Super template lottery system

Chapter 441 Good Luck, Host

Chapter 441 Good Luck, Host

In fact, in the entire different world, the path that everyone walks is towards the realm of gods, and mastering the laws is also to reach the level of gods.

For example, the God of Flame corresponds to the Law of Fire, and the God of Justice corresponds to the Law of Justice. Only by mastering the Law can mortals approach God step by step.

According to the systematic differentiation method, Lu Fang's current level of 90 corresponds to the early stage of the ninth level, while level 95 is the holy level, and level 100 is the legendary level, God!
Lu Fang once asked the system if there were any levels after level 100. The system replied that there were, but it would no longer be distinguished in the form of numerical levels.

It is the lower god, the middle god, the higher god, and the most powerful supreme god in the world!
Of course, these are all things to say. If you want to become a god, you don't just have to understand the laws. If you want to become a god, you have to compete for the godhead!
In the world, any kind of law can only have one god, that is to say, if you comprehend the law of fire, then if you want to become a fire god, you need to snatch the godhead of the previous god, that is, Killing God!
Only by killing gods can you become a god. Of course, there is another way besides this.

A god can consume part of its godhead to bestow on other creatures. In this case, the creature bestowed with godhead will become a god, but this kind of god has a price.

First of all, the god who bestowed the godhead will be seriously injured for a long time, at least tens of thousands of years before it can recover. Of course, if there is a huge power of faith to supplement the restoration of the godhead, it will be another calculation.

And the god who is bestowed with godhead will never surpass the god who bestowed godhead in strength, and can't disobey any order of the other party!
This is the price of becoming a god!
Therefore, it is very, very difficult to become a god, and Lu Fang doesn't know many gods in Shengtan Continent.

In the Vatican of Light, the pope is the middle god of light, while in the court of the Holy See, there are punishment, justice, and two inferior gods.

Becoming a god does not only require something like a godhead, but also requires one's own comprehension of the laws. Otherwise, even a supreme god, after bestowing the godhead, cannot make the person bestowed with the godhead become a god.

This is generally the case. As for the god of lust, what level of god is it? Lu Fang is not very clear. If he guesses from the tone of the shadow monk, the other party should be the body of the god of lust. Since this is the case, the other party is also a middle god at least.

And the power of sin, to put it bluntly, is actually similar to the karma of Lu Fang's previous life, but the evil god can absorb the power of sin for cultivation, but the power of sin is the most difficult to digest among all the negative energies for the evil god .

If all the people in a city are sacrificed and the gate of the abyss is summoned, how many people will die?Lu Fang doesn't know clearly, but the amount of sinful power that can be caused is definitely very large. If the plan of the Death Society succeeds, maybe the God of Lust will really suffer a big loss.

Just when Lu Fang was facing these things, the former adjutant had already come to Lu Fang's side and said:
"My lord, the battle is over. A total of 1 orcs have been captured, and all the remaining [-] orcs have died."

Lu Fang looked at the battlefield below the city wall (when he killed the magic, Lu Fang flew back to the city wall), but it was all over, but there were 1 orcs?
Seemingly seeing Lu Fang's doubts, the adjutant quickly explained:
"This is all the orcs on all sides, including the orcs you killed at the north gate before, my lord. We have already counted them all."

"The orcs in the Orc Empire are very strong. In fact, ten thousand orcs are not that many. The opponent is probably planning to rely on two eighth-level peak powerhouses to attack the city, while the Orc Empire only needs to send one. Even if it fails, it will not cause any consequences. A battered number of soldiers."

When Lu Fang heard the adjutant's words, a rare expression of interest appeared on his face, and he said:
"Do you know that the other party has two forces?"

Hearing Lu Fang's words, the adjutant showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said:

"Ahem, I figured it out based on the logo of the Doom Society on the flying magician. As for those orcs, it's actually easy to tell them apart. In fact, they all have the orc seal of the orc empire on their back spines. Yes, on behalf of the warriors of the Orc Empire."

"As for the condition of the other city walls, I also asked other people. As for the analysis I just made."

"I said it." Before the adjutant finished speaking, a girl's voice suddenly appeared on the left side of Lu Fang and rushed to answer.

"Lisang." Lu Fang looked at the person in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to hand over the other person's name, but only halfway through speaking, he suddenly realized that this is the chassis of the Shuijian Empire. It is undoubtedly an idiot to name the princess of the Shengtan Empire.

Thinking of this, Lu Fang changed his words in an instant:

"How will you be here?"

Lisanna looked at Lu Fang, raised her eyebrows triumphantly and said:
"I'm the captain of the guard, well, the city is under attack, how could I not come?"

"The task of the guards is obviously to distract the masses." The adjutant stood aside and said silently, but just as he finished speaking, Lisanna gave him a hard look, and he was instantly cowarded. He closed his mouth and pretended to be something Neither was said.

Lu Fang looked at the adjutant and asked, "The analysis you just said, was she really the one who said it?"

To be honest, Lu Fang is very skeptical about this matter. You know, when Lisanna was in Gaoyue City, if it wasn't for the Holy-rank Mage Tower, she might not even have a place to live, let alone work in the guard. After living, it is such a woman who can't even find a job, who can analyze the thoughts of the orc empire?

There are only two possibilities. The first is that Lisanna has a very strong military talent, and the second is that Na Yuean's analysis is wrong.

But Lu Fang would never admit that his analysis was wrong, because his analysis was exactly the same as Lisanna's, so it can only be the first one!

Lisanna is a genius with extraordinary talent in military affairs, that's right, that's it!
Lu Fang would never believe it. He believed that he had misanalyzed this kind of thing, and it was impossible for him to happen to him, okay? So Lisanna is definitely a military genius, so he was able to draw the same conclusion as himself. in conclusion.

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Lu Fang, who had figured everything out, felt at ease in an instant.

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lu Fang's head.

[Okay, don't be so childish here, your mission hasn't been completed yet!I detected a very powerful energy body approaching. 】

[The opponent is very strong, but not the strongest in this mission, I wish you good luck, host. 】

(End of this chapter)

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