Super template lottery system

Chapter 394 Anyone who wants to kill me must die!

Chapter 394 Anyone who wants to kill me must die!
"Understood, but you haven't told me the reason why you came in and out so casually."

Lu Fang probably understands what Jian Dun said about not reading biographical novels, that is to say, in novels, it is impossible to manipulate codes by knocking on the table a few times.

That method is only suitable for meeting informants. If you enter the bounty hunter exchange from the inside of the tavern, every bounty hunter who comes to make a transaction will all speak a set of code words. , People will notice sooner or later, isn't this stupid.

Therefore, the cheating codes in the novel do not exist, of course, excluding those connecting codes, or the code words that the two parties only carry out in places where no one is around.

(Of course, the above is purely the author's nonsense, if there are mistakes, please don't care)

"I don't know how many bounty hunters come to the bounty union every day, but I still know that there are a lot of them. If everyone needs to conduct strict scrutiny, then the bounty union will not use it all day After work, all of it is used for review, what a fart it is!"

"So, it's very easy for the bounty union to enter, as long as you pay one gold coin, after registering as a bounty hunter, by the way, don't listen to us as bounty hunters, in fact, the name comes from the human side The bounty hunters took it. As far as I know, ours is at most an underground head trade. Go to the bounty union of TM. A group of orcs with brain problems insist on taking some bounty guild. Otherwise, you can die laughing."

Lu Fang glanced at Jian Dun in surprise. From Jian Dun's tone, Lu Fang couldn't hear Jian Dun's disdain and ridicule for humans. This is something that Lu Fang couldn't find in other orcs. You know, even if Lu Fang was walking on the street, and from time to time he could feel the weird eyes of the orcs around him looking at Qiang Da Zhuang Yu Lang Jackal beside him.

It was as if the two of them were doing something strange. Although Qiang Dazhuang and Wolf Jackal hadn't said anything, Lu Fang had noticed this a long time ago, which was why Lu Fang rushed to the scene strangely.

As an orc, Jian Dun didn't feel disdain for humans?

Of course, Lu Fang didn't feel much about the fact that human beings are inferior creatures. Anyway, there is a world that is not his own. Moreover, I heard that the human beings in this world seem to be created by gods, not evolved from monkeys, that is, Said, in fact, these humans and Lu Fang are not a species at all, they just have the same appearance.

Of course, it is not ruled out that monkeys evolved. After all, in Lu Fang's previous life in ancient times, it was said that human beings were made by Nu Wa.

"Mythical world"

Thinking of Nuwa, Lu Fang couldn't help being a little dazed, because, according to the system, it seems that the mythical prehistoric world is under the control of the main god's space, and he
Can you really defeat the Lord God?
You know, the current Lu Fang may not even be able to beat an ordinary land in the mythical world.
Shaking his head, Lu Fang found helplessly that his problem that his thoughts tend to drift away easily could not be changed.

"You don't seem to have any prejudice against humans." Lu Fang looked at Jian Dun and said.

Jian Dun looked at Lu Fang, nodded, and said:

"Of course, look at the walls, the streets outside, and the houses. They are all built with human technology. If there were no humans, we would still be living in pits."

"The muskets of the dwarves, hehe, they researched the muskets together with humans, but they took the research results all by themselves. What about now? Human cannons have been researched, so the dwarves have the ability to make weapons grow with their own strength. Otherwise, they would have been hanged and beaten by humans long ago."

Jian Dun showed a very optimistic look towards human beings. To be honest, from his eyes, Lu Fang could not see any falsehoods. What can be confirmed is that, judging by Lu Fang's mental strength, Jian Dun But he is an orc who agrees with humans very much.

The difference between Qiang Dazhuang and Wolf Jackal is that both Qiang Dazhuang and Wolf Jackal were brought into the field of endeavor when they were young, so they do not have a strong racial relationship between orcs and humans, but what about Jiandun? ?No matter how you look at it, this guy is a guy who has received the same education as those orcs who discriminate against humans outside.

No, the orcs don't seem to have an education system at all.

Jian Dun looked at Lu Fang, reached out and patted his cloak and said:

"Do you know why I'm willing to give you this cloak if you give me a platinum coin? Because I didn't buy this cloak from the elves, but from humans. I don't know how they did it, even There is no spellcaster, but this kind of robe with magical ability can be made, but just by looking at it, I know that the day when human beings will rise is not far away."

"You're not afraid, humans have risen, and you orcs have suffered? You're so happy." Lu Fang smiled after hearing Jian Dun's words.

When Jiandun heard what Lu Fang said, he patted his chest nonchalantly and said:
"If you rise up, you will rise up. If the sky falls, there will be a tall one, and it has nothing to do with me."

"You can see it."

Jian Dun shrugged, but didn't say anything. After being silent for a while, Jian Dun said slowly:

"It's not that I'm open-minded, but to be honest, I hope humans and orcs can live in peace."

"Why?" Lu Fang was really surprised at this moment. He didn't expect Jian Dun to say that. After all, from Lu Fang's point of view, he is not very willing to let humans and orcs live in peace. After all , It has not been a day or two since the orcs in this world bullied humans.

Jian Dun stopped in his tracks, because a gate had already appeared in front of him.

Knocking on the door, Jian Dun said in a low and calm tone:
"This matter, if there is a chance in the future, and if I want to tell, let's continue talking. Now, we have come to the bounty union."

The door opened slowly, and inside was a man in a dark black tights, who seemed to be hiding in the shadows, looked at Jiandun and said:

Strong Shield nodded, and took out a badge with a sledgehammer on it.The next moment, the badge emitted a faint light in Jian Jian's hand.

The man nodded, and then completely merged into the shadows. Of course, Lu Fang could still see clearly.

"Let's go." Jian Dun turned his head and said to the road.

Lu Fang followed Jian Dun, recalling the man he saw just now, and asked curiously, "Why is the gatekeeper of the orc bounty guild a human being?"

"Ordinary orcs can't look at the door, they are lazy, sleep, and bribed at every turn. Naturally, we chose the shadow group among humans. This group specializes in cultivating assassin talents. Of course, part-time security guards."

"What the hell is the Shadow Group?"

The corner of Lu Fang's mouth twitched a little. It was obvious that the world of "Huan Dao" he had written was much, much deeper than he had imagined.

Shaking his head, Lu Fang focused his attention and swept his sharp eyes.

"found it."

The long knife that turned into a dagger turned in his hand, shining with a cold light. Lu Fang looked at the female orc in the distance, and touched it silently, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Anyone who wants to kill me must die!"

(End of this chapter)

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