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Chapter 405 Dragon Slayer Mysteries·Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!

Chapter 405 Dragon Slayer Mysteries·Red Lotus Explosive Flame Blade!
Barnock's high-profile appearance successfully attracted the attention of everyone present, and both sides tacitly agreed to stop the attack at the same time.

Because, Bannock's body is exuding a terrifying aura all the time, like steam, emerging behind Bannock, making everyone present feel a strong pressure.

Na Yue'an has a demigod-level mental power, and she just glanced around to know the specific strength of Barnock, but knowing it is knowing, but whether she can beat it is another matter.

Barnock's physical body was really too strong. Unless Na Yuean spent time compressing her mental power into a needle shape, it would be impossible to break through Barnock's physical defense.

As for mental attacks, Nayuean herself doesn't know how to use her mental power to form a shock wave to shatter the enemy's brain. In fact, she just detonated her mental power, but Barnock's body is very tough, and it is not at all that she can It's crumbled.

However, when a superpower suddenly appears on the battlefield, there are usually two situations.

First of all, confirm the camp of the visitor. If it is a friend, then it is of course the best, but if it is an enemy, you need to carefully judge the combat effectiveness of the two sides.

Of course, if the opposing party is the enemy of everyone on both sides, it will be counted separately.

"It doesn't look too good."

Na Yue'an just saw the dog girl being carried by Barnock. As a reborn, Na Yue'an knew about the assassination, and when Lu Fang talked to the dog girl before, although he She didn't eavesdrop, but Na Yue'an could still feel the breath of the contract scroll coming from the room, so she could guess the content of the conversation between Lu Fang and the mouse girl.

In other words, the dog girl is currently in the same group as Lu Fang, and if the dog girl is caught by the opponent
Na Yue'an quietly took two steps back, obviously, she was going to run away first.Although it is embarrassing to say so, in fact, Nayuean, who only has half-god-level spiritual power, can use it to launch pure spiritual power, except when facing illusions and mental attacks. In terms of physical attacks, the power is still quite low.

Na Yue'an is not an elf mage, nor a succubus. Naturally, it is impossible to use mental power to release magic, or cause mental damage to the opponent. She can only convert mental power into physical attacks.

And this also required to face a rather embarrassing thing. When Na Yue'an encountered some rough-skinned and thick-skinned enemies, she couldn't penetrate their defenses at all!

Na Yue'an couldn't help thinking of the two bastards standing in front of her.

A person whose physique is so strong that he can use lightning to attach himself to his body. His speed and strength are simply inhumane. After he yelled "Bamen Dunjia", "Shengmen" and "XXmen", Na Yue'an was no match for her at all.

The super speed and strength gained at the cost of exceeding the physical load, it's so simple, Nayue'an has the mood when an ordinary player meets a cheater player at this time.

You are a human bastard, why can you use lightning!

As for the other one.
My old lady grew up so big, it was the first time I met a melee mage, and she was still a fucking human!

After fighting for a period of time, the moves will suddenly become stronger. The whole body is covered with dragon scales, and the defense speed, strength, and flame temperature have all been greatly increased. How can Na Yuean fight this?
Originally, Na Yue'an was going to drag her until Lu Fang arrived. After all, judging from the situation, she would not take much time. She was probably about to lose, and she was not as fast as the other party, so she had to wait for Lu Fang. up.

As a result, Lu Fang didn't wait, but instead waited for a lion man with a stronger body.

"Everyone is playing with me, isn't it! After being reborn with difficulty, the people I met became more perverted and weirder than the last, and there were suddenly a lot more things I couldn't understand." Na Yuean couldn't help it. Crazy, of course, it's all from the heart.

These are all Na Yuean's innermost thoughts. Although it seems like a lot, in fact, the three parties only confronted each other for more than ten seconds.

And at this time, the reincarnated person with blue lightning flashing on his body, after noticing Nayuean's movement of wanting to run away, became anxious, and disappeared in place in an instant. Appearing in front of Na Yue'an, countless lightning condensed between the index fingers and stabbed towards Na Yue'an.

"Hell Stab · One-stop!"

Na Yue'an's mental power naturally sensed the reincarnation's attack, but she didn't intend to dodge at all. Although, after being hit head-on by this move, even if she blocked it with mental power, she would definitely suffer serious injuries. Even if he used mental power to move now, he could dodge this attack by a large margin, and his body would not suffer any serious injuries, but Na Yuean did not dodge.

Because, although this reincarnation is very fast, it is a pity that some people are even faster than him!
"Who allowed you to take action on my territory?"

There was a loud thunderous sound, and the next moment, the reincarnated person's head was held by a huge hand, and the next moment, this huge hand was holding the reincarnated person's head, and smashed it towards the ground below.

boom! ! !
The ground cracked into a huge pothole in just an instant, and the reincarnated person covered in lightning also made no sound in an instant, and just lay quietly on the ground, with bright red blood continuously flowing from his forehead.

If it wasn't for the fact that his companion's body hadn't dissipated, another reincarnator would definitely believe without hesitation that his companion was already dead.

The corners of his eyes twitched twice, and the reincarnation slowly squatted down, raised his hands, and said:

"I surrender."

What is a companion?It's okay, as long as you don't die, as for the task, you can find another opportunity later. Anyway, the Lord God Space also said that it only needs to be resolved within two months. Although it has been about a month or so now, there is still one left. Isn't many months also time, it's better than dying here.
"Calm down first, then find a way to survive, and look for the opponent's weakness. After the opponent's weakness is exposed, kill him with one blow! YES!"

The reincarnated person was facing this way, but suddenly felt a gust of wind coming, and without hesitation, the reincarnated person quickly dodged to the side.

Although he looks like he has surrendered, he is still a reincarnated person who survived in the main god's space, and he still has a sense of vigilance, and his body is always in a posture that can act in an instant.

"I have no choice but to work hard."

A large number of dragon scales slowly emerged from the reincarnation's body, and countless flames surged on his body, and then slowly gathered in his hands, and scorching steam was constantly emitting from his body.

"Flames?" Barnock asked with interest when he saw this scene.

Seeing the opponent's contemptuous actions, the reincarnation was completely enraged. He looked at the enemy in front of him and successfully exerted [-]% of his power. Countless crimson flames emerged, forming a circle on his arms. Two huge flaming twin swords.

With a ferocious expression on his face, the reincarnation gathered all his strength and launched an attack on Barnock.

"Dragon Slayer Profound Truth - Red Lotus Blazing Blade!"

(End of this chapter)

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