Super template lottery system

Chapter 138 The Ender

Chapter 138 The Ender


The grass cube hit the bone shield hard, making a loud noise. Lu Fang instantly pulled out Wushuang and struck directly with [Iai Slash]!
The black-purple knife light flashed by, but he saw nothing, and Lu Fang stood on the spot in an instant, looking around vigilantly.

Hawkeye worked with all his strength, and soon saw the target emitting a thick red light above a tree in the distance.

After seeing the target clearly, Lu Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because the Enderman in front of him was not a mutated creature, but an elite-level Enderman.

But still can't be careless, Lu tightened Wushuang in his hand, staring at the enderman in the distance.

The reason why Lu Fang breathed a sigh of relief was not because he felt that his enderman was not a threat, but because he felt that he couldn't deal with fully mutant creatures, and the chances of winning against an elite-level enderman were negligible. It's only taller than the mutant endermen.

A piercing sound came into Lu Fang's head, and the enderman appeared beside Lu Fang almost instantly. Lu Fang slashed at it with a backhand, but in the end nothing was cut down. Lu Fang Surprised to find that the enderman suddenly became a lot shorter, and directly dodged Lu Fang's slash.

Lu Fang wanted to check the enderman's attributes, but the fierce battle made him have no time to look at the enderman's detailed information.

The reason why I didn’t read the information before was very simple, because Lu Fang couldn’t check the attributes of the creature when the distance was too far. As for how to know that this enderman is an elite monster, it is naturally because the enderman’s head There are three words of level and experience strange written on it.

The level is 22, three levels higher than Lu Fang, and Lu Fang doesn't know the specific skills, which is really annoying.

The sound of metal colliding kept ringing, and Lu Fang didn't know why the enderman's hand was holding an ordinary grass block, but Wushuang hit it as if it was hitting iron, and it couldn't stop cutting.

If Lu Fang guessed correctly, it should be caused by the faint purple light on the grass block.

The Enderman's attack speed was very fast, and Lu Fang was hit in the waist without checking.

Lu Fang felt a pain in his waist, and at the same time, the enderman was also numb because of the cold air from the Frost Heart invading into his body after hitting the middle of the road.

Naturally, Lu Fang would not let go of such a good opportunity, and directly activated the burning blood, and then injected a large amount of mana into Wushuang, and slashed at the waist of the Enderman.

The Enderman quickly teleported behind Lu Fang, while shrinking his body to a minimum, raised the grass block in his hand and hit Lu Fang.

Lu Fang sneered, and a shock wave rushed out of his body, knocking the Enderman over. At the same time, holding the knife in both hands, he slashed at the Enderman's head.

The Enderman teleported quickly, but there was a huge wound on his head, which was constantly burning with purple-black flames. Lu Fang didn't want to check the attributes of this Enderman any more, because he was now I just want to hack him to death!

The body exploded violently, Lu Fang immediately turned on the magic, and then the speed increased directly, and he came to the enderman's side almost instantly, and stabbed violently.

The Enderman teleports again. As we all know, when you play Minecraft, although everyone says that the Enderman can teleport, most people know that when the Enderman teleports, his whole body stays in place quickly. There is a gap in the middle, and Lu Fang marked the Enderman's body, so that he can quickly find the Enderman's position after the Enderman teleports.

And the level of this enderman is level 22, which is much happier than the teleportation speed of the enderman that Lu Fang met back then, but after Lu Fang turned on blood burning and demonization, it was not enough to watch at all. Fang can always catch up with the Enderman when he teleports, and cut Wushuang out of his hand.

"Ahhh!" The Enderman finally let out a piercing scream, Lu Fang ignored it, and pierced the Enderman's head with a knife, and then the purple-black flame burned rapidly, directly killing the Enderman. People burned to ashes.

There were two things floating on the ground, Lu Fang picked them up casually, and then looked around at the various monsters attracted by the sound. With a sweep of eagle eyes, he rushed directly into the pile of monsters without hesitation, waving the Wushuang quickly harvested the lives of these monsters.

The level of Lufang's Minecraft template is not very high, just take this opportunity to upgrade a level, Lufang's current comprehensive combat level is 19, and the level in the Minecraft RPG template can also increase Lufang's level after upgrading. With a small amount of attributes, no one would think that there are too many things, and Lu Fang is no exception. . .

Summoning Dabai and Xiaohei, Lu Fang led a wolf and a dog to slaughter the monsters.

But having said that, the Plants vs. Zombies template seems to be able to get plants again.

Lu Fang thought about it while slaughtering monsters. To be honest, Lu Fang felt that the template of Plants vs. Zombies was useless at all. Well, it was quite useful, but that was in the later stage. The point is, the later stage. , can only be obtained once a week, when will it be possible to collect all the plants and zombies, Lu Fang said that he is desperate at this time.

Well, it doesn't matter if you get it or not, anyway, Lu Fang's demand for those things is not very high.

drop!Congratulations on your upgrade, the current level is 12!
The next day, Lu Fang returned to the Jackdaw with a whole body of booty, and counted the goods received last night.

Let’s not talk about those sundries, let’s talk about important things.

Item name: Ender Converter
Item Level: None
Item special effect [-]: After using it, you can get Minecraft RPG occupation: Ender.

Remarks: With your 1 point of luck, an item with a one-thousandth probability exploded? !

Item name: Ender Rush

Item Level: Excellent (Gold)

Item special effect [-]: You can quickly learn the [Ender Shadow Attack] skill.

Ender Strike: Relying on the power of the Ender, it moves at high speed and can quickly appear anywhere within the field of vision.

Remarks: A skill that can only be used by endermen.

Item name: Elementary iron golem blueprint
Item Class: Excellent (Dark Iron)

Item special effect 20: Manufacture: create a basic iron golem, unconscious, with a level of [-].

Remarks: To you, this blueprint does not seem to be of much use.

Lu Fang thought about it, and finally gave the Ender Sniper and the Ender Converter to Ivy, and the design of the iron golem was given to Irene.

After all, these two things are useless to Lu Fang. He can make the iron puppet himself, so he doesn't need the design drawing at all.

As for the job of enderman, although it is more attractive, Lu Fang still gave it up, because the job of Brotherhood Assassin told Lu Fang a truth, that is, this Minecraft RPGMOD can fit other template generation jobs. I think, if Lu Fang has a new template in the future, and then changes jobs in Minecraft, then the combat effectiveness of that template may be better.

(End of this chapter)

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