Super template lottery system

Chapter 173 Start! (This chapter is so embarrassing)

Chapter 173 Start! (This chapter is so embarrassing)

Creature Name: Variant Wither Skeleton (Common)
Creature level: 38

Power: 189
Agility: 179
Stamina: 200
Intelligence: 102
Charisma: 3
Lucky: 0
Skill: Withering: After attacking the enemy, it will cause the withering effect to the enemy, which will weaken the vitality of the person.

Spirit Fire: The power of soul fire can be attached to the weapon to cause damage to the enemy.

Reiatsu: Causes soul oppression to the surrounding enemies.

High-level swordsmanship: This monster has proficient swordsmanship experience, although it has declined due to becoming an undead.

Bone regeneration: The recovery speed of this monster is extremely powerful, even if the arm is cut off, it can regenerate quickly.

Deadwood Armor: This monster has dense deadwood armor, which can increase its defense attribute by 30.00%.

Master World Strength Judgment: Tier [-] Advanced
Remarks: This was originally a leader-level withering skeleton. After merging with the same level of undead dryads and ghosts of the same level, it was advanced and became an ordinary level 38 huge withering skeleton. Although he is very weak in the same level, But... for you, he is the peak that you can't challenge at present.

Lu Fang looked at the data in front of him and couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes.

"I got a chicken. This guy is a bit powerful..."

There was a sense of danger, which can be said to be the strongest feeling Lu Fang has ever felt.

Not just a sense of danger, but also a sense of oppression, which made Lu Fang feel breathless.

Lu Fang looked at Bai Zhengyi. This guy's perception was much better than his. At this time, this guy was so frightened that he couldn't move, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

There is no saying in this world that one cannot improve one's realm if one's state of mind is not clear. At least it does not exist in the cultivation system of Lu Fang's main world. As long as the body strengthens, the fighting spirit will increase. As long as you meditate towards death, your mental strength will always improve. , it’s just a question of how much.

So Lu Fang didn't want to shoot Bai Zhengyi, because he didn't have time to do this kind of thing.

This big guy covered in wooden armor had already walked over with his tall steps, and as the mutant withered skeleton approached, the strong sense of oppression became stronger and stronger.

Lu Fang quickly circled around and found that most of the people were too frightened to move, and only a few could keep their senses.

Lu Fang frowned, and quickly roared to wake these people up.

"Get up, hurry up and run to the obsidian magic circle in the center! Hurry up!"

After Lu Fang finished speaking, he quickly entered the state of [Blood Rage] and [Demonization]. A huge aura emanated from Lu Fang's body, and at the same time, there was that huge murderous aura.

Lu Fang tried his best to block the withering skeleton's momentum with his own momentum, so that the people behind him were no longer so afraid, and they all reacted one by one.

However, they did not run towards the center, but stood still one by one, motionless.

The members of the Assassin Brotherhood didn't move at all, looking at Lu Fang with a determined look, and the members of the Lan Baofu caravan did not move either. Some of them were because Harold didn't move, and some of them were probably because they were with the brothers. Members are the same
Lu Fang frowned and looked at them.

Before he could speak, Harold spoke first:

"Brother Lu Fang, don't talk anymore, we have all seen the power of this withering skeleton, and we have seen it in our eyes."

He waved his hand, opened his arms, and shouted in a roaring tone:
"Escape? Where can we escape?"

"Build a new road to the opposite side?"

"So what if it's built? Facing a group of undead that can't be counted?"

Harold roared loudly, he looked at Lu Fang, then looked back at the people around him, and continued:

"Even if we really build a road to reach the other side, that! That huge monster will still catch up quickly and kill us all!"

Harold pointed his finger at the withered skeleton that was walking slowly, and roared loudly:

"We will face him sooner or later, we can't be faster than him! We must face him bravely."

"Our own combat power is small, but all of us are powerful, and we can defeat him! As long as we are united!"

"Pull out the sword in your hand and face him bravely! We have no escape, no choice! We can only keep telling ourselves! We can defeat him!"

As Harold said, he pulled out the long sword from his waist, held it high in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword at the sky, and shouted with the loudest voice in his life:
"Either face death, or do your best!"

Noisy sounds gradually resounded throughout the central land. Eventually, the sounds gradually unified and turned into three earth-shaking roars.


"Do your best!"

"Never die!"

Ling Ke walked slowly to Lu Fang, and behind her were a group of Brotherhood members.

Lingke stretched out her hand, but Lu Fang didn't quite understand what he meant. He finally understood after the latter gestured.

Lu Fang bent down slightly, and held his hand in Ling Ke's.

"This time, we won't let you fight alone again."

Ling Ke held Lu Fang's hand tightly, and said firmly in her eyes.

Eileen exposed the necklace hanging around her neck, held it in her hand and said:
"Hey, if you join the fraternity, you're going to make this place your home. That's what you said."

Lu Fang looked at the others, and the meaning in his eyes was almost the same as that of others. Lu Fang smiled helplessly, and then said seriously:

"Then... let's discuss a plan."

Withering Skeleton is very far away from here. On the way, he walked first, then his speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a running state. After reaching the edge of the crack, he just stomped on the ground with his right foot , jumped over directly.

boom! ! !
The huge body of the withered skeleton fell hard on the ground, making a loud noise, while Lu Fang and the others had been waiting here for a long time.

Only when it is really approaching, can Lu Fang truly feel the powerful oppressive feeling of the withering skeleton, but fortunately, as the withering skeleton continues to move forward, Lu Fang has gradually adapted to this feeling, at least not because of this The huge sense of oppression caused the combat effectiveness to drop.

Looking around, Lu Fang nodded in satisfaction after seeing the look in everyone's eyes, and then shouted loudly before the Withering Skeleton could move first:

 I really tried my best. I originally wanted to write a passionate story. But
(End of this chapter)

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