Super template lottery system

Chapter 196 Branch Establishment

Chapter 196 Branch Establishment
Lu Fang has checked Lu Yaoxuan's attributes before, and she has advanced assassin talents. According to the system, as long as she can train well, she can 100% become a master assassin.

And the reason why the little girl discovered Lu Fang was very simple, because her eyes could not see anything, so the little girl had the ability to distinguish the location by listening, and could rely on small sounds to distinguish the surrounding environment.

As for the problem of not being able to see anything, Hatsune Miku directly listed a treatment plan for a large mule, and Lu Fang also looked mentally retarded.

Lu Fang continued to wander around the island aimlessly, constantly looking for places that could be used to build Brotherhood branches.

Lu walked around the island for 2 minutes, and then came to a high tower.

This tower is the tallest building on the island, and its main function is naturally to observe the ships. It is perfect to use this as a bird's-eye view point to observe the entire island.

Lu Fang easily climbed to the top of the island, and then looked around.

The world of Assassin’s Creed has a very unique view on the use of spiritual power, and it has also created a spirit called free will. No one knows what this spirit is, but it caused the Brotherhood to use Leap of Faith the real reason.

As for the specific use of this kind of free will, Lu Fang is not very clear. At the very least, standing on a high place and being able to remember all the surrounding buildings in his mind is the effect of free will. Treasure boxes and other items in the dark can be found, which is also very powerful.

Lu Fang carefully observed the map in his mind aside, and soon confirmed the location where the Brotherhood branch was established.

Lu Fang looked around, there was no water, haystacks and the like, there was no other way, so he used the Leap of Faith that comes with the assassin customer service, jumped down after guiding it for five seconds, and then calmly landed. on the ground.

After landing, Lu Fang quickly ran towards the location he had chosen. In fact, the location of the brotherhood branch was not difficult to find.

The first is to keep it hidden, so that it cannot be easily discovered by people, and the second is to be in a place with a lot of people, so that it is convenient for assassins to hide.

The location chosen by Lu Fang already had a building. It was a two-storey house. Lu Fang found the owner of the house and negotiated with him (weibi). Finally, he got it after Lu Fang paid two diamonds. Ownership of the land on which this house sits.

However, Lu Fang did not immediately use the template to establish the brotherhood branch. The reason is very simple, because the speed of system construction is too fast. Even in this world of minecraft templates, it is impossible to build a house in an instant. Therefore, Lu Fang plans to build it when it is dark, so that it will not appear too abrupt.

"So, what should I do next?" Lu Fang walked on the street boredly, not knowing what he should do better.

After thinking about it, in the end there was really nothing to do, so he returned to the Jackdaw, and when Lu Fang returned to the Jackdaw, a small figure threw himself on Lu Fang, and Lu Fang did not escape. , he knew who it was.

After all, besides Lu Yaoxuan, who else is only as tall as Lu Fang's waist on the Jackdaw?This little girl who is only seven or eight years old keeps this vigilance towards everyone. Similarly, as long as she is given some relationship and love, she will easily develop a feeling of trust in others, and Lu Fang has successfully obtained this little girl. The girl's trust.

So Lu Fang thought of a way to pass the time.
There are many dangers in this chaotic sea area, training is definitely necessary, as for how to train, that remains to be considered.

Lu felt at ease thinking about this, but his face didn't change much, he was still teasing Lu Yaoxuan, and soon, night fell.

Lu Fang returned to the piece of land he bought before, opened the template of the brotherhood, and chose the option to establish a branch. Then, after Lu Fang paid a lot of materials, a brand new building appeared In front of Lu Fang.

The height of this building is 12 meters high by visual inspection. The whole body is made of oak in Minecraft. There are few windows in the house. Above the main entrance is a huge hidden sword icon of the brotherhood, and on the top of this icon Underneath, there are three large characters of Brotherhood.

Lu Fang is very satisfied with this building. As for whether it will attract the attention of the three major gangs, it is completely impossible. In the chaotic sea area, new small forces are born almost every day. Similarly, many small forces will die. At most, Lu Fang's branch of the Brotherhood would attract the attention of the small forces in charge of managing the island and the heads of the Hydra in the island.

And would Lu Fang be afraid of them?Just kidding, that is, there are few people in Lufang now, otherwise Lufang will not pay attention to the three giants. RPGMOD has not been open for a long time, and how many people can reach Lufang's current level of more than 30, unless It is to meet those sword-drawing users who are already very strong or some people who have strong strength before the opening of RPGMOD.

But how many people like that?At least Lu Fang has not seen a few of them so far, so Lu Fang is completely worthy of them.

If it weren't for the fact that I have few people, I would have blown your dog's head off!

Lu Fang returned to the Jackdaw, and saw that Meade was leading a group of Brotherhood members playing cube cards there. This kind of card is a card set made by the Cube Empire in the minecraft template. Lu Fang I played it too, how should I put it, it’s actually similar to Yu-Gi-Oh, Lu Fang was addicted to it for a while at the beginning, there’s nothing I can do about it, this kind of alien world is so fucking fucked up, there’s no way to entertain at all, I finally came across a fun Of course things will take a while to play.

Because it was dark and Lu Fang was a road idiot, Lu Fang flew back to the Jackdaw directly from the air for convenience, so Meade and the others didn't realize that Lu Fang had returned, and they still stayed there calmly Card.

Lu Fang coughed twice, Meade and the others reacted instantly, quickly reduced the size of these cards and put them in their waists, then turned to Lu Fang and said: "We just played, what we should do It's all done."

Lu Fang nodded without thinking too much about it, and said, "The branch has been established. Starting tomorrow, the Brotherhood will officially begin to develop in this sea area."

Meade and the others straightened their faces quickly after hearing Lu Fang's words, and said seriously:
"Yes, teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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