Chapter 27 No.20 Chapter Six
It's no wonder that Liang Youqi was so shocked. You know, it's hard to come across such things as crossbows even in high-score, let alone use this thing to kill you all the way to the finals.

Thinking that somewhere in the circle there might be such an old Yinbi with a crossbow watching him all the time, Liang Youqi unconsciously felt chills all over his body, as if the crossbow could hit him at any time, It made him unconsciously move his body to the other side of the big tree, as if this would give him enough sense of security.

"He hid behind a big tree."

Qin Xiaoxiao interjected beside him, with a faint excitement in his tone: "Why don't you throw a bomb over there to blow him out?"

Throw a bomb?
Hearing Qin Xiaoxiao's declaration of violence, Tang An couldn't help but blacken, coughed twice, and pointed to the direction of the pile of rocks on the left side of the screen with his finger. If you look carefully, you can see A green head, "Look here, this guy is staring at the person just now, so we don't need to worry about whether that guy will die for the time being, at least the other people around here are drawn out by him before."

Seeing Tang An's sinister face, Qin Xiaoxiao couldn't help poking her lips, and said disdainfully: "What's the point of you fighting like this? Could it be that you won't win them head-on?"

As Qin Xiaoxiao said this, her voice was still a little aggressive.

But Tang An obviously didn't like this. When Qin Xiaoxiao said this, not only did he not follow her follow-up rhythm, but he shrugged his shoulders, and while rolling her eyes, he said: "Nonsense, look, what is this in my hand? This is a crossbow! Crossbows are originally used by evil people. Forcibly using it and a rifle to snipe the front wave, isn't it purely looking for trouble? ?”

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Qin Xiaoxiao's not-so-good-looking face in his eyes, Tang An rolled his eyes, and laughed again: "Oh, in fact, in my bones, I'm still alone with Ting Gang, you're not wrong You know, I did this to take into account the feelings of the fans, after all, they want to see me in old Yinbi mode."

"Okay, I accept this wave of blame, but I have to accept it with tears..."

"Same as above. But to be reasonable, Tang Shen playing in Yinbi style is quite good in terms of viewing, so don't be rigid!"

"Yes, I beg my sister-in-law to let me go!"

The phrase "please let me go" immediately made Qin Xiaoxiao's pretty face blush, and then she glared at Tang An viciously, as if she wanted to go over and beat him up right away.

Regarding this, Tang An could only wipe off the cold sweat secretly. You must know that Qin Xiaoxiao is the kind of fierce person who can win the championship in the "Provincial Mixed Jeet Kune Do Competition". During the live broadcast, a neck tie or something must be unavoidable, right?Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly scolded that talkative guy before...

While they were talking, the countdown to the fifth-level poison circle had ended, and this scene also lifted the spirits of everyone present.

You know, the fifth level can basically be called the final circle, and the safe range of the final circle is at most less than ten meters away, which means that before the scope of the poisonous circle is closed, the real battle is now to start.

At present, including Tang An, there are only the last five people left, and when the poisonous circle has been closed to half, the long-lasting tranquility was finally broken by a gunshot.

Looking at a Voldemort lying on the ground in front of him, Liang Youqi decisively aimed the red dot sight in that direction, and then quickly pressed the breath-hold button to start shooting.

Da da da gunshots rang out endlessly, and the next second that Voldemort was helplessly killed, the player controlled by Liang Youqi suddenly let out a scream. It turned out that at some point, a person sneaked around behind him Come over, this discovery can't help but let him feel a chill in his heart.Looking at the declining blood volume, just when Liang Youqi thought that he was sure to die right now, the gunfire stopped inexplicably.

'douyu, 9527 killed kongxia with a headshot with a crossbow'

Looking at the last trace of blood left, Liang Youqi did not immediately feel grateful that he had survived the catastrophe. Instead, he suddenly looked at the kill information in the lower left corner, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

That familiar ID instantly made Liang Youqi feel like a nightmare, and even though he had instantly restored himself to the peak full state through the medical kit, he did not feel relieved because of it, but felt more and more nervous——Because, he Always remember that there is also an old Yinbi squatting in a corner with a crossbow!
It's better not to fight anymore, it's better to let them fight first.

Looking at the last three survivors in the upper right corner, Liang Youqi took a deep breath and made up his mind.

However, just when he wanted to get up and move his body a little in the direction of the safe zone, Liang Youqi was startled by the unique ring-pull sound of the grenade. There was only one thought in his mind, MMP!

Just thinking about this, a grenade has landed beside him, so Liang Youqi can no longer lie here as Voldemort as planned, so he can only stand up and quickly run to the other side.

But the second after he got up, the gunshot from the left suddenly rang out, and the bullets that poured down hit Liang Youqi's body in an instant, and then he knew that he must be cold right now— —Mom, who the hell threw the grenade? !
There was a bang, and the explosion of the grenade fell at the same time as Liang Youqi's death. Looking at the man who killed him through the death camera, Liang Youqi was sure that the previous mine must not have been thrown by this guy, because this People are not far away from themselves at all, so there is no need to throw a grenade deliberately!
However, just as he was thinking this way, a black shadow suddenly flew out of the tall grass in front of him, and then the man who had shot and killed Liang Youqi fell limply on the ground in an instant. He didn't find out where the guy who killed him was hiding until his death.

Looking at the eight large Song style characters of "good luck, eat chicken at night", Tang An's live broadcast room undoubtedly exploded in an instant——

"Look at the reward! The third brother Weihe rewarded the anchor with five rockets: Mom#'s! This is really cool, let me swear here."

"Look at the reward! Riding a pig to watch the moon rewarded the anchor with five rockets: I feel like I have witnessed the rise of a world-class crossbow player. Come on, the anchor!"

"Look at the reward! I'm Hao tipping the anchor five rockets:"

"Look at the reward..."

(End of this chapter)

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