PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live streaming system

Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Self-cultivation of the oriole

Chapter 6 Chapter [-] The Oriole's Self-cultivation

If it weren't for his extremely fast reaction speed and the fact that he was wearing level [-] armor, I believe he would have been successfully attacked by this guy by now.

My god, almost capsized in the gutter!
Tang An thought so, but at this distance, if he used a quadruple lens to shoot, it would be a bit of help, and now he didn't have the time to replace the red dot or holographic sight, so Tang An simply He quickly switched to the No.1 perspective, and pressed the back button to stare at the guy's head in front of him.

SCAR-L is an entry-level assault rifle, its recoil and easy operation are relatively stable, not to mention that Tang An still has a SCAR-L full of accessories. With the cooperation, few of the bullets in the shuttle missed, and they were scattered on the enemy's body in an instant.

As for the man who took the lead in attacking Tang An, he was not so lucky. Tang An's astonishing reaction speed caused him to panic when he was sure of winning. The powerful recoil of the AKM assault rifle is perfectly interpreted in the automatic shooting mode. The recoil like a roller coaster made the man's muzzle crooked to his grandma's house in an instant, and the ending is almost self-evident.

'douyu、9527 used SCAR-L to kill Xjklw9889'

Looking at the killing information that appeared in the lower left corner and the corpse in front of him, Tang An's heart was finally relieved temporarily.

Unavoidably, the previous gunshots attracted more people to watch. After the murder, Tang An was no longer in the mood to lick his bag. He quickly ran to the grass next to him, lay down, and licked the first aid kit.

"That...haha, I actually discovered that guy just now, I just want to use this opportunity to tell everyone the importance of 'on reaction speed'..."

"66666, I am convinced by this wave of explanations!"

"Come on! It's almost real!"

"Come on! I almost believe you!"

"Don't make trouble upstairs! Don't brag, it's not black, the anchor's counter attack just now is really bright, how much is the anchor's ranking in the Asian server?"

"Begging for background music!"

"The title of the song is the offering of love, ask me!"

Tang An's blood volume has almost recovered when these bullet screens are in full swing. Whether the guy killed will be recorded in the system task.

'Enemies who die hard will not be entered by system quests. '

The system's answer was very concise, which also made Tang An a little depressed, but fortunately, he didn't have much expectations for this matter before. After getting the exact answer, he quickly Following the gunshots on the bridge, we came to the toilet next to the gas station.

Here, he can clearly see every move on the bridge, and then he quickly passed the gunshots and saw a man with a melon head (green hat) holding 98K in his hand and gambling on the bridge over there female character.

Opposite the melon-headed female character, Tang An also saw a wretched guy behind an abandoned truck through the four-fold lens.

At present, the second wave of poisonous hoops has shrunk to the edge of the bridge. If this shrinking speed continues, I believe that the man who is huddled behind the abandoned truck will start to take the poison in less than ten seconds.

On the other hand, the location of the melon-headed female character happened to be on the edge of the safe zone, so this guy was not in a hurry at all, and squatted there leisurely aiming at the camera. Anyway, the guy opposite was probably resistant. It won't take long for the poison to escape.

Sure enough, as the blue poisonous circle shrunk to the center of the bridge and finally reached the edge of the safety zone and overlapped with the white circle, it didn't take long for the man huddled behind the abandoned truck to be unable to hold on. up.

Although he had just taken a bottle of painkillers in advance, the speed of the second wave of poisonous circles was still too fast to deduct blood. More importantly, he did not have many first aid kits and bandages on him. If this continued, his death would be nothing more than Sooner or later, we have to fight no matter what!

As this thought flashed through the player's mind, three smoke bombs were quickly placed on the left and right sides of the bridge and in the middle.

The smog of the white mist blocked everyone's sight in an instant, and the melon-headed female character player who was blocking the edge of the bridge couldn't help but frowned, and then quickly raised his spirits, focusing on the vicinity of the smog, Trying to find out the shadow of that guy.

"Where, where."

The female character who hadn't found the other party for a long time couldn't help but feel a little anxious, but what surprised him the next second was that as the smoke gradually drifted away, he quickly spotted the shadow sneaking over here, and immediately Quickly aimed the camera over.

The gunshots unique to 98K resounded on the bridge again, but what made the female character face black was that the shot she had just hit the opponent's feet abruptly, which made him Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly fired a few more shots.

It can be seen that this female character is not good at using 98K. Five bullets were fired, but only one bullet hit the opponent's body. After such a carbine operation, he was a little annoyed, so he simply put The 98K was replaced and replaced with his own M416 to prepare for a new round of shooting.

However, before he could shoot, the other party had already pulled out his M16 and launched a round of counterattack. The intensive three-shot gunfire poured down, killing half of the female character with the melon skin in an instant. The blood scared him almost out of his wits.

But after all, the other party has already hit me with a 98K bullet before, and this guy is still in the drug circle, so logically speaking, I only need to get one more shot, and I should be able to accept this head. right.

This female character with a melon-shaped head thought so, but before his bullet reached the opponent's chest, he heard several gunshots from behind.

'douyu、9527 used SCAR-L to kill wanwan12345'

Looking at the corpse lying in front of her, the female character couldn't fully react at first.

However, almost the next second, several more gunshots rang out. The first shot hit the bunker next to the female character, while the second and third shot hit his body and head respectively. .

'douyu, 9527 killed 1299456 with SCAR-L headshot'


This female character who has become a corpse is obviously fucked up in her heart. He really didn't expect that after fighting here for a long time, in the end, everything was cheaper than the old Yinbi behind him?
What made him even more angry was that not long after his death, a male character ran over and slowly began to lick his bag, and his full-equipped 98K was instantly licked away.

"66666, as expected of Tang Shen, this wave of old licks, instant shotguns for cannons, isn't it?"

"Okay, is this the rhythm of a 98K on-site teaching?"

"On the self-cultivation of a yellow bird, please go to Tang Shen's live broadcast room to watch!"
If the update is slow, it will be updated after signing the contract. Currently, the frequency of one or two updates per day is maintained.

(End of this chapter)

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