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Chapter 414 God of Slime?

Chapter 414 God of Slime?
When he came to the prison on the top floor, Lu Fang kicked open the door that the orc guards forgot to re-lock.

There are many iron windows on the top floor, but the light is very dim. Lu Fang walked in, and after a cursory glance, he found the dog girl who was locked in the cell not far away.

In the prison, only the inside of the cell has the ability to isolate the elements. After all, if the guards working in the cell also need to be isolated from the elements, they may not be able to restrain the rioting prisoners at critical moments.

This also led to the fact that in Barnock Prison, when the prisoners ate, they did not go to the cafeteria collectively to get meals, but were delivered by the orc guards.

Although this will be very troublesome, it is indeed a very practical method, and it is precisely because of this that until now, there has been no successful escape from Bannock Prison. The guards of Bannock Prison could not have imagined that this would happen. Someone could spend three years digging a passage to the outside world inside the prison.

Although Bannock discovered this passage when he came back and sent a team of orc guards to fill it in, Lu Fang happened to come to Bannock Prison and completely opened the passage that had not yet been filled.

In the prison next to the mouse girl, there was a puddle of green unknown liquid. Lu Fang didn't pay much attention to it, and chopped off the lock of the dog girl's cell with one knife.

"You came."

The mouse girl walked out of the cell. She first looked at Lu Fang, and then at the pool of green unknown liquid next door, with a subtle expression on her face.

"What are you looking at, do you know that this is very rude, why don't you let me out quickly."

Seeing the expression on the dog girl's face, the green unknown liquid said with some dissatisfaction.

"This is the one who left the note. Um, buddy?" Lu Fang looked at the dog girl and asked curiously.

Lu Fang, who is the original author of the world of "Huan Dao", still knows about this unknown green liquid. Of course, it is not that Lu Fang knows about the unknown green liquid in front of him. What Lu Fang knows is the unknown green liquid in front of him. It’s just a race of liquids.

Slime, the lowest level of Warcraft, has different colors for different attributes. Blue represents water, red represents fire, and the green in front of him should represent vitality.

If it is said that low-level monsters are the most difficult for low-level fighters to kill, then there is no doubt that it is definitely slime, because slime has nearly 80.00% physical immunity, and the slime that falls from the body, even It can form a slime clone, and the liquid that makes up the slime's body is highly corrosive and extremely digestible. Ordinary weapons will even corrode after being swung on the slime's body.

It is precisely because of this that even though the slime is very weak, it still has a place in the whole world, but the slime in front of it seems to be able to talk?

It's not surprising that monsters can talk, as long as they are high-level monsters, basically they can talk, but the problem is that the talking is a known slime, which is very surprising.

You know, although slime is a low-level race with strong survivability, it is a pity that slime's combat power is pitifully weak, it is a real low-level monster, and its growth attributes are very low. If there is no adventure, slimes will never be able to evolve into high-level monsters.

And the one in front of him is not only able to speak, but has not been caught in prison, and has not had any problems for three years, which is absolutely strange no matter how you look at it.

However, Lu Fang and the mouse girl were only surprised for a while, and then they released the slime from the prison. Behind him, Na Yue'an was staring at the slime in front of her with her own eyes, as if she was looking at some prehistoric monster.

The God of Slime, the king of all slimes, and the object of their faith, is the god born of the first slime race in the world.

Although in the eyes of humans, most slimes have basically the same appearance except for the color, but in the eyes of slimes, it is clear that every slime can be distinguished, and the one who used to be The demigod Na Yue'an was naturally able to tell the difference.

She once saw the God of Slime, with a huge body, like a huge moving city. Before he became a god, the reason why God of Slime was known to people was because of a battle.

The reason for the fight was because a giant dragon, when passing by the Slime God, felt that the Slime God's body was very soft, so he lay down on it and slept, but it turned out that the saliva that flowed out contained The poison woke up the sleeping slime god, and successfully angered him, devouring the dragon into his body in one bite.

Afterwards, the giant dragon clan dispatched ten adult giant dragons to maintain the dignity of the dragon clan, but after a fierce battle, eight of them were swallowed by the slime god and fled. The God of Lime also advanced to the god level at that moment.

But the slime in front of me, in terms of appearance, is more than nine points similar to the slime god, and, it is said that the hometown of the slime god is the wild lion forest near the lion city of the orc empire among.

Na Yue'an used to think that this news was fake, but judging from the current situation, it is not certain.

"Thank you. As you can see, I am a slime. As for the name, I hope you call me slime."

The God of Slime, no, it should be said that Lime, the God of Slime in the future, squirmed over from the prison cell, but halfway through the squirming, his body was fixed by the chains tied to his body.

"Uh, um, can you also chop off this chain by the way, because of this thing, I can't use any elements, and I can't change from semi-solid to liquid." Lime said.

Na Yue'an: "."

Is this guy really the God of Slime?
Na Yue'an couldn't help but become suspicious. After all, the Slime God in front of her was really far from the Slime God in her impression.

Shaking his head, it's obviously too early to think about it now, does it matter if the other party is the God of Slime?Of course it doesn't matter, after all, whether the other party is a slime or not, it doesn't have much influence on Na Yue'an and Lu Fang.

After Lime came out, Lu Fang led a few people towards the gate of Barnock Prison. As for the two reincarnated people, Lu Fang didn't see them, and he didn't know where they went. , As for the prison on the top floor, there are only two people, the dog girl and the slime. One person and one monster.

And when walking outside, Lu Fang also learned what happened from the dog girl.

(End of this chapter)

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