Super template lottery system

Chapter 170 Five Large Creatures

Chapter 170 Five Large Creatures
After Lu Fang finished learning the skills, he started training by himself. In fact, it can't be called training, but Lu Fang needs to get familiar with the newly acquired skills.

While Lu Fang was training his skills, the Brotherhood members were resting aside.

After Lu Fang was fully familiar with the skills, the sun rose from the east.

The cube-shaped sun gradually rose in Lu Fang's eyes, but it was blocked by layers of black mist.

There was no heat at all, and the island of the dead did not show its vitality because of the rising sun. The gloomy environment, the black air permeating everywhere, and the freezing temperature all made the Brotherhood and Lan Baofu feel uncomfortable. .

Lu Fang didn't like this environment, even if it didn't affect him much.

After all, as long as a normal person would not like this kind of place.

After everyone was ready, Lu Fang took everyone to the next location.

As before, after stepping out of the territory of large creatures for a while, countless undead will rush out from nowhere.

Lu Fang squinted his eyes and looked at the sun in the sky that was blocked by the black mist.

"Won't it be burned by the sun even in the daytime?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Lu Fang looked at the lost group in front of him and launched a charge.

This was the second time that Lu Fang and others came to this island to charge. Compared with the previous two times, they were much more proficient, and they came to the territory of the next large creature without losing many people.

This time the large creature was the territory of the Withered Skeleton. Just like the previous few times, the surrounding undeads quickly dissipated, and soon disappeared.

But then, it's different
Suddenly, a strong anxiety surged in Lu Fang's heart. He looked around suspiciously, but found nothing.

However, Lu Fang, who thought he was unlikely to perceive mistakes, waved his hand, signaling to those behind him to be careful, and then took the lead and took a few steps forward.

The feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger, but Lu Fang had to bite the bullet and go on.

The sound of soil clods being destroyed sounded, and undead emerged from the ground one after another. In addition to those zombie skeletons, there were also ghosts one after another.

These undead did not immediately attack Lu Fang and the others, but stood still and looked at Lu Fang motionless.

The uneasiness in Lu Anxin's heart suddenly magnified, and Lu Fang, who knew that he couldn't go on like this, quickly issued an order.

"Quick, rush out!"

A red light flashed on the ghost's hand, and a red phantom floated above Lu Fang's head. Then, with this phantom as the center, a circular magic circle appeared at Lu Fang's feet.

[Kazan of Soul Blade! 】

The members of the Brotherhood and Lan Baofu felt a sudden surge of power in their bodies, and without thinking too much, they quickly followed Lu Fang and rushed forward.

The purple-black sun flames shrouded Lu Fang's body, burning all the undead in front of him to fly ash. Dabai and Xiaohei kept wandering. As for the zombies and skeletons Lu Fang summoned, they followed suit. Charged beside Lu Fang.

Plants move too slowly for charging.

An elite zombie appeared in front of him, and the flames of the sun could not quickly burn this zombie. Lu Fang held Wushuang with both hands, and slid forward a certain distance strangely, while Wushuang in his hand quickly crossed the place. A zombie's neck and its head beheaded.

【Three cuts】

The elite zombies behind him dissipated in white smoke, while Lu Fang continued to slide forward twice, each time he swiped, he could kill a large number of undead.

More than a dozen black sword shadows surrounded Lu Fang, quickly harvesting the nearby undead.

And just when Lu Fang and the others were about to break through the encirclement of the undead, Lu Anxin's sense of uneasiness became even stronger.

The ground suddenly shook, and five huge figures emerged from the ground. Lu Fang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the powerful vision brought by the eagle eye made him see these five huge figures clearly.

Zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, ghosts floating in the sky, and a giant
Tree?No, no, it's a dryad!
Lu Fang finally understood where the uneasy feeling in his heart came from, it all came from these five huge figures.

And after these five huge figures appeared, countless undeads all rushed towards Lu Fang like crazy. Fortunately, Lu Fang had taken them out of the encirclement before, otherwise the current situation would be even worse.

"damn it."

Lu Fang cursed, his eyes gradually glowed red, and a tyrannical thought appeared in Lu Fang's mind.

However, Lu Fang did not lose his sanity by tyranny, he just became a little tyrannical, he was still him.

Lu Fang led the people behind him to escape quickly. As for the idea of ​​killing these monsters and getting all the keys to escape from the island, he had long since thrown them away.

Fuck the key, if what's written on it is true, why are there five huge monsters here.

Lu Fang didn't believe what was written on the previous papers at all. He didn't believe it very much at first. The reason why he followed the method described above was because he had no choice.

But now, Lu Fang didn't know if he was tricked or what, in short, let's talk after surviving.

The red light in his eyes became more and more intense, and anger filled Lu Fang's mind.

The strength in his hand was getting stronger and stronger, and his tired body seemed to be full of strength again.

Lu Fang led the members of the brotherhood to speed up and ran towards the middle of the island.

Running to the seaside is purely courting death, all the boats have already run aground, even if Lu Fang shrunk the Jackdaw to his body, there was no way to put the Jackdaw in the water, when Lu put it back on the Jackdaw I saw it when I was there, a member of the Lan Baofu caravan tried to run to the beach, but was stopped by some unknown force.

There is no way for Lu Fang, there is no place on this island that is safe, and only the middle of the island is unknown to Lu Fang.

Going back and fighting with the undead is looking for death, and returning to the beach is still looking for death, but there is something in the center of the island, Lu Fang is going to try it.

The five huge creatures also moved at this time, and walked towards Lu Fang, completely ignoring the damage of the undead, and walked over step by step, while the huge ghost was slowly floating in the air.

Lu Fang looked back, and found out after comparing the speeds of the two sides.

Even if people are walking, their speed is not as fast as Lufang. After about 10 minutes, Lufang and the others will be overtaken by these five large creatures. As for the small undead, it is impossible to catch up with Lufang. them.

To be honest, this is the second time Lu Fang has seen such a big creature. The last time I saw it was on TV in the Seven Days Killing World. Although the creature is not as big as that giant Yuan, it is still 18 meters high. (The previous zombie was five meters, and the skeleton was three meters)

Lu Fang felt a little empty just looking at the huge body.

After about 5 minutes, Lu Fang had to stop, because in front of them was a huge circular canyon, and in the center of the canyon, on a circular piece, a magic circle composed of obsidian floated above .

(End of this chapter)

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