Super template lottery system

Chapter 110 Why Is Someone Following Me Again

Chapter 110 Why Is Someone Following Me Again
After arranging the executioner's body, Lu Fang ignored the soldiers surrounding him and pulled Wushuang out.


The chains that imprisoned the mercenaries broke with the sound, and the chains broke.

The seven hired hands stood up nimbly, and quickly spit out the rags that had been stuffed into their mouths.

"Fuck! Damn, I thought I was going to die." The mercenary who spoke seemed to be still angry, and kicked the executioner's body twice.

Lu Fang watched his movements, and couldn't help saying a few words: "Be respectful to the dead, he's already dead."

The mercenary glanced at the corpse on the ground, then at Lu Fang, and said:
"I almost died in his hands just now, how can you tell me to respect him."

Lu Fang wasn't angry either. In fact, as Lu Fang said, this person is dead, and it doesn't make sense to respect him or not.

At this moment, an arrow flew towards Lu Fang quickly, intending to shoot directly through Lu Fang's head!
Lu Fang frowned, and casually grabbed the arrow in his hand, and with a strong hand, he directly destroyed the space between them, turning into a white mist and dissipating on the spot. (In my world, arrows are entities)

"I think we should think about how to get out now." Lu Fang pointed to the groups of soldiers over there.

"I don't have the ability to break out of the encirclement of so many soldiers." A mercenary with a long beard interjected.

Lu Fang smiled, pointed to a statue in the distance and said:
"Use your brain, blindly reckless will only ruin yourself in the end."

Before the bearded man could reply, Lu Fang rushed towards the statue.

"Follow me."

The seven mercenaries were stunned when they saw Lu Fang running away, then they glanced at the surrounding soldiers, gritted their teeth and ran towards Lu Fang quickly.

When he reached the bottom of the statue, Lu Fang jumped up directly, stepped on the base of the statue, jumped up, then kicked the long sword in the statue's hand, and then kicked himself directly onto the statue's shoulder superior.

Without pausing, he pulled out Wushuang in his hand in an instant, and swung his knife directly at the soldiers who rushed towards him out of thin air.

【Dimensional Slash】

Huge wounds suddenly appeared on the soldiers in the distance, followed by a huge explosion.

Without any sound, it was as if the explosion did not exist, but anyone who saw the traces left by the explosion on the ground would not think so.

Although the skills of those mercenaries were good, they obviously couldn't do what Lu Fang did just now, and Lu Fang naturally knew this.

The mana in the body swarmed out, and seven ropes condensed directly under the statue.

"Quick, come up quickly!"

After Lu Fang yelled, he stopped paying attention to the seven mercenaries, took out the blood book from his waist, and then recited the revised content of the blood book.


Unknown words kept popping out from Lu Fang's mouth, and under Lu Fang's special control, a huge aura emanated from Lu Fang's body in an instant.

But this time the momentum is a little different.

In the past, Lu Fang's aura has always belonged to the kind of cold, sharp, and murderous, but this time it exudes a fear that makes everyone feel terrified!

The content of this blood book has long been rewritten by Karthus. The ordinary cultivation methods used before have become mysterious runes. Lu Fang does not know what is written on it, but he only needs to Just know the pronunciation of these runes.


Lu Fang continued to read, and as these syllables popped out, the soldiers gradually lost the courage to continue forward, as if they saw something frightening before their eyes.

The content in this blood book is actually the content of [Requiem], but because Lu Fang did not use mana at this time and only used mental power, no light pillar appeared.

Under the control of Lu Fang's mental power, the sound of these syllables did not reach the ears of the seven mercenaries, because Lu Fang's mental power had already avoided them.

Although the sound is invisible, the spiritual power is tangible.

Lu Fang looked at the seven mercenaries, and found that they had all stood behind him, so he closed the blood book, and then leaped towards the roof beside him.

And even after Lu Fang stopped chanting, the fear in the soldiers' eyes did not dissipate at all. . .

The seven mercenaries glanced at each other, then suppressed the shock in their hearts, and ran quickly in the direction Lu Fang was running.

Their skills are not very good. For those roofs that Lu Fang can easily pass, these people always need to take time to keep up.

So Lu Fang deliberately chose a simpler place, and ran all the way to the periphery of the city wall.

By the way, in fact, everyone should have a doubt, that is how the little princess and the king came to Haili City so quickly. In fact, this matter is simple to say, but it is not very simple.

In my world, many veterans have used this thing, and that thing is the portal.

Nether Portal, commonly known as Hell Gate.

In the lower realm, if you don’t walk a distance of one meter (one grid), it is equivalent to walking a distance of eight meters in the main world, so even if it is far away, you can walk one-eighth of the distance in the lower realm , and then built a portal at the corresponding position in the lower world and the main world, so that they can communicate back and forth. This is why the little princess in the main city came to Haili City, and the king can quickly dispatch soldiers Come to find the reason for the little princess.

Don't forget, there are many military dogs in the empire. Although the little princess has a higher level than Lu Fang, her aura is far less powerful than Lu Fang, so the king quickly found the little princess's position with military dogs.

Everyone will know what happened after that. To be honest, these seven mercenaries were really unlucky. If they hadn’t accepted the task of exploring the cave, they would not have met the little princess. If the little princess’s profession wasn’t an illusionist If they hadn't, they wouldn't have been controlled by the illusion, but then again, if it wasn't for the little princess, they might have died in a cave full of zombies by now. . . (Don't ask me how Lu Fangzhi knew about them, is there any problem talking while walking?)
There is no right or wrong in this, although from a subjective point of view, the king was too cruel and directly sentenced these seven people to death, but if you think about it from another perspective, the king actually saved the seven people in disguise The mercenaries who should have died in the tide of corpses were killed, so that they could have a few more days left. . .

My own daughter was almost cheated to death, and anyone would be angry if it were any other way. Of course, understanding is what I understand. Lu Fang does not agree with the king's approach.

Finally arrived at the gate of the city, Lu Fang took a quick glance with his eagle eyes. It is conservatively estimated that there are [-] guards here!
However, Lu Fang didn't care much about this. He didn't go straight to the gate of the city, but turned around and said helplessly:

"How many times have I been followed today?"

 If you have any comments, please let me know. The collection has been stuck at [-] in the past few days, and it has not risen. I will correct as much as I can, but when you talk, don’t say things that are easy to misunderstand, haha Haha, for example, I knocked inside.
(End of this chapter)

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