Chapter 386 Devil
Na Yuean didn't react for a while, and subconsciously wanted to push Lu Fang away, but after raising her hands, a feeling suddenly rose in her heart that she didn't want to push Lu Fang away.

And taking advantage of the trend, the raised hands were hugged behind Lu Fang, and they hugged Lu Fang tightly.

It's so warm and familiar, as if I've encountered this feeling somewhere before.

Na Yue'an couldn't help closing her eyes, and just lay quietly in Lu Fang's arms, hugging each other with Lu Fang.

Time seemed to be suspended at this moment, Lu Fang and Na Yue'an just stood there quietly, embracing each other, feeling the warmth and familiar aura from each other.

Suddenly, a burst of chaotic footsteps came from above the underground exchange, breaking the tranquility. Na Yuean quickly reacted, her face flushed, and with a force in her hand, she withdrew from Lu Fang's arms. The Lu Yue'an in Lu Fang's eyes also slowly disappeared, turning into Na Yue'an.

Lu Fang looked at his chest with some disappointment, feeling the familiar feeling left on his chest, and then looked at Na Yue'an who was a little flustered in front of him, Lu Fang shook his head in confusion, and turned to the underground transaction Walked outside and said:
"Come on, go out and see."

"Oh?" Na Yue'an didn't react for a while, after all, she was in a state of confusion at this time, obviously, Lu Fang suddenly hugged her and caused a huge shock to her
But walking ahead of the road, this is very uncomfortable at this time, yes!Very upset!
Although he knew that what he just saw might be all illusions, hallucinations, but!The hallucination was so realistic that Lu Fang didn't intend to let go of his hand at all. He also wanted to let his "sister" appear in front of him, even for a second longer.

However, the group of uninvited guests outside interrupted his thoughts, making the "sister" in his eyes disappear, which made Lu Fang very upset. If possible, Lu Fang wanted to teach the other party a lesson, of course, not It's enough to create a name. After all, Lu Fang thinks that he still can't do such a thing as killing people for no reason.

Walking out of the underground exchange, before Lu Fang could see the surrounding situation clearly, a dozen spears were aimed at his body in an instant.

The iron spears unexpectedly did not emit metal light, and the sun shone on them, but they could not reflect any light. Lu Fang just glanced at it, and he had a judgment in his heart. Obviously, these spears The craftsmanship is very rough, so rough that even an apprentice craftsman can make weapons that are several times better than this.

Looking along the wooden pole of the spear, the hand holding the spear is a pair of palms covered with rough brown hair. Each of the kobold soldiers is wearing rough leather armor that can only protect the heart. Put it against the road.

Kobold soldiers are still the lowest-level ones. Their weapons and equipment are very rubbish. Their combat power is equivalent to the peak strength of humans before breaking through the barrier lock for the first time. Because the kobold soldiers are too cheap, they are the cannon fodder of the Orc Empire. Plus the city police, of course, the lowest kind of police.

Ignoring the spear placed in front of him, and with a sweep of mental power, Lu Fang saw that behind these kobold soldiers was a full set of rough leather armor, a small leather round shield in his left hand, and a slightly more delicate one in his right hand. Kobold with a little black iron spear
Looking at these kobolds in front of him, for some reason, Lu Fang suddenly found it funny, maybe because he saw dogs wearing rough and rotten clothes?Or did you see the gap in strength between the two sides?Lu Fang didn't know, and wouldn't care about such things, anyway, he laughed.

"Ha ha."

The leading kobold frowned. He looked at Lu Fang. For some reason, when he saw the other person's smile, the kobold felt a strong sense of disgust inexplicably, because from the other person's smile, he felt Something different from other humans, the one on the opposite side seems to be laughing at them?

The leading kobold was angry. He looked at Lu Fang and snorted coldly: "It's just a human being, what arrogance! Catch him!"

"It's just human?" Lu Fang laughed. He looked at the kobolds who were trying to get close to him, and released his powerful coercion. All of a sudden, all the kobolds who were advancing stopped themselves in an instant. Footsteps, with a look of horror in his eyes, if it wasn't for his body being oppressed and unable to move under this powerful momentum, all these dog heads would have run away by now.

"In my eyes, you are just a group of dogs that can stand up." Lu Fang said, the fighting spirit in his body surged and converged with his fingertips.

Slowly raised his right hand, put it on the top of a spear, lightly tapped, just for a moment, Lu Fang's right hand moved the fastest, and all the spears were shot by Lu Fang with his right index finger at the same moment. ordered once.

"Rough craftsmanship." Countless spears instantly dissipated into dust and fell to the ground.

The kobold put away his coercion and recovered his ability to move. Without hesitation, he screamed loudly and ran to the distance quickly. Lu Fang just glanced at them and stopped paying attention. Instead, he walked slowly to the side of the kobold captain.

"You know, I didn't intend to kill anyone." Lu Fang knelt down and said, looking at the kobold in front of him.

The kobold in front of him had already collapsed on the ground at this time, and he couldn't help opening his eyes wide when he heard Lu Fang's words, what Lu Fang said was already very simple.

Originally, he didn't want to kill people. Remember, originally, that is to say, Lu Fang had changed his mind at this time.

The kobold's own eyes widened, and the area between his legs suddenly shimmed, and an unpleasant smell came from the kobold's body.

Lu Fang frowned, and retreated in disgust, and the kobold saw Lu Fang retreating, his eyes lit up with a desire for life. Obviously, he very much hoped to kill Lu Fang at this time because Lu Fang hated him. Dirty hands and let him go.

However, after all, he thought too much, and his mental power surged, and soon oppressed the kobold. The huge pressure made the kobold unable to breathe. Struggling on the ground, before he was about to die, he looked at the man in front of him with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

He recognized the man in front of him, he had clearly seen it on the wanted list before.

The world in front of him is getting darker and darker, and the kobold's consciousness is getting more and more blurred. Before he died, he opened his mouth slightly and said in a colloquial form:

"Devil, Lu Fang"

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(End of this chapter)

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