Super template lottery system

Chapter 115 Zombie Head

Chapter 115 Zombie Head

"Architecture competition?"

Lu Fang looked at Ling Ke, and suddenly a feeling of "I really want to go" hit Lu Fang's mind like a torrential rain, and instantly broke down Lu Fang's psychological defense line, ahem, well, how can it be so exaggerated .

Ling Ke's expression basically remained unchanged, as if she was making a proposal for Lu Fang, but in fact her little eyes had already betrayed herself.

"Look, Lu Fang, the prize money for the champion of this construction competition is a full 50 yuan, enough for you to buy enough wool and gunpowder."

"Obviously you want to go." Lu Fang complained in his heart, but on the surface he touched Ling Ke's head with a smile, and said:
"Okay, but have you made up your mind about the team?" Lu Fang pointed to the four-person team on the flyer and said.

Before Ling Ke could speak, Lu Fang said:

"Okay, I know you want to go, so the remaining two people can take Irene and Ivy with me." (I just found out the names of Irene and Ivy.)

The deadline for registration is the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, and the time for the competition is the day after the deadline. Because there is really nothing to do, so after confirming the number of people, Lu Fang took the three girls on the boat and left.

Why did Lu Fang call these two girls? The reason is very simple.
The second reason is because Irene, the little princess, is worried about being left on the boat. You can tell she is a naughty kid at a glance, so it is better to bring it with you. Anyway, if you wear a hood and be careful, it is basically impossible to be discovered. Yes, for safety, Lu Fang also specially made a black mask that could cover his chin and mouth.

What's going on with Ivy?In fact, it is because of the name Ivy. Because of this name, she and Irene have known each other, and the relationship is not bad, so Lu Fang just thought that anyway, Irene has been brought out, and Ivy will be taken away by the way after so long. The thought of wearing it too, put all three of them on.

But before leaving, the clothes on his body need to be changed.

So Lu Fang is also wearing a white assassin suit now, but because of his habit, Lu Fang still puts the black assassin suit in his backpack for emergencies.

In this way, Lu Fang and his party of four set off towards the registration site.

When I came to the registration place, because of the strange appearance of the four people on Lu Fang (assassins), they received attention all the way.

Lu Fang expressed that he was not afraid. Anyway, he would receive attention from all around every time he assassinated, and he was used to it. As for Ling Ke and the three of them, Lu Fang regarded it as a test for the three of them.

But then again, is it really okay for you Y to go out as a princess without bringing much money?
Lu Fang looked around, and suddenly thought of this matter, because Irene ran out sneakily, so Irene could be said to be penniless when she came out. If it wasn't for Lu Fang, she would either be arrested now or Almost starved to death on the side of the road. . .

Lu Fang suddenly understood the real reason why the little princess came to him.

Whoops, just kidding.

Lu Fang came to the registration office and directly explained his purpose of coming.

"Sign up, but before you sign up, you need to create a decent building on the open space next to me. If you fail, I won't give you the qualification to sign up."

Lu Fang nodded, expressing his understanding. He also knew that with so many people signing up, it was impossible for someone who knew nothing to participate in the competition.

Steve, the person in charge of registration, saw that Lu Fang had a good attitude and reminded him:
"The production materials are in the box next to it. If you need any materials, tell us, and we will provide them. Of course, if you want those more precious materials, we will have no choice."

After listening, Lu Fang smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you."


Lu Fang walked to the side of the box, opened the box, and the contents inside appeared in front of Lu Fang.

Really rich!If you take all these things away.
Lu Fang shook his head, put the thought behind him, and then thought about it after taking some materials he felt he would need.

"What is better to build?"

Lu Fang took out the materials in his hand one by one, then put them in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

"Wool, hey, wait, I don't want wool and I'm crazy, why did I take so much wool!"

"Wait, wool? Yes, wool!"

Lu Fang suddenly thought of something, then hurried back to the box, reached in, and took out a pile of green wool, green concrete and coal.

According to what he thought in his heart, Lu Fang moved his hands quickly, and saw that he first surrounded a square on the ground with green concrete, and then continued to increase the height until he made a square and capped it , into a square block made purely of green concrete.

Steve, who was in charge of processing the registration, frowned. He suddenly felt that Lu Fang might not know how to build at all.

Beside him, there were also many Steves who signed up, as well as the onlookers. They all started to discuss after seeing Lu Fang's building, and what's more, they felt that Lu Fang was wasting time at this time.

Especially after seeing that only Lu Fang himself was moving while the remaining three people were watching.

Lu Fang also felt that something was wrong, of course, it wasn't that it was wrong to talk about those people, it was simply because he felt that it was not good for Ling Ke and the others to watch from the side.

He beckoned, and then said to the three of them:
"There are just four of us, each responsible for one side, first of all you, Lingke."

Lu Fang called Ling Ke aside, then pointed to this side and said:

"You will knock out the above block and replace it with this."

Then came Irene and Ivy. After Lu Fang finished talking about the specific position and what cubes should be replaced, he started to only do this side of himself.

Now do you know what Lu Fang wants to make?That's right!It's the head of a zombie!Commonly known as zombie head.

What Lu Fang has to do is the front side, which is also the most complicated side, but for him, a super veteran of Minecraft, this zombie head can only be regarded as something that beginners should make, and it can be done easily. The only thing that hurts a bit is that he is not in creative mode now, he can't fly in the sky, he can only put up some scaffolding.

The people around were still discussing, but the voices were already laughing a lot, because for some reason, they always felt that the big green square in front of them seemed to have a slight chill after some modifications.

Lu Fang didn't care about the people around him. He concentrated on knocking out every incorrect block and replacing the original block. Soon, the front of the zombie head was completed.

Then Lu Fang went to help Lingke. After correcting some mistakes, the huge zombie head was completed soon.

The people around were already speechless, not only because they were shocked by Lu Fang, but also because they seemed to feel it in front of this huge zombie head.
It's like a curse from the zombie before it dies.
(End of this chapter)

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