapter)

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