Super template lottery system

Chapter 31 Ultimate Fear 【Requiem】

Chapter 31 Ultimate Fear 【Requiem】

As Lu Fang sang, soaring gray-black beams of light shrouded the heads of the zombies around the base, and as Lu Fang's mana continued to pour in, the color of these gray-black beams of light continued to deepen.

In fact, there is one thing that Lu Fang discovered very early on, that is, in this world, because there is no relationship between various elements between heaven and earth, when Lu Fang's mana is released, there is no element at all in the air and Lu Fang's mana. At the same time, this also led to the fact that the lethality of Lu Fang's mana is completely different in the world of the main world in the seven-day killing world!
Perhaps because of the lack of various energies between heaven and earth, the quality of items in the seven-day killing world is far lower than that of the main world. For example, stones. If you want to break the stones in the main world, you need to hit them with your fists. And in Seven Days to Kill the World, Lu Fang only needs to squeeze it with his hands to crush it!This also led to the huge lethality caused by Lu Fang's use of [Tooth Protrusion] before, that is, Lu Fang knew this, otherwise, no matter how hard he thought, it would be impossible for him to think that he could directly kill so many zombies in a flash.

At this time, Lu Fang's perspective is very strange. No, it should be that his eyes are closed because of the singing. After all, this is a requiem, not a magician's singing.

Although Lu Fang's eyes can't see anything at this time, there is another face in his brain, a square three-dimensional topographical map, with Lu Fang himself in the center, and Lu Fang also follows the "Requiem" The method of use keeps marking the zombies.

The more mana injected, the higher the damage. Lu Fang didn't have much mana, but he was constantly digesting the zombie souls he had absorbed before to restore his own mana, and injected the mana he had just recovered.

The light beam became thicker and thicker, and the color became darker and darker. But strangely, the zombies shrouded in the light beam suddenly stopped moving!This is a very miraculous thing, because human flesh has a huge attraction to zombies, but at this time these zombies are indifferent to the attraction of more than 100 people in this base!

finally!The beam of light had reached the saturation point, it was no longer expanding, and the color was not deepening, and these zombies who were unconscious but acting on instinct started to run back, as if they felt something terrifying.

"They, are they afraid?"

The survivors in the base were all shocked. They had always believed that there might really be some extraordinary power in reality, but they should not be unscientific. As a result, this [Requiem] directly killed them. The three views that had finally recovered these days were shattered severely again, and then thrown to the ground.

The number of these marked zombies is about a quarter of the entire zombie wave, mainly because Lu Fang's focus is on those zombies that have evolved to be more ferocious, such as those military fertilizers that can spit sulfuric acid, Lu Fang I just paid close attention to a wave, not letting any one go!

The sudden running back of these numbers of zombies also disrupted the pace of the zombies behind them. Some zombies even started fighting. This shows how terrifying [Requiem] is. Zombies can be affected, and they will even become too frightened. Wanting to bite the zombies blocking the way to death.

These things do not affect Lu Fang's ability to continue casting spells. Unlike in the game, these light beams can also spread to the surroundings, so these fully filled light beams directly hit the zombies enveloped by the light beams together with the surroundings. All of them were blown up.

For a while, the broken limbs and broken arms have all the disadvantages, greatly enhancing our morale, and Lu Fang's [Requiem] can no longer be used after it is used up, according to the description of the skill.Karthus' Requiem is recited only once a day, to appease the dying souls.

Although Lu Fang didn't see where he was comforted, this TM is the ultimate fear, okay?Zombies can be scared away, but there is no one left.

In fact, this is mainly due to the instinct of the zombies. In addition to feeling those things attracting him, it is the coercion of higher-level zombies, and Lu Fang's [Requiem] makes these zombies feel the coercion similar to high-level zombies. Or the very advanced ones, their instincts told them it was dangerous, so they wanted to stay away from here, and Karthus's big move was of course not simple, so these instinctive zombies were all scared away. . .

"Boom!" With the fall of the beam of light, [Requiem] was finished. Lu Fang hurriedly used [Desecration] to absorb the souls of those zombies, and saw that the experience value continued to rise. Soon, he broke through to 6 class.

Lu Fang looked at the tide of zombies in front of him. Although the zombies did not have much soul power because they only had instincts, there were a lot of them!If the quality is not good, then use the quantity. According to Lu Fang's speculation, after killing all the zombies in this zombie wave, his level should reach level seven.

"Hey, it's a pity, killing creatures doesn't give points." Lu Fang was a little regretful. Killing zombies and absorbing souls is a bit like fighting monsters to upgrade, but it's a pity that only i coins (points) will not be dropped.

Well, Lu Fang is inflated, although he does have the capital to inflate, after all, there are almost no zombies in this world that Lu Fang is afraid of, except for those who have evolved to a perverted level.

When you raise your hands, [Desolation] blows up those zombies one by one. Occasionally, some fish that slip through the net are eroded to death by the spiritual domain created by [Desecration], and because they are constantly absorbing souls, mana The value is never missing.

Lu Fang completely turned into a humanoid self-propelled mana fortress, and dozens of zombies were blown to death when he raised his hand.

Although Lu Fang's side is very easy, the other three walls are different. They don't have Lu Fang's ability to use magic, so they can only use iron spears, crossbow arrows and guns in their hands to deal with zombies one by one. The efficiency is very high. Low, but fortunately they have stone walls that the zombies can't break, and all the military fertilizers that can corrode the stone walls were all killed by Lu Fang's [Requiem], so they have some defenses. No danger.

Those crossbowmen and gunmen who were still a little flustered, their weapons gradually stopped shaking, and they began to perform supernormally. Every bullet or crossbow arrow could take the life of a zombie.

Even those spearmen who kept killing zombies with their spears would start to think about how to stab into the heads of zombies more accurately, striving for instant kills with one move, gradually becoming proficient in unfamiliar techniques.

These zombies are no match for the base, even those stone walls with no roads!This is certainly not an unexciting event.

The corpses of zombies are piling up, and finally!There are zombies that can capture people above the stone wall!However, just when they wanted to use their claws to scratch the crossbowmen above, an iron spear had already penetrated their heads.

It's finally dawn!
(End of this chapter)

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