Super template lottery system

Chapter 136 The First Battle of the Jackdaw

Chapter 136 The First Battle of the Jackdaw

The two old men finally left here, they did not continue to pay attention, because when people are old, even if it is something they are interested in, it will not waste too long time, after all, lazy cancer will spread with the growth of years , making you more and more lazy. . .

And Lu Fang didn't know that two old men were looking at his Jackdaw just now, even if he knew, Lu Fang wouldn't care, he is really training the crew's bombardment ability now, and the fact is that Lu Fang It proved that the sailors in Haili City had never been in contact with such things as cannons, so they shot as crookedly as possible.

Fortunately, the technical content of the cannon is not very high, otherwise Lu Fang will really have to look at his own future.


A neat row of semi-hollow iron balls were fired from the gun barrel, and then blasted onto a hillside in the distance. (I have searched for information on the Internet for a long time, but I have not found any questions about the shells of medieval ships. After thinking about it, I followed my experience in playing Assassin’s Creed. The shells should be the kind that will not explode. As for whether the shells are half-empty inside I don’t know whether it’s heartfelt or sincere, big gods don’t spit, small ones really don’t understand!)
After the hillside was hit by shells, it was blasted out of a bunch of potholes. Lu Fang shouted loudly while moving the boat:
"It's not accurate enough. What I want you to hit is the tree on the hillside, not the hillside. Keep hitting!"

This is how Lu Fang trains them. Anyway, it only takes points to replenish the shells. It is only more than 50 points to replenish the shells to full. Lu Fang can still afford it.

And with enough shells, it is very simple to improve the accuracy of the shells. Even the crew in Ben will make significant progress after firing a hundred shells. Just two hundred rounds!Five hundred rounds!Even a thousand rounds!Sooner or later, there will be a time when you can hit accurately.

When the training was almost over, Lu Fang steered the boat to prepare to return.

The place where he is now is an isolated island. After all, the sound of the cannon is loud and easily detected by others, so Lu Fang found a sparsely populated place and planted a tree with bone meal on the hillside of the small island. , used for training.

As the island gradually moved away, Lu Fang drove the Jackdaw towards Haili City.

"Huh? What is that?"

Because of Lu Fang's eagle eyes, his eyes can see a very long distance, so Lu Fang often finds something before the sailors on the mast, such as which ship has a huge Pirate ship with black skull flag
After thinking about it, Lu Fang directly steered the Jackdaw towards the pirate ship.

The Jackdaw is currently missing a target to try, and that pirate ship is pretty good.
"Tell the crew, prepare to fight!"

Lu Fang said to Jay who was beside him, and after hearing what Lu Fang said, Jay quickly organized the crew without any doubts.

It has to be said that Jay's leadership and management skills are pretty good. If it weren't for Jay, the food issues and ship maintenance issues would have been Lu Fang's biggest headache.

Raising the speed of the ship to the fastest, Lu Fang controlled the Jackdaw to quickly move towards the pirate ship.

Half a minute later, there was a pirate ship in the distance.

"Boss, Boss, there is a ship coming towards us in the distance, it looks pretty good, do we want it?"

As the pirate spoke, he made a robbery gesture.

The captain of the pirate ship did not speak, but stretched out a hand and said:
"Give me the telescope!"

After hearing what his boss said, the pirate quickly handed over the telescope to his captain, and then stood quietly waiting for the next order.

This does not mean how high their quality is, it is just because their boss is too cruel. Anyone on their ship must be careful when breathing in front of their boss, for fear that their bad breath will infect their boss.

"Notify the people below, prepare to fight!"

Quickly catching the binoculars thrown by the pirate captain, this young man shouted directly: "Yes!"

Then he quickly left here without looking back, and went to gather the people below.

The ships on both sides approached quickly, Lu Fang took a look, and after confirming that the opponent had entered his range, he directly ordered the bow gun to fire.


The sound of the gunpowder explosion sounded, and the huge iron ball was blown away by the impact of the gunpowder explosion, and then accurately landed on the opposite pirate ship.

"What is this! It can attack from a long distance!" The captain of the pirate ship was shocked, and quickly looked at the place where the ship was hit. He saw a huge iron ball in a pile of rubble, emitting bursts of white smoke. . . (Cough cough, don’t spray me if it’s wrong, try your best, if you want to spray it, it means swearing, it’s not good to scare the children)
"Fuck, what the fuck is this?" Thinking of what if this thing hits him
Unable to shudder, the captain of the pirate ship quickly observed the speed of the Jackdaw, then gritted his teeth and said:
"Damn, you don't want to run away with this speed, I don't believe it, I can't beat you with a side-to-side battle?"

"Little ones, get ready for me, I'm going to run over it! When the time comes to kill their people, grab their money! Then take their boat for myself!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The pirate ship moved quickly, and rushed towards Lu Fang's direction, completely ignoring the flying shells, and came to Lu Fang's ship before it sank.

It was impossible for the pirate ship to hit him. Lu Fang avoided the collision, and then prepared for a boarding battle.

It's time to examine the results of training for so long.

Countless hooks were thrown from the sailors on the ship, and they were firmly hooked on the other side's ship. However, the pirate ship did not resist, and the two sides soon entered the crossfire of the boarding battle.

Lu Fang didn't have such a magical thing as a flintlock gun at this time, so he used crossbow arrows, and the crew had one, but Lu Fang obviously didn't need that kind of thing. He came to the rope on the side of the ship, and then grabbed With a swing of the rope, the whole person landed directly on the pirate ship.

Pulling Wushuang out of his waist, Lu Fang quickly rushed towards the other party's captain. As for the sailors who tried to block the way, Lu Fang easily eliminated them one by one.

In the entire ship, the only person who is a threat to the members of the Brotherhood is the captain. As for the others, just leave them to others.

Lu Fang chopped it out without using any skills, and the captain died directly in Lu Fang's hands. The purple-black flame burned, and the pirate captain was completely burned before it turned into white smoke and dissipated.

"The rest, kill them all!"

 I would like to recommend a book to everyone called "The Journey of the Dimensions Starting from Douluo". Those who are interested in the book can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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