PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds live streaming system

Chapter 46 This Man Must Be a Cheater

Chapter 46 This Man Must Be a Cheater
He made up his mind in his mind, but he didn't know if it was due to good luck. The position of these two people happened to be at the blind spot where the M24 couldn't see. Such a result naturally made Banyu happy. Yes, after all, he doesn't want to experience such a thing as being head-robbed again.

And just when Banyu's sniper gun began to aim at the head of one of them, the two players who came from outside the city of P to snatch the airdrop almost immediately began to tear each other very tacitly. The dense gunshots slanted out like a downpour, and the sound of the grenade explosion became the most unique note on the scene. After a while, one person immediately showed signs of decline, and quickly began to cat towards the side of the bunker. Judging by the man's appearance, it seems that he intends to take another wave after eating the first aid kit.

Where is such a good thing?
Seeing this scene, Banyu couldn't help showing a sneer on his face, and his 98K equipped with a quadruple mirror had already aimed at the guy's head at this time, and now he just needs to press the left mouse button, he You can immediately accept this head and quickly accept the other person. Wow, this script is simply perfect!
Banyu couldn't help flirting in his heart for a while, but just as he interrupted, the player he was aiming at through the quadruple mirror suddenly fell to the ground inexplicably. He was stunned, but when he saw the familiar ID and the damned crossbow through the kill prompt in the lower left corner, his anger surged up almost instantly, what a deal!How dare you take Lao Tzu's head?

"I feel sorry for the fish, but the head was robbed again. That guy can't be a fairy?"

"Same as above, I don't believe that rubbish weapons like crossbows can kill people. That guy must be a god. Brothers, let's report it!"

"MDZZ, crossbow garbage? Are you sure you have played this game upstairs?"

Banyu, who saw the content discussed in these bullet screens through the split screen, couldn't help but frowned. As a professional player, although he admitted that the crossbow possessed a dominant position in damage that could not be ignored , but the accuracy and poor range basically cut off the possibility of this thing being a hot weapon, let alone dangling this thing in this broad daylight environment mid term?This guy can't really be a fairy, can he?
Banyu couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, but at the moment when he was distracted, the kill prompt in the lower left corner came into his eyes again, and the familiar ID immediately made his face darken. , a bad premonition suddenly came into my heart. When I moved the camera, I saw that another player who ran over to grab the airdrop had also fallen next to the car and turned into a box - Cao Nima's!
Obviously, the feeling of being robbed of the airdrop several times almost instantly ignited the anger in Banyu's chest. He felt like a clown who was being teased. Can this damn be tolerated without revenge?

Of course, I think so, but as an excellent professional player, Banyu is obviously good at responding to emergencies and controlling his temper. If you want to find the guy, then even if you really rush over like this, it is just a moving humanoid target, but how can you find that guy?this is a problem……

While Banyu was still struggling, a jeep that suddenly drove out from the opposite uphill suddenly attracted his attention.And through the perspective of the quadruple mirror, Banyu suddenly found that the person driving the jeep was the one holding the M24 sniper rifle!

What is this for?
Seeing this scene, Banyu couldn't help frowning. At the same time, the jeep had already moved from top to bottom, and drove from the slope to the rice fields below P City in the blink of an eye. Judging from the location, the target is undoubtedly the two airdrops next to the sentry tower.

After knowing the other party's purpose, Ban Yu suddenly couldn't sit still. You know, there is still an old Yin Bizheng Mao in that position. Didn't the M24 disappear all of a sudden?

Thinking of this kind of result, Banyu almost didn't think about it, got on his own mountain bike, and then followed the rhythm of this jeep and rushed down in the direction of the airdrop.

Of course, he did this after a certain amount of deliberation. You must know that although the jeep is indeed the most resistant in the game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in terms of armor, it is also because of the slow speed of the car and the large size. It has a big relationship, so it will basically become the enemy's primary attack target in the first place-at least in Banyu's view, if you have to choose between Jeep and Bounce, most people will definitely choose first. Choose to attack the jeep.

This is the whole plan that Banyu conceived. In his opinion, as long as the jeep is attacked, it will inevitably expose the location of the old Yinbi who is hiding somewhere in the airdrop, and as long as he knows that this robbed No matter where the despicable guy with his own head is hiding, he has [-]% confidence to kill him completely!

However, at the same time as he was thinking this, the jeep finally arrived near the airdrop box next to the sentry tower. However, just when the player driving the jeep was about to press the S key to stop, a sound was so subtle that it shocked others. An unnoticeable muffled sound sounded, and then the player who had just prepared to get out of the car to pick up the airdrop was shocked to find that he had died so inexplicably. What made him most incredible was that the person who killed him was actually the one who killed him. A crossbow? !
'douyu丶9527 used a crossbow to kill SSS231222s with a headshot'

Looking at the kill information displayed in the lower left corner, Banyu almost lost control of one of the arrow keys and nearly turned the car over. Damn, can this be killed with a headshot?Are you kidding me?
When Banyu was so shocked by the previous scene that he couldn't speak, the sudden strong sense of crisis in his heart woke him up like a basin of cold water.Out of a subconscious reaction, he turned the front of the car almost immediately without thinking, and the second after he finished this set of actions, the dense gunshots from the silencer instantly tilted on the ground like raindrops. on his taillights.

The crazy shooting behavior even gave Banyu the illusion that if he reacted a little slower, he would be kicked out of the car directly.

It wasn't until he drove the car out of the range of P City that Banyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help cursing: "Paralyzed! This person must be a cheater!"

(End of this chapter)

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