Super template lottery system

Chapter 388 The Golden Disc

Chapter 388 The Golden Disc
[Well, it turned out to be the host's request, so the system will reluctantly go to sleep, but before going to sleep, the system wants the host to say a few words. 】

[First, don't underestimate any reincarnated people. Maybe they are weak one moment, and become Ultraman holding a magic light stick in the next moment. In short, please be careful, the host, when facing any When reincarnating, you must not be careless. 】

[Second, don't try to forcibly wake up your sister's consciousness, because if you make a mistake, your sister's soul memory may be completely dissipated. In this case, you will never be able to see your sister again, so Regarding this point, you must remember, the host, this is for your own good. 】

[And the third point is about the host's sword skills and sword skills. What I want to tell the host is that, regarding this matter, the host must not learn other people's sword skills or sword skills from a teacher, because, the host, you The sword skills and sword skills accumulated so far are all explored by myself in actual combat alone, and have gradually formed the "potential" that belongs to you as the host. It is okay to learn other people's skills, but you must Don't learn other people's understanding of sword skills together. 】

[About the two months in the world of "Huan Dao", if the host wants to become stronger, the system recommends that you continue to move towards the holy city of Noswar. As for why, of course, the closer you get to Noswar, the more you encounter The enemy will become more powerful, which will help the host to improve its own strength, and increase the success rate of completing the last link of the large task after returning to the main world. 】

[That's all, the system is going to rest first. 】

"It can be long-winded, you don't need you to tell me about this kind of thing, okay?" Feeling the silence of the system in his brain, Lu complained in his heart.

After looking at the closed door of Na Yue'an's room, Lu Fang shook his head and returned to his room.

After closing the door of the room behind him, Lu Fang fell directly on the big bed in the middle of the room.

"Huh." Lu Fang took a deep breath, put his hand right in front of his eyes, and couldn't help muttering:

"I'm so sleepy." Lu Fang said so, then slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The world in front of him was gradually getting dark, and Lu Fang's consciousness slowly disappeared at this moment. Then, after an unknown amount of time passed, Lu Fang, who had fallen asleep in the darkness, slowly regained consciousness. He opened his eyes, but found that he had come to a completely different area at this time.

The blue and gray sky is covered with gray-black dark clouds all over the sky, there is no sun, and there are no plants. The whole land presents a kind of scorched yellow wasteland, and in front of Lu Fang stands a huge hexagonal rows of buildings.

The building looks like an altar, with its dark blue color scheme and rough texture, exuding a desolate and ancient atmosphere all around.

Lu Fang took a look, found a step, and walked up. After reaching the top of the altar, Lu Fang discovered that there were eight huge blue and white rough stone beads standing in the middle of the altar. On the top of the stone pillar, there are dark black chains wrapped with rust, and these chains wrapped around the original stone pillar extend all the way to the center of the altar, firmly locking one of the objects.

Lu Fang looked around in a daze, and walked towards the locked object in the middle.

Just when he walked in front of the tightly bound object wrapped in chains, before he had time to focus his eyes, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness again.

At the same time, in the outside world, Lu Fang, who was lying on the bed and sleeping quietly, suddenly opened his eyes, and after opening his eyes, in Lu Fang's left eye, he could vaguely see a strange The phantom of the golden disc is emerging in Lu Fang's left eye.

Lu Fang opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling. When he got up from the bed, the sleepy feeling disappeared instantly, and was replaced by an unprecedented sense of spirit.

Lu Fang's mental power has now completely recovered to the level of the main world, and it has exceeded it by a lot!

And in his spiritual sea, there seems to be something more.
Feeling this, Lu Fang slowly sank his consciousness into the spiritual sea, but after entering the spiritual sea, Lu Fang discovered that in the spiritual sea, except for the cabin in the middle, At this time, there are three or four "items" existing in his mental sea.The first one is a huge and gorgeous ice blue ice sculpture. There is no doubt that this ice sculpture is definitely Nuling. As for why Nuling became like this at this time, Lu Fang said that he did not know.

But there is nothing to worry about, [-]% is dormant or broke through again.

And the other one is about the golden eagle of Assassin's Creed. At this time, besides the huge eagle head, the golden eagle has already appeared the upper part of the neck, and the whole eagle head exudes a special aura.

And the other one looks very weird. One of them is a piece of water that looks turbid and dirty but has no peculiar smell, and above this water is a huge dilapidated warship floating , Just took a look, Lu Fang recognized this ship, it was the ghost ship version Jackdaw that had been restored by Lu Fang.

"Why did the Jackdaw appear here?" Lu Fang suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and looked at the last "item" in his mental sea.

It was a huge golden disc, and the whole looked like it was made of sandstone.

The disc is divided into several layers, and on each layer are engraved with various exquisite glyphs, and on the periphery of the ring, there is a constantly rotating outer ring, which makes the whole look It is full of solemn feeling.

The halo constantly exudes a masculine aura, but I don't know if it's because of an illusion, Lu Fang always feels that under this masculine aura, there is a violent and destructive energy hidden.

Feeling this strange energy, Lu Fang couldn't help walking over subconsciously. After getting close to the disc, he couldn't help reaching out and touching the surface of the disc.

The next moment, the vision popped up, and Lu Fang only felt a huge suction force coming from the disk. Before he had time to react, he felt as if his whole body was sucked by a huge vacuum cleaner. Human beings are pulled into the golden disc like a pulled noodle.

The lines on the golden disc exuded a soft light. The next moment, Lu Fang in the spiritual sea disappeared in place, and Lu Fang's body in reality was also coated with a layer of bright gold at this time. film, glistening
(End of this chapter)

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